New mom

Hi! I'm a new mom of a beautiful baby boy born on March 15th 2015. I would love to get back in shape and lose the 50 pounds I gained during the pregnancy!


  • jsobole
    jsobole Posts: 139 Member
    Hi there! You're just over 4 weeks postpartum, so make sure you're taking care of yourself first! A lot of the weight will come off naturally as the swelling goes down and your uterus goes to its normal size. Unless you were a big workout fiend before getting pregnant, I'd take it easy until you get the all clear from your OBGYN at 6 weeks! Feel free to friend request me!
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    And if you're nursing, be sure to budget yourself some extra calories. I read (and I am not a definitive source!) that you should add 500 calories to your normal maintenance for nursing a baby. I would also start with just going for walks. If you had a section (or any other complication), make sure you get cleared first! :) Congrats on your little one. Feel free to send me a friend request, too!
  • jsobole
    jsobole Posts: 139 Member
    And if you're nursing, be sure to budget yourself some extra calories. I read (and I am not a definitive source!) that you should add 500 calories to your normal maintenance for nursing a baby. I would also start with just going for walks. If you had a section (or any other complication), make sure you get cleared first! :) Congrats on your little one. Feel free to send me a friend request, too!

    Yup 500 extra calories for nursing moms is the standard...
  • Eldee32
    Eldee32 Posts: 40 Member
    first of all congratualation for the baby. If you are breastfeeding then you will loose weight very soon. Just avoid junk healthy.
  • tazagel3005
    tazagel3005 Posts: 8 Member
    Congratulations, I am 11 weeks postpartum and am on a journey to lose 50 lbs, feel free to add me!!!!
  • amaybee13
    amaybee13 Posts: 28 Member
    Congrats! My little one was born March 18th. I'm also looking to lose that baby weight ;) Feel free to add me!!
  • snarkysparklefart
    snarkysparklefart Posts: 3 Member
    Sent you a request and a message, would like to add you too amaybee13!
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I never breast fed and the weight fell off, my sisters both breast fed and they held onto 15 or so pounds... everyone's different. cals in, cals out one behavior won't be the magic bullet. Four kids here, back at fighting weight around 8 weeks pp, be patient!
  • Azailla
    Azailla Posts: 1 Member
    I had twin girls on January 8th. Funny thing, two weeks postpartum I was actually down 20 lbs from before pregnant! I since gained 5 lbs so back on myfitnesspal. My plan for exercise is walking the babies and zumba at home. Add me :-)
  • sadie3776
    sadie3776 Posts: 10 Member
    Congrats ladies. I had a baby girl on the 13 of February and I'm trying to lose some weight. Please add me so we can motivate each other
  • vcrose08
    vcrose08 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I had a baby almost 8 months ago, I'm only ten pounds heavier than I was before but I still look pregnant! I hate it. I'm getting back on myfitnespal and hopefully will be able to lose this middle. Losing weight while breastfeeding is a lie! at least for me..
  • fadir
    fadir Posts: 1 Member
    Congrats ladies , i have a baby born on march 9 , i gained almost 30 pounds during oregnancy , now i,m 190 pound , breastfeeding . I dont know how to start . I really need help :(
    feel free to add me ladies
  • afv417
    afv417 Posts: 466 Member
    Glad I found this post. I'm in the same boat. Daughter born Feb 16th, and most of the weight I lost on MFP a couple of years ago is back. :(
  • TabithaLK
    TabithaLK Posts: 5 Member
    I had a daughter 3/18/15 via cesarean. I had some complications but now am starting back at work and looking to get motivated to lose these remaining 10 pounds (gained 45). I'd love some new friends.
  • antennachick
    antennachick Posts: 464 Member
    I had my little guy end of March. I also have an almost 2 year girl. I have always struggled to keep my weight under control but I was in the best shape of my life before this last pregnancy and determined to be there again
  • casandra_zamarripa
    casandra_zamarripa Posts: 133 Member
    Same boat i gave birth june 3rd && I also want 50 gone!! Ill start back at the gym monday!! Add me mommies ;)
  • GoLinGo2018
    GoLinGo2018 Posts: 1 Member
    My baby is almost one year old and I still have 20 lbs to go! :'( Feel free to add me girls.