Determining activity level

some background: I've been using MFP for about a year now. Originally, I inputted my activity level as "sedentary," which put me on 1450 calories.

Originally, this worked very well. I lost about 25 pounds.

I am now at the point where, I do my exercise (20 minutes on the stair climber, 45 minutes spinning, 45 minutes swimming) daily. (I've temporarily halted weight lifting because of carpal tunnel/tendinitis problems in my left wrist.). I walk anywhere between 7k to 11k steps daily.

When I stick to 1450 calories, I gain weight! But when I eat back about 200 exercise calories, I lose weight!

Do I need to alter my activity level (from sedentary to lightly active) or just eat back my exercise calories? Feedback is appreciated. :)


  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited May 2015
    When you gain weight you eat too much calories

    Do you weigh your food on a food scale?
    How much did you gain ( it can be water weight / fluctuation)
  • Mokapally
    Mokapally Posts: 11 Member
    All of my food is weighed and measured. I gain about 2 lbs. water intake is the same day to day.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    due to over training or changing training you can hold on some water too
    And measuring what do you measure

    Can you open your diary?
  • Mokapally
    Mokapally Posts: 11 Member
    And: no. My situation is precisely as described. When I stick to 1450 calories, I gain weight. When I hit 1650 calories, I lose weight (approx 0.5 to 1lb per week). My thought was perhaps that I was unintentionally putting my body I starvation mode? So I wanted to check with others who are also on this weight loss journey.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Starvation mode is a myth

    But do you weigh ALL your food on a food scale So not measuring cups.

    I think your gaining is more a fluctuation

    But like i said people can help you here when they also see your diary.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Mokapally wrote: »
    And: no. My situation is precisely as described. When I stick to 1450 calories, I gain weight. When I hit 1650 calories, I lose weight (approx 0.5 to 1lb per week). My thought was perhaps that I was unintentionally putting my body I starvation mode? So I wanted to check with others who are also on this weight loss journey.

    OP, you can open your diary just for this thread.. The MFP community can respond with better answers instead of guessing what may be the issue..

    Other than that, I (we have to presume) logging inaccuracies and over estimation of calorie burns.. It can be one or the other or both..

    Since you are sticking to your guns on not sharing your diary... suggested reading:
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Your job hasn't changed so no reason to change your activity level.
    Activity level isn't anything to do with your intentional exercise.

    Must wonder why if you have found something that works (1650 cals/day) why don't you just stick to that?
    Maybe that extra 200 cals makes you feel more energetic and you move more? In the end the reasons hardly matter - what matters is results.
  • Mokapally
    Mokapally Posts: 11 Member
    Hmmm... Actually, my job did change (I got a promotion and am on my feet 6 out of 8 hours now; before the promotion, I was I in my chair 8 hours a day).