What I manage to eat



  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    edited May 2015
    No dancer I know would be pushing for that sort of unhealthy weight compared to their heights. And I work with professional dancers who do this for a living! No way they only eat 1200 calories and are able to do their warmups, practices, and performances. I have seen them eat!
  • itschanelle
    itschanelle Posts: 86 Member
    Disordered goals to stay on a dance team ... is the risk of your long term health really worth it?

    I definitely wouldn't say I'm risking my health. I wouldn't go to that extent plus I have parents who are extremely healthy who make sure of it. But it's just something I'm dedicated to and I eat very healthy that has to kept in mind!

    Really? YOU wouldn't say that you are risking your health, but darling, you have absolutely no education in that field so your opinion means nothing. The medical community DOES say you are risking your health. Your hair will start to fall out, your teeth will become loose, your skin will get dry and scaly, you'll likely get terrible cellulite after the muscles in your body waste away, and you'll also probably have a hard time keeping up with your dance team because you'll have no energy and will probably start getting dizzy and passing out. Never mind organ failure and all of that fun stuff. This is not about what kinds of food you are eating, but rather that you will have to basically starve yourself to become underweight.

    I highly doubt that your dance coach is requiring this of you. I also highly doubt that your parents know what is going on and that they support you in losing weight. I mean all of this in the best way possible. The choices you make now on how you treat your body WILL affect you from here on out. It sounds to me like you have entered or are entering the realm of ED with all of this talk about joy being able to eat 1200 calories because you are worried it will make it so you can't lose weight. Please, please get help.
  • itschanelle
    itschanelle Posts: 86 Member
    Disordered goals to stay on a dance team ... is the risk of your long term health really worth it?

    I definitely wouldn't say I'm risking my health. I wouldn't go to that extent plus I have parents who are extremely healthy who make sure of it. But it's just something I'm dedicated to and I eat very healthy that has to kept in mind!

    Really? YOU wouldn't say that you are risking your health, but darling, you have absolutely no education in that field so your opinion means nothing. The medical community DOES say you are risking your health. Your hair will start to fall out, your teeth will become loose, your skin will get dry and scaly, you'll likely get terrible cellulite after the muscles in your body waste away, and you'll also probably have a hard time keeping up with your dance team because you'll have no energy and will probably start getting dizzy and passing out. Never mind organ failure and all of that fun stuff. This is not about what kinds of food you are eating, but rather that you will have to basically starve yourself to become underweight.

    I highly doubt that your dance coach is requiring this of you. I also highly doubt that your parents know what is going on and that they support you in losing weight. I mean all of this in the best way possible. The choices you make now on how you treat your body WILL affect you from here on out. It sounds to me like you have entered or are entering the realm of ED with all of this talk about joy being able to eat 1200 calories because you are worried it will make it so you can't lose weight. Please, please get help.

    One more thing, I could eat 500 calories of brocolli every day and say I'm "full" and "satisfied" but that wouldn't change the fact that I would be starving myself.