Just starting myself

I'm really praying this is the last "diet" I ever try. I'm ready to hit the books and learn how to eat correctly. Looking forward to all the positive feedback. This should be more worthwhile that playing games on facebook--such a mindless waste of time, really.
Something I was told yesterday, You only FAIL if you give up TRYING. I like that.


  • jmassardo
    jmassardo Posts: 84
    Try not to think of it as a "diet", instead think of it as a lifestyle change. It takes time, hard work and patience, but the rewards are worth it.

    Good Luck and Welcome!
  • love2bthin
    love2bthin Posts: 176 Member
    Welcome! I have changed my way too....this is a life style not a diet. If you want send me a friend request and we will do this together. The friends and support on here is awesome
  • tinamulder
    tinamulder Posts: 3