Sugarholic Veterinarian Checking In

Hi all!

As a large animal vet, my job is pretty physical and I don't usually have any trouble staying active. However, about a year and a half ago I left my job of 9 years at a busy practice and moved to a really rural area to start my own mobile ranch practice, which has been growing very, very slowly, as expected. Between the stress and depression due to the slow growth of my business, my suddenly less active lifestyle, and unmitigated candy and ice cream eating, I've fluffed up quite a bit and the muffin top is getting a little out of control.

Don't get me wrong...I LOVE what I do and where I live. However, it's time to shed a few pounds, and I know I can't do that without some support and accountability. I'm looking forward to meeting others who are doing the same thing.

Good luck to everybody on this journey! :smile:


  • fldiver97
    fldiver97 Posts: 341 Member
    Sounds like you have identified the problem, good start! I am 90 or so days in and it really helps me to log everything I eat - I tend to plan ahead better and also find it really helps me to make a better effort to portion control as well as eat 'better' . Less processed/prepackaged food, lots of produce, whole grains etc. so much less junk food in the house now and I really don't crave sugar. Having a lot of stress from a major lifestyle change can really get you down. Take time to unwind and relax too! Good luck!
  • lstatler1
    lstatler1 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello there! I can identify with you completely. I am also a large animal vet in a rural area that is addicted to sugar. It doesn't help that one of the office staff keeps candy in a drawer for the "bad" days. And stress and lack of time definitely plays a part for me. I would love to have a friend on here to hold me accountable and understand the problems of developing a workout schedule around on call and uterine prolapse at 3 am. :smile: I can offer the same understanding and support.
  • DrLauraDVM16
    DrLauraDVM16 Posts: 64 Member
    Oh, yay! I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I've also fallen prey to that "bad day" candy...but then it becomes "boring day" candy, and then "I was up all night and I'm so tired I can't stand it day" candy, and then "good day celebration" candy...argh! I don't even have an office staff to deal with anymore, but if I don't have the stuff around the house, hubby gets upset.

    Working out is my strong point, so I'd love to help hold you to it. There's a fine line between trying to keep to a regular schedule and pushing yourself TOO hard between work and workouts so that you get sick and are essentially PUSHED off the wagon for a while. Once you really get going, though, you're not likely to quit forever.

    Good luck and GREAT to meet you! :-)