Endometriosis and the struggles/successes

check out my blog for endometriosis recipes and some info. chickentochinups.blogspot.com Been diagnosed for 15 yrs. finally took control the past 5 months...my way!


  • SnowballsMom805
    SnowballsMom805 Posts: 71 Member
    Let me know if you use MFP and are interested in helping hold each other accountable for exercise, etc.
  • bwayne533
    bwayne533 Posts: 8 Member
    I use MFP and have started holding myself accountable as of this week to exercise. I have new dx of IC, PFD, and IBS on top of Endo now. Not so fun for the diet world. Any advice?
  • SimoneBee12
    SimoneBee12 Posts: 268 Member
    Can I ask, what differs in an endo recipe? What makes it better for us? How does it help?
  • bwayne533
    bwayne533 Posts: 8 Member
    With Endo diet its anti inflammatory. Less inflammation, less chance of inflamed adhesions. Not to mention it helps control hormones which causes issues with Endo. High estrogen equals pain. No red meat, no pork, no soy, no dairy, no etoh, no caffeine, no refined sugars, gluten free/wheat free, no preservatives/additives. Pretty simple BUT can be restrictive for people who aren't used to eating like that. I do organic foods and holistic therapies only. I have other restrictions with my IBS, IC. Kinda restrictive so awaiting nutritionist visit. I get 4 visits with insurance, but need auth first.