What do you do for excersise???



  • Cronniss
    Cronniss Posts: 108 Member
    edited May 2015
    Because of my medical condition, I can't do a number of exercises (like aerobics, yoga, pilates, and weight lifting). So, I walk the dog in the morning, and in the after noon I do Disney's Fantasia: Music Evolved on the Xbox One. (Here's a more difficult workout than the previous link.)

    (Quote from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams.)
  • BrittaniDirks
    BrittaniDirks Posts: 113 Member
    Wow love ur bod haha !!
  • BrittaniDirks
    BrittaniDirks Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks for all the feedback everyone
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,099 Member
    I walk outside whenever I can ... as part of my commute, at lunch, after work, etc. My husband and I also go on long hikes together now and then.

    I cycle whenever I can ... these days is it mainly weekends because it's winter. But my trainer will be set up soon so I can cycle inside too.

    I lift weights at home.

    Occasionally I'll jog stairs ... my yards is full of short flights of stairs (house is built on quite a slope), so I'll spend 15 or 30 min jogging up and down and up and down stairs. Once in a while I also take the stairs to work ... up all 5 flights.

    We keep talking about getting the canoe out, but the swell has been too high lately.
    We keep talking about going snowshoeing, but it snows during the week, and then melts on the weekend.

    One day we'll do those things.
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    Also what's the best excersise to work inner thighs and arm jiggle ? Lol. My outer thighs are toned and awesome but inner thighs yuck lol!! Pretty much I need a smaller stomach , to get rid of cellulite/ fat on inner thighs and arm juggle/fat

    I started martial arts about a year ago - and we do a LOT of push-ups. And it has done wonders for my arm jiggle. I used to hate my arms, and now I can't wait for warmer weather to show them off.

    The winning combination is to do something to build muscle, and lose weight so the muscle is visible.

  • inked_Calimom82
    inked_Calimom82 Posts: 143 Member
    I use to workout at the gym but right now I'm doing beach body programs at home including TurboFire, 21 Day Fix and piYo. Loving it by the way! :) TurboFire is my fav!!!!!
  • arian10daddy
    arian10daddy Posts: 2,758 Member
    Hey, you're not gonna get bulging muscles... Not until you get your estrogen levels waaaayyy down.. That's the hormone that makes a woman's body womanly...
    you need toning in conjunction with weight loss...
    Running (on or off the treadmill) is best for both because it engages your whole body, AND it majorly engages the biggest muscle in your body, the thighs, and hence results in greater calorie burn.

    Experts, please correct me if I'm wrong.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    So far I walk on treadmill and (try) lol to do a blender workout I found on youtube, it's a 37 min cardio workout, the longest I last is 15 mins lol!! I want to do something other than treadmill, I'm afraid my legs are gonna get really huge calves, I do t want football player calves lol if you know what I mean I personally don't want the budging muscular calves, no offense to anyone!! I need something that's not too hard but will burn lots of calories if that exists.. Let me know what you do

    Your calves will be determined by genetic make up. I have bigger calves, and I run. My wife runs and has slender, muscular, calves and legs. Her side of the family tends towards slender build regardless of weight. Not mine.

    Regarding what I've emphasised in your quotation, your comment suggests that your cardiopulmonary system could use further improvement. If a cardio workout defeats you less than half way in, it only stands to reason that building cardio will help.

    Running, among other things, can help. You can use some well tested running endurance building principals to help your situation whether you run, or just keep doing cardio workouts.

    One of the simplest things a beginning runner can do to build endurance (and burn fat) is to slow down and run longer. You need to get your heart rate up, but you don't need to, or want to, push it beyond your aerobic capacity. If you can carry on a back and forth conversation with someone while running without being totally breathless, you've got it right. The simple program (used by many formulas including Couch 2 5K) reolves around starting with shorter runs and build, build, build. Slowly.

    Side benefits to such training include a) you can do it longer, and doing it longer keeps your fat burning machinery engaged longer, and b) reducing the pace of the run dramatically reduces the risk of injury, and c) reducing the pace of the run reduces the wear and tear on your body allowing it to recover faster.

    If running doesn't work for you, use the same principals in your aerobic workout. Just slow it down. Don't go at peak performance. You don't need to for a cardio endurance building workout.

    Slow down your standard work out. Try it that way for a week with whatever rest schedule you normally use. At the end of each workout you should find that you feel refreshed and invigorated or close to it. You'll probably find you are doing more reps and lunges within a week or two (the equivalent of running a slightly faster pace) for the same work effort. If you are doing the entire workout instead of just 15 minutes, on your next workout try "intervals" of high output and then recovery slow periods. Mix it up in other words.

    You won't build a better cardiopulmonary system overnight but if you work at it within a few weeks you should notice improvement and within months huge improvement that will help you in everything you do, workout related and otherwise!

  • scarlet67
    scarlet67 Posts: 107 Member
    I walk 7 miles every morning! I'm waiting for a shoulder operation so this is the best I can do! It's so cleansing, I enjoy it so much now I miss it if I can't go. Keep up the good work :wink:
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Every time I have tried "traditional" exercise (aerobics, walking, treadmill, gym apparatus, etc) I NEVER stick with it because I hate it and dread "working out". I bought a bike because it is fun to meander around town, listening to tunes, looking at people's landscaping and gardens/home architecture/porches full of junk/pets, etc. The fact that it is "exercise" is just a bonus. I actually look forward to doing it. I started using an app to track my mileage and beause I'm competitive (even with myself) I try to go longer/harder which makes it even better for me exercise-wise. Makes me remember how much I loved it as a kid.

    I also started doing yoga. I'm very anxious and always have my muscles all seized up so I started yoga as a way to try to relieve stress. Again, it is now something I actually look forward to. It doesn't feel like exercise, but makes my stiff, tense body feel good temporarily. Afterwards I'm sore, but not post workout sore...like post massage sore.

    For the first time in my life I don't dread "exercise" because I don't feel like either are "exercise" in my mind...just things I WANT to do that happen to be good for my body.
  • Iri_2
    Iri_2 Posts: 349 Member
    Weight lifting and swimming.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Currently swimming, weight lifting, jogging, a bit of pilates.
  • Crumpet_Girl
    Crumpet_Girl Posts: 276 Member
    I do yoga daily and since starting (maybe 2 years ago, once a week at first and built up from there) my arms and legs have become really toned. I also love to box and lift. I walk up hills too!

    Good luck!
  • brocantrs
    brocantrs Posts: 273 Member
    Road cycling.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I need something that's not too hard but will burn lots of calories if that exists.. Let me know what you do

    You can't have it both ways. Not too hard will not burn lots of calories. Also, there just is no way you will EVER develop bulging muscles unless you are a different gender than you are. Get over that myth already.

    Biking, strength training, Zumba, ballet, Aqua fitness, Aqua Zumba, Groove, Barre
  • happydrummingmonkey
    happydrummingmonkey Posts: 9 Member
    Biking, some light cardio, strength training and jogging
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    I run outside..and then try different fitness blender videos on YouTube.
    I like their style, and have tried cardio, strength, hitt,kickboxing and kettlebells.
    Good to mix it up a bit.
    I've also done zumba classes...they're great fun, but find I work better on my own timeframe.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    Mixed martial arts twice a week walk the dog after class if I don't have work and I'm debating attempting c25k again to see if some steady state cardio other than walking will improve my asthma issues in the octagon.
  • governatorkp
    governatorkp Posts: 89 Member
  • Gun4a
    Gun4a Posts: 68 Member
    I LOVE weightlifting and running.

    In terms of not being too hard and burning lots of calories - I'd advise stepper (stepmill)