having a bad couple of days

Hey everyone ! I need your support I have been giving into some bad temptations these last couple days I am looking for some encouragement to pick myself back up !


  • MikaMojito
    MikaMojito Posts: 680 Member
    What were your tempations? Has anything been going in? I sometimes eat more than I should or eat unhealthy things in too large amounts when I'm stressed out or unhappy. Do you need somebody to talk to?

    Either way: don't worry, as long as you don't just stop caring, you'll get back into it. I've been having bad days recently due to work stress but keep in mind: what counts as a bad day NOW used to be NORMAL before! So you've come a long way already.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    As someone who has been doing this for a while I have two things to say. 1. Don't beat yourself up too much for this, it happens, just get back to it today. 2. Take some time to consider why you got off track. Was it stress? Was it depriving yourself too much either by eating too little or never allowing foods you like eaten within your calories? Was it boredom? Whatever it was, consider how you could have responded differently. For example, if it was stress or depression, mild exercise will do more to help than eating, but eating if often where we turn because of the mental associations we have from it. Instead you could have a big glass of water and go for a walk.
  • brokennsanity1
    brokennsanity1 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks !! It's been a little stressful at home. Dealing with things with the kids and being bored is another thing. If I have any free time I spend it snooping through the cupboards lol. It's been difficult and I was doing so very well but I can feel myself slipping up more and more !!
  • brokennsanity1
    brokennsanity1 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you :)
  • DrWhoIsYerDad
    DrWhoIsYerDad Posts: 263 Member
    If you don't do any exercise I suggest starting, at least going for brisk walks.
  • brokennsanity1
    brokennsanity1 Posts: 17 Member
    I do exersize. But these last few days I haven't. My kids had a long weekend and I spent it with them but in the process ate not so great and I feel so guilty it doesn't help with people bringing bad food home all weekend.
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Thanks !! It's been a little stressful at home. Dealing with things with the kids and being bored is another thing. If I have any free time I spend it snooping through the cupboards lol. It's been difficult and I was doing so very well but I can feel myself slipping up more and more !!

    Find something to keep busy with so you don't go snooping through cupboards! Something fun, relaxing, etc. Reading, knitting, playing a game, etc.
  • DrWhoIsYerDad
    DrWhoIsYerDad Posts: 263 Member
    Time with the kids is definitely priority, I know that the mindless snaking can creep in ! I'm off work for 4 weeks with an injured ankle, I'm dreading the snack battle and the creeping depression of sitting on my butt every day :(
  • shandypop27
    shandypop27 Posts: 6 Member
    Just forget it and put it behind and start today or tomorrow as a better day. We all have days like that and wished we hadnt ate so much or the wrong stuff, it happens. Just forget it. Sending you a hug.
  • brokennsanity1
    brokennsanity1 Posts: 17 Member
    Than you everyone I appreciate it! And I'm sorry about your ankle :( Im stay at home right now to my son was diagnosed with autism so i got him into a program and people come to the house 3-6 hours a day 5 days a week so although it's amazing for my son the time at home can be fustrating.
  • DiddleOnTheRun
    DiddleOnTheRun Posts: 45 Member
    It is easy to give advise if one is not in your shoes.....
    It is rather frustrating to have outsiders into your home on a daily basis. I have been there....I felt guilty if everything wasn't in order...another stressor.

    I hope you look forward and not back. I believe we ALL have those BAD days.
    I've had Birthdays ( our oldest son was born on his father's birthday), Mother's Day, lab week, hospital week....all since May 3rd. FOOD! FOOD! FOOD! and more
    Hard to say no!
    We can start a new day with a renewed dedication.
    I hope all goes well with your son.
    How many children do you have?
  • Altagracia220
    Altagracia220 Posts: 876 Member
    I know how you feel.

    Weighed myself last week and found that I was finally in a healthy weight range after losing 50 pounds and now I'm kind of slacking off. Went food shopping that day and decided it was finally time to allow Ben and Jerry's and chips and junk back into the house and what a big mistake that was. I ate it all that day. Later that same night went to taco bell and bought tons of food for myself. Binged my butt off!

    I don't know if I will ever be able to allow these foods into my house again and not worry about over-eating but I'll try again in the future. For now, I just cannot have it around. lol

    Something that has been helping me is writing in a little diary about how I feel every time i want to binge or every time I've already binged. Sometimes I'll just write just for the sake of it. I'll talk about how scared I am, how disappointed I am in myself etc etc. It helps.

  • Purple1105
    Purple1105 Posts: 37 Member
    It's vey easy to beat your self up; I know because I did it for years! Those bad for you foods or situations aren't YOU they are a behavior. Separate the two. When we are stressed it is very easy to slip back into poor habits. While you are in the "storm" go back to the basics. Get your 8 glasses of water in. Exercise, even a few minutes will give a break from the stress AND give you something else to focus on. And find 5 things every day to be thankful for. Journaling really helps!!! Thinking of you!!
  • brokennsanity1
    brokennsanity1 Posts: 17 Member
    I have 3 boys :) yes it is a stressor feeling like your house isn't in order! And I say we'll I'll get it all done the weekends but never have the time it's next to impossible with the kids the husband and not to mention keeping up on myself. I'm trying but i feel like I'm starting to drift behind.
  • DiddleOnTheRun
    DiddleOnTheRun Posts: 45 Member
    I tried my best to focus on the area the visitors were in first....others later, or maybe not at all. Does your husband help you with the boys and chores?
    It is very difficult to keep up with 5 people, when everyone depends on the Momma.
    Also hard to feed everyone "good for you" meals all the time. Another HUGE chore and responsibility.
  • brokennsanity1
    brokennsanity1 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks everyone yes it's so easy to fall back into unhealthy patterns I keep wanting to pick myself back up and then I'm right back to feeling guilty again.. I'm going to try harder this time.
  • brokennsanity1
    brokennsanity1 Posts: 17 Member
    The husband thinks his role is best served working. It's hard because I take care of everything at home. He's sadly not here to much and when he is he can be difficult. He's small ad well and eats whatever he wants so naturally he brings lots of junk in the house. So I'm struggling a lot of with that. Food is an addiction for me and I'm sure countless others.
  • DiddleOnTheRun
    DiddleOnTheRun Posts: 45 Member
    Yes it is very hard for me to resist food if it is right there in front of me. Nearly impossible most of the time! Sad to say!
    Sorry to hear that he doesn't assist you in the care of the boys. He is missing out!
    No wonder you are overwhelmed!
    Do you have family close by?
  • DiddleOnTheRun
    DiddleOnTheRun Posts: 45 Member
    Would you like to have an accountability person.....I need one of those too.
    I'm a no drama person.
  • DiddleOnTheRun
    DiddleOnTheRun Posts: 45 Member
    Night shift Medical Lab Tech in a very small rural hospital