Gaining Weight?

I don't know what is going on with me. I have been under my calorie goal almost every day and I have put on weight. I really have no idea what to do. I have been exercising, and still the numbers are going up. Ideas?


  • blueliss26
    blueliss26 Posts: 79 Member
    how long have you been at it? how far under your goal are you? Are you drinking enough water ? Getting your period?
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    People will tell you we can't tell anything without seeing your diary. That being said be sure you are eating more than 1200 cal net. Exercise is important though not factored into the basic number. Exercise will simply rev up your metabolism as will eating smaller meals more frequently
  • picturesing
    picturesing Posts: 228
    Did you / are you measuring - I've been stuck for a month, but have lost 5 fricken inches! :drinker:
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    I was having the same problem. I actually increased my calories and am losing again. I have also found when I cycle my calories that helps!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Are you eating enough? You say you're under your calorie goal - by how much? I hit my goal weight of 150lbs in Sept and stayed there until I recently upp'ed my calories. Lost 4lbs in a week eating MORE. So, you may not be eating enough.
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Are you weighing your food and using a HRM to monitor the calories you really spend working out. MFP sometimes calculates wrong. Weighing all you food is the most accurate way of checking calories in. A HRM is the most accurate way of measuring calories out.
  • KasiePea
    KasiePea Posts: 10 Member
    bluebliss: About 2 weeks. I have been around 200 calories under my goal each night. Do you think I need to eat more? Some day MFP tells me that I have to eat more. I am really trying to get more water as I haven't been able to fulfill my 8 glasses a day. I drink a lot of tea as well. Unsweetened, normal tea. My hormones are so screwed up right now. I just switched BC pills and I have been having my period off and on for about a month.

    I should measure myself to see if I am losing any inches. It doesn't feel as though I am. How can you see my diary? Do I have private or something?
  • KasiePea
    KasiePea Posts: 10 Member
    I have been thinking about getting a HRM. Do they really help? Any suggestions on a good one?
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Kasie, you're probably not eating enough if you're 200 under and getting the warning. Try eating closer to your goal and be sure to eat some or all of your exercise calories back.

    Have you watched your sodium levels as well?
  • KasiePea
    KasiePea Posts: 10 Member
    I've been under on my sodium levels. I think I need to concentrate on eating healthier and getting into my calorie range. I guess it's true if you don't eat the right amount of calories, you won't lose weight. I'm really thinking about investing in a HRM. That way I can keep track of what I'm doing more closely.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    lets see..i can pretty much guess its only by what..1-2 lbs..

    its water bloat

    ps...not eating enough, the whole 1200 cal thing are all myths. listen..whats is about it adaptation. pure and simple..your body doesnt have starvation mode. you dont have to eat exercise calories back blah blah boost metabolism. its very simple. our bodies are very good at adapting to what we do to it. after a while, at eating at any calorie range your body will adjust and it will be harder to lose weight. that is why some say they lose weight when they eat more..all they are doing is throwing off the body and breaking it from that adapting its done.

    same for keep doing the same type of workout your body will become very efficient at it. so try every few months changing something up. it'll keep your body from plateauing.
  • blueliss26
    blueliss26 Posts: 79 Member
    hmmm I would think around 200 under should be fine... thats not enough to set you into crazy starvation mode or anything, but if you eat a lot less than you are supposed to it can screw things up. BC can make you gain weight.. but i dont know if thats the culprit or not... salty food combined with not enough water will make you weigh more too. Also if you are just starting an exercise program, especially if it included significant weight training, your muscles like to hoard water while they repair themselves, also causing you to weigh more. how much have you gained?
  • blueliss26
    blueliss26 Posts: 79 Member
    To make your food diary public, click on your food tab, and then underneath click on settings.. scroll down to the bottom and there is an option to make your food diary public, private, or share it only with your friends.
  • KasiePea
    KasiePea Posts: 10 Member
    I've gained about 4-5 pounds. I've been on BC forever, but I recently switched brands. I really need to drink more water. I did P90X recently, but haven't done it in about a week.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    If you want your diary to be public, go to "My Home" then "settings" then "diary settings" then scroll down to "change diary sharing" and check the box that says "public"

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • KasiePea
    KasiePea Posts: 10 Member
    Done. Diary is now public.
  • KasiePea
    KasiePea Posts: 10 Member
    I went back through my diary and I guess I really haven't been eating as well as I thought. I really need to start paying attention more, and I need better willpower.
  • kraszco1
    kraszco1 Posts: 13 Member
    You've received a lot of great ideas! I also gain instead of losing when my calories drop too low. I took a genetic test about 6 months ago that showed me how my body processes carbs, fats and proteins.
    When I was single, I ate almost vegetarian and pastas. That is my preferred diet and I was always slender. When I took the test I weighed 207 and I'm only 5'4". I'm married and have been cooking lots of nice proteins for my hubby cause that's what he likes.
    I was shocked when my genetic test came back telling me to eat 65% carbohydrates, 20% fats and 15% protein. That is what my body naturally craves because that is what it knows how to process.
    In 9 months I have dropped 47 lbs, primarily by eating the right balance of carbs proteins and fats.
    If you want to take a test I can send you the info to get one. You could also discover your type by trial. Try using the combinations I listed for 2 weeks and see how your body reacts. Then try high protein low carb for a coupe of weeks and see how you do.
    I hope this gives you some ideas!
  • KasiePea
    KasiePea Posts: 10 Member
    That test sounds interesting! Can you send me some info on it? Thank you.

    Thank you everyone for the great ideas! I have to eat better foods and drink more water. I'm not going to get discouraged!