Long weekend strategies

kgillis87 Posts: 43 Member
Hi all!

So, I'm heading to Northern Ontario this weekend (for a full 3 days), where there is ALWAYS tons of barbecue, mayonnaise based "salads", and beer. Wondering what strategies people have in their back-pockets for staying at least sort-of on track during days like these? I'm not really in charge of any menu planning, so not much to be done on that front (sort of a pot-luck scenario), but I'm happy to bring some things that I can eat/drink by myself, but still want to be part of the party! I'd also love to know what lower-calorie cocktails you go to. Any help is appreciated!

(and my apologies if there is another thread already discussing this - I'll happily join in elsewhere if you'd kindly post the link, please and thanks!)



  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I eat lower before and after, enjoy the weekend without pigging out, and try to get in extra exercise if possible.

    Have a light breakfast if you know you'll be having a big dinner later. And, if you go a bit over, don't stress. Just get back on track after. Life is full of occasions that mean higher calorie days. Just make it all even out in the end.
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I'm headed to San Diego for a week this weekend, so I hear you. On vacation I indulge in the things that I really want and that are worth it. It has to be something that I can't get/make at home. We always plan fun, active things to do such as hiking, biking, paddle boarding, etc. Then I get back to eating normally when I get home.
  • kgillis87
    kgillis87 Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks guys - love the ideas :) Maybe I'll start up a Run-Away-the-Pain morning after event this weekend!
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I eat lower before and after, enjoy the weekend without pigging out, and try to get in extra exercise if possible.

    Have a light breakfast if you know you'll be having a big dinner later. And, if you go a bit over, don't stress. Just get back on track after. Life is full of occasions that mean higher calorie days. Just make it all even out in the end.

    That! Another tip....when it potluck/buffet scenarios I try to pick 2-4 things that I REALLY like and that I don't get often. Then I try my best to limit the portion size and enjoy. For instance this past mothers day I went to a buffet (not my choosing) and ate two bowls of their seafood bsique with a small salad, some grilled veggies and then 3 small dessert servings :s I haven't had a dessert like that in a long time. Put on a few pounds but already dropped them and some since! When I went to Mexico last Sept I put on like 5 pounds in one weekend eating/drinking anything and everything! Only took a week or so for it to fall back off. Got to enjoy myself and taste some really good food!

    Enjoy your trip!
  • kgillis87
    kgillis87 Posts: 43 Member
    Love the buffet strategy @esjones12 - narrowing the field of choice is a brilliant idea. Thanks!
  • lizzocat
    lizzocat Posts: 356 Member
    I try to workout (even if it's a 15 minute routine before bed) and eat right for at least one/two of the three meals, and then, i don't care. Whatever weight you put on during vacations, weekends away, etc. usually comes off pretty quickly once you're back to your usual routine. I went to Dallas last week- I drank a TON, ate tacos twice, pizza, etc. and only gained 1.5 pounds, I am now down those 1.5 plus another pound and a half. Just try to be somewhat reasonable, and then have fun! Fun weekends and vacations don't come around everyday : )
  • catjan
    catjan Posts: 106 Member
    My alcohol tip would be to have want you want for your first drink but then keep topping it up with the diet mixer & ice. You've still got your cocktail but it'll last longer & you'll be having less alcohol calories.
  • kgillis87
    kgillis87 Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks girls - I appreciate you sharing your experiences!
    @lizzocat, you're right - vacations happen but a few times a year. I'm just on a roll lately, and a little fearful of falling off the wagon, but I should be embracing the good instead of fearing the worst.
    @catjan - this is a good one, especially since i don't like my drinks too strong anyways. Good way to fend off a hangover too. Thanks!
  • happysuccess
    happysuccess Posts: 12 Member
    Hey, I definitely struggle with drinking too many calories - especially in social situations!! Although I was reluctant to try them at first, "light" beers can save you a lot of calories. Another trick is to extend white wine with seltzer and ice (I guess this would be a spritzer, although if you order one at a bar, they might add bitters or some other ingredient). In the evening, I like to sip at a nice whiskey with a splash of water- this rewards slow drinking :)
    The last tip is to have a glass of water after every alcoholic beverage.
    Good luck to us both! Have a great summer!
  • dragthewaters
    dragthewaters Posts: 62 Member
    I generally use the same strategy on holidays...have a light breakfast (ie. a smoothie), then have one big meal in the middle of the day, then skip dinner. On holidays my family usually goes for a walk in the park or around the neighborhood after eating, to burn off some of the calories (it also makes you feel better than just sitting around after eating a giant meal). Then we come back and have dessert in the evening. Maybe you could convince some members of your party to join you on a walk? It will be nice out.

    As for cocktails, the lowest-calorie would probably be something like a vodka soda. Or you could use diet mixers. I think most shots are around 60 calories IIRC.

    But really even if you go 500 calories above your maintenance limit every day of the weekend, that doesn't even add up to half a pound gained. So don't worry about it too much.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I always eat very light at the beginning of the day (fruits, veggies, smoothies etc.) and for dinner I enjoy myself while being mindful of what I'm consuming and still tracking everything as best as I can.

    Usually I will bank some calories earlier in the week as well.

    Also I rarely drink calories and I'm quite active so that give me a lot of wiggle room.

    Remember one day going over will not ruin your progress.