Examples food before and after cardio (weightloss)

Due an injury i am currently limited to cardio so i have been searching the interweb for examples for pre and post meals but pretty much on most sites they explain what to take in the sence or quick carbs, slow, proteins etc etc but not alot of examples of food.

So far im at this.
brown rice, nuts, green veggies

direct after:
Banana, shake

Brown rice, lean meat, green veggies

Want to know some more, how about brown pasta before with eggs and veggies etc?


  • clafairy1984
    clafairy1984 Posts: 253 Member
    I tend to avoid heavy carbs before a workout as make me bloat and can cause me to feel sick during. If working out at night I usually have a small meal before that's low in cards, such as fish and green veg, or omelette and salad with a black coffee. I have a protein bar and a banana straight afterwards. When working out early evening ie 5ish I have a banana and black coffee as a snack before, protein bar straight after, and a meal included protein, carbs and veg after, such as veg curry and brown rice, chicken/fish with sweet potato/brown pasta and veg.
  • _The_Lone_Wolf_
    _The_Lone_Wolf_ Posts: 160 Member
    I do most of the cardio in the evening 6-7ish, meals after i think i can manage but before i want to learn so more mostly, i always learned when i was a kid before going to football practice pasta's were good cause they give good fuel while working it.
  • clafairy1984
    clafairy1984 Posts: 253 Member
    Yeah. That's what I read when I was looking into it too. However, exercise on a belly full of carbs makes me feel sick, and I don't always have enough time to eat the recommended 2 hours before. An apple with a tbsp peanut butter is a good pre snack I find, some nuts. Something with carbs but not heavy. Everyone's different, so just experiment.
  • madpsycho32
    madpsycho32 Posts: 3 Member
    There is a bunch of things that you could do for a pre work out. When do you normally work out?
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    If I'm going running, I would either go -

    First thing in the morning, in which case I just drink and go. I would've made sure to eat a big dinner or a small snack before bed the night before.

    Otherwise, I would try to have a meal or snack about 2 hours before. Any closer and I'll feel sick. I don't normally worry about eating without a certain window after; just whenever the next meal is, or when I get hungry! Hydration would usually be more important. If I was doing something more long-distance (say over 10 miles) maybe I would make sure to eat something like a banana with peanut butter within a reasonable time frame after.
  • lchillies
    lchillies Posts: 13 Member
    My pre/post workout foods depends on what times im training and what im doing. Today my class isnt until 7pm so at 4.30 im having a maxi nutrition protein bar, then after i will have chicken with green veggies.

    For morning classes i tend not to eat before as its too early and then i would have a protein shake/bar straight after, and then breakfast about an hour later.

    I think its just about finding out what works best for you, and what helps you get the best out of your workout.
  • comeongethealthyro
    comeongethealthyro Posts: 50 Member
    pre workout try to get something in your belly, maybe some peanut butter on toast & post workout make sure you have a good amount of carbs & protein! limit fats
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    pre workout try to get something in your belly, maybe some peanut butter on toast & post workout make sure you have a good amount of carbs & protein! limit fats

    Why should OP limit fats? This thread is full of nonsense.

    OP, eat what you want that makes you feel best for your work out. Some people like to workout on an empty stomach, others need some carbs to fuel them. This is a personal preference that the internet cannot define for you.