T25 Workout

I'm thinking about starting this work out and I was wondering if anybody on here has had any good or bad experiences with it? Any info would be greatly appreciated.


  • kevcren
    kevcren Posts: 49 Member
    I HAVE! Loooved it! super easy to follow/modify if you need to. it was fun AND only 25 min! haha the nutrition guide was great too! when do you plan on starting?
  • tooheyz
    tooheyz Posts: 26 Member
    I've done it and finished the alpha and beta. It whipped me into shape very quickly and shed a few kg's too. was excellent for me - 25 mins was all the time i had to squeeze in a workout with a new baby :)
    give it a go - it's tough, but the results will definately come
  • elljayhadfield
    elljayhadfield Posts: 1 Member
    It's tough at first if you're unfit like I was but the modified exercises are good if you're struggling. I don't do it every day but still seeing results
  • youngnance
    youngnance Posts: 3 Member
    I did insanity a long time ago and that worked but I fell off. I just wasn't sure if T25 would have the same results. Thank you for the responses, I will start next Monday just because I'm OCD'ish like that :p
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    No, T25 will not have the same results....you are working out for less than half the time of a lot of Insanity workouts.
  • chrissytay
    chrissytay Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, I have completed T25 Alpha, Beta & Gamma and absolutely love it! I am now doing a hybrid of beta and gamma, its very addictive. I have also completed insanity which was great and although longer workouts, I feel that I had just as good results with T25 as there are no breaks or warm up and the cool down is a separate section of 2 or 3 minutes. Excellent programme, go for it :)
  • Doug2425
    Doug2425 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in my 3rd week of the alpha cycle and love it. It definitely works the whole body. I am happy with the results thus far. Go for it.
  • FabianRodriguez94
    FabianRodriguez94 Posts: 221 Member
    I completed T25 (alpha+beta) and only managed to lose 4 lbs. I'm assuming my diet was off since it didn't burn enough calories for me (about 180-300 depending) which led to a bit of over eating. HOWEVER, it did increase my cardio and strength levels significantly enough for me to be able to tackle Insanity. I've seen more results in one month of Insanity then the entire T25 program, but that is most likely because of my deeper focus on diet.
    I'd say try it out, it is a really fun program and obviously works, but make sure you are accurately logging food and calories burned. Good luck!
  • MsHulkMN
    MsHulkMN Posts: 81 Member
    I did the insanity program twice and loved it! my next step is T25!!!!!!