5'4 and 150 pounds, how much more should I go?

My goal is 145, I am 5 pounds away but I am reconsidering. everyone tells me how skinny I look. I disagree. I see everyone else's weights on here and they are like 120-130. Feeling discouraged.


  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    It has to be what your are comfortable. I guess it will be called your "happy weight".. You cannot and I mean cannot go by another person's height and say that weight is for "me"...

    Does not work that way... find your "happy weight".. not a standard from a magazine or even posts from others in this forum..

    I am 5'4" and I am not at my "happy weight yet" so I have a few more to go..
  • SarahSwoffer
    SarahSwoffer Posts: 3 Member
    Nice work so far!! I hope you can feel encouraged by all your progress. At 5'4", anywhere between 120 and 145 is healthy.
  • pwh300
    pwh300 Posts: 99 Member
    Great job!
    I'm 5'3" shooting for 140..145.
  • aprilflower18232
    aprilflower18232 Posts: 205 Member
    I am happy..I mean..I know I still have a lot of toning to do but I am so much happier then I was 175 pounds ago
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Omg, your progress is AMAZING! It makes me sad that you're discouraged! First, absolutely forget what anyone else says (except for your doctor). I don't know why people have to say anything. They are reacting to the change as much as anything, they'll get used to it. Second, have you thought about maintaining for 6-12 mo before deciding? It would give you a chance to adjust to the new you, too. If you decide after that you want to lose some vanity pounds, do it sloooowly. Great job!
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    I'm 5'5" and my goal is 135. You look great now.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    I'm 5' 5.5" and my goal when I started was 140-145. I figured that if & when I got there, I'd see how I looked & felt and re evaluate. When I did get there (Day #640) I thought I could lose more (as well as try to firm & tone). I'm around 125 now and trying to stay within 5 lbs of that.
    I do get the too skinny comments but mostly from those who knew me morbidly obese and yeah, now I AM skinny. It's a totally personal thing and you have to be comfortable in your new body. Try maintaining what you are happy at ...see how that works out for you, then decide if you want to lose more or not.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    What about reassessing your goals then. Instead of focusing on losing weight, maybe focus on a lifting program. Your body will change in amazing ways.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hey, great progress. Why don't you get to 145 and decide from there? I am 5'4" and my first goal was 150, then 145, then 140, then 130. I'm at 130 now and am still not happy but am working on body composition instead of losing weight. Any of those weights up to 140 would have been healthy. Just see how you feel every 5 lbs.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Oh, and by the way OP, I saw on another thread that you don't count calories/weigh food. You are seriously dedicated and you've done a great job.
  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    You have done an amazing job! Maybe it is time to work on some fitness goals! Start a strength training program.
  • BrittniAlbright
    BrittniAlbright Posts: 55 Member
    I am a firm believer on "it depends on your body type" I'm 5'11 and at 190lbs you can see my rib cage. I am a very thick girl, and when I did weigh 190lb I was very muscle heavy. You are also harder on yourself too, so you might not see what others do. (Not sayin you look sickly skinny! I say congrats on reaching your goal!) you might see you need to lose more and more but in reality you look good now. I am only saying because I was too hard on myself and I ended up in the hospital. I do wish you the best of luck on your journey!
  • aprilflower18232
    aprilflower18232 Posts: 205 Member
    I'm 5'5" and my goal is 135. You look great now.

    Thank you! Actually my profile pic was taken 20 pounds ago! I need a new one!
  • jenihullett
    jenihullett Posts: 241 Member
    Don't look at other people for your goal weight. Everyone carries their weight differently and has different muscle mass. My good friend and I are both 5'4, and we looked totally different at 145lbs. Stop at whatever weight you feel comfortable with :)
  • JayRuby84
    JayRuby84 Posts: 557 Member
    I'm 5'8" and 156 with 145 lb or so as my goal. I carry a bit of fat pretty much everywhere and feel like other people my height and weight look much better. We are our own worst critics.
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    Check out this site to see what women of different weights look like.
    Some women on there are 5,4", 145lbs+ and look great!
  • blossom015
    blossom015 Posts: 27 Member
    Check out this site to see what women of different weights look like.
    Some women on there are 5,4", 145lbs+ and look great!

    U look awesome! Slender with good muscle tone. Try not to get addicted to the scale a lot of things factor in such as amount of weight lost, muscle mass, etc.
  • ddmusica
    ddmusica Posts: 50 Member
    I am 5'5 and weigh 135. I'm 46 years old, and work out to keep tone. I'd like to get to 130. I've lost 38 lbs in 7 months. Whatever makes you comfortable is where you should be. Don't listen to other people- go by how YOU feel and how your clothes feel.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    edited May 2015
    A few years ago someone put up 3 great pictures of themself: all at 150 and completely different sizes. So it depends.

    First - you've done great! Don't be discouraged. Maintain there for a while if you want to.

    Second - when I was losing, I would get really discouraged every three months and JUST.WANT.THE.WEIGHT.TO.BE.GONE.

    It didn't disappear. I kept plugging - maintenance is just logging with more food. It slowed down. And eventually the weight came off. BTW - I am 5'10 and 150 (147-154 actually). My first goal was 165 - which I never thought I'd get to. I was really hoping for 170. And then I got to 170 and went to 165. I knew I was 'supposed' to be 152 - that's the middle of normal BMI for me and what I weighed 30+ years ago when I graduated from college, so realistic. So I just kept at it. I stuck what felt like forever at 158, but then it just sloughed off. I've maintained for a few years.

    So you never know. Persistence can pay off. Don't get discouraged - celebrate your success.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Check out this site to see what women of different weights look like.
    Some women on there are 5,4", 145lbs+ and look great!

    Aw! I looked and my pic is still up on there from 144 lbs!
