Let's support each other and stop binge eating...

Hi all,
As with many people on this site I really struggle with binge eating. I can go a few days and then eat everything in sight until my stomach hurts. Would love some supportive friends on here to break this bad habit...Please add me if this is you! I'm going to challenge myself to get to the end of June without a binge, would love to share achievements and progress along the way with others. If anyone has managed to break free from binge eating, it'd be great to have you as a friend to, to help with motivation that there is an end to this!


  • GonnaCrackIt
    GonnaCrackIt Posts: 14 Member
    Love to join your June challenge :smile: x
  • karensuegill
    karensuegill Posts: 67 Member
    I have decided that certain foods are trigger foods for me that can send me into a binge. I try to avoid them altogether because I'm tired of being held captive by food. I've decided I want to be in control. There is actual science that talks about the addictiveness of sugar, foods high in carbs, and foods high in fat. They actually cause a chemical reaction in the brain that blocks leptin, which is the hormone that tells us we are full. So we keep eating these foods until we are sick. For me foods that are high in sugar, starchy vegetables, and high simple carb foods are triggers for me. I have learned to enjoy foods that are good for me and rich in nutrients and I really don't miss the junk food that much anymore. It's a decision you have to make and find alternatives to eat when you are eating out or at a party where junk food may be the only choices. I bring my own healthy food to the party. I look at the menus ahead of time before going out to eat and decide what I'm going to order. Chocolate candy is a huge trigger for me, as are cake, pie and cookies. I have found healthy alternatives and they never cause me to binge. (I'm not talking about sugar free chocolate candy, etc.) I'm talking about something sweet that has loads of nutrients in it. When you give your body what it needs, you eventually won't miss the junk.
  • Dysonsmama
    Dysonsmama Posts: 1 Member
  • paulahouse
    paulahouse Posts: 5 Member
    I'm up for the challenge I'm the classic binger same as you eat till it hurts just get angry at myself and night time is the worst for me!!
  • sophiesummerdiet
    sophiesummerdiet Posts: 84 Member
    Added you all as friends. Day 1 here we come!
  • averyk97
    averyk97 Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for this group, I really needed some help with binge eating (and beating myself up over it after).
  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    good for you! read Breaking Free from Emotional/Compulsive Eating by Geneen Roth. she writes fantastic on the subject. and its a quick read. this book was a game changer for me.
  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    my one piece of advise which that book will help you to understand. is in order to stop binging you need to understand why you are binging in the first place. and its not because you like food so much.
  • sophiesummerdiet
    sophiesummerdiet Posts: 84 Member
    Thank you - I'll definitely take a look. Day 1 of the challenge starts today...
  • StrawbC
    StrawbC Posts: 167 Member
    I'm a binge eater and I'm on day 3 of a binge... This is the worst binge I've had since I started here 5 months ago. I'm 15 kgs or 33 pounds down since starting and feel like I'm about to blow the lot. I'd love to be part of a group that explores this subject. I want to establish my triggers and develop strategies to see a binge coming and divert away from it or if that fails once in the binge have a strategy that works for stopping it or hopping off the cycle. I'm up for any suggestions at this point..
  • natashajf
    natashajf Posts: 35 Member
    I'm in. My last two weekends have included binges on chocolate and sugar. Put myself back on track on Sunday and looking forward. Back to basics, plan out the day ahead and include some favorites that are healthy but feel like treats. Today I left room in my calories for a berry crumble dessert - felt great finishing up the evening on it.
  • jessicaliong1
    jessicaliong1 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello:D I am in too~ I want to get rid of thing binge eating habit once and for all. Have been trying so hard.
  • DonutBelly
    DonutBelly Posts: 28 Member
    Me too!
  • melduf
    melduf Posts: 468 Member
    beamer0821 wrote: »
    my one piece of advise which that book will help you to understand. is in order to stop binging you need to understand why you are binging in the first place. and its not because you like food so much.

    That's a great advice! I've been binge free since last September. Reaching out and then taking the time to understand what happened and why really helped me understand my triggers. Taking responsability is the first step. Taking action is the second! I set a few safeguards that became habits to make sure I don't fall prey to binge eating. There are healthier ways to handle my emotions and I feels so much better for it.

  • mumofbugpickle
    mumofbugpickle Posts: 20 Member
    edited May 2015
    I added you as a friend and would love the support of others. I have been binge eater since I was a child. I tried to eat my emotions away and would end up hating myself the next morning.
    We can do this together!
  • hannahbayls
    hannahbayls Posts: 53 Member
    I'm in on this, really struggling at the moment so support would be seriously appreciated!
  • ashlie_cox
    ashlie_cox Posts: 2 Member
    I struggle with this too. I would love to be your friend.
  • bethanimal4
    bethanimal4 Posts: 41 Member
    The book is a great recommendation - I'm reading it now. I had a terrible 4-day binge at the end of April (so bad my feet and legs were swollen) and decided I had to make a change. I'm not overweight, but I definitely struggle with the binge/restrict cycle and it's so damaging, both mentally and physically. I haven't had a binge all May so far, and this is huge for me. One of the things that I think has helped is that I stopped weighing myself. I'd see the number on the scale go down and decide for some reason that I should eat ALL the food.

    Another thing that helps is that realizing once you eat something that makes you go over your planned calories all is not lost. It's far better to be 100 calories over from eating an extra piece of chocolate than to say "Oh, well I've messed up already. Might as well eat ALL the chocolate before I don't let myself tomorrow"

    I disagree though with not allowing yourself to have triggers. That's one of the things she talks about a lot in the book. When you mark a food as not allowed, you sometimes just end up wanting it more. I bought all the foods I typically binge on (in amounts far greater than I can consume in one sitting - also recommended in the book) and it's been so empowering to know that they're available but that I have the willpower to avoid them. When I decide that I want them (and this has to be a conscious choice), I can work them in. Not allowing myself to have them gives the food just as much power over me as when I'm deep in a binge devouring them. Totally understand that this doesn't work for everybody, but it has really helped me.

    This isn't about food, it's much deeper than that and therefore harder to beat. It's also hard to talk about, so kudos to all of you trying to make a change and not being afraid to admit there's a problem. Good luck, I'm right there with you!
  • Kristyai3
    Kristyai3 Posts: 48 Member
    Weekend binges are killing my weight loss. Count me in!
  • Omgpuppylol
    Omgpuppylol Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in!
  • Bombie1985
    Bombie1985 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in too - I'm the worst :/
  • megdrey
    megdrey Posts: 6 Member
    Pizza is my worst enemy
  • sophiesummerdiet
    sophiesummerdiet Posts: 84 Member
    Biscuits and cereal are my worst enemy. It's 5pm where I am so got to get through the hardest part of the day to avoid a binge. How's everyone done today?
  • journey43206
    journey43206 Posts: 2 Member
    Today is okay over here in Ohio... My issues seem 2 be triggered by pop. I drink diet pop but it always makes me,feel like I need something to eat with it. I had a binge day on sat night/Sunday. The store didn't have a small bag of jalepeño Cheetos so of course I had to buy the big bag. So of course I,had 2 eat the whole thing over 2days. And felt soooooooo guilty about it... Didnt log it. I can be so hard on myself. But yesterday and today have been better. Back on track now... Gotta allow myself an endulgance meal a few times a week otherwise I dive face first into a huge amount of junk. I,must 4give myself and move on. This is so psychological!!!
  • journey43206
    journey43206 Posts: 2 Member
    Anyone feel free 2 add me! I would love 2 have mutual support.
    Hw 325
    Sw 305
    Cw 240
    Nothing lost in a few weeks. Must get back on my game
  • maxzorro
    maxzorro Posts: 23 Member
    My binge eating is worst when I've had a few drinks the night before. If I'm a bit hung over I want to eat everything in sight...especially greasy food! That plus the calories from the wine I drink is killing me!!!! Good during week, terrible on weekend.
  • JLG1986
    JLG1986 Posts: 212 Member
    Sugar is a big trigger for me - I've been trying to avoid it and feeling more in control. I really struggle with stopping sometimes - if I start eating sugary or salty snacks the whole box will be gone :'(
  • itsmegina
    itsmegina Posts: 101 Member
    Sugar is a huge trigger for me too- I really need to avoid dessert type things completely, as I realize I cannot eat them in moderation
  • karenvsh
    karenvsh Posts: 6 Member
    Yes please!!
  • sophiesummerdiet
    sophiesummerdiet Posts: 84 Member
    I got to the end of day 1 without binging! Feel proud of stopping my 2 day binge going any further. Bring on day 2! Couldn't have done it without the encouraging comments!