under 200 by June 2015



  • Sharrr77
    Sharrr77 Posts: 14 Member
    You all are sooo inspiring !!
    Keep up the incrediblely hard work guys
  • cbradley903
    cbradley903 Posts: 52 Member
    I love this group. It is a great go to for inspiration. Since it was started I am down a few more and I was so stuck. At 208 and wanting it bad. I now weight less then I have in 17 years or so. But oh onderland I want to say goodbye to that 200 mark. Gotta keep moving to get it. Thanks for all the stories and encouraged messages.
  • cbradley903
    cbradley903 Posts: 52 Member
    Good morning Sharr and the under 200 club. I wanted to give a hump day shout out that I am thinking of each of you and how it is keeping my on that onederland goal. One more Lb will get me 50 off from when I first started my weight loss journey for a better way of life 2 and a smidgen will get me to that under by June. However it is so hard when my body gets comfty at each little spot. Hope everyone is still hanging in there we all need each other. Sharr you are awesome. Let's get it gang!!
  • tackemar
    tackemar Posts: 21 Member
    A couple years ago I was in the high 190s. I started in January and by September, I was down to 145! If I can do it you all can do it!!
  • truelight_photo_craig
    truelight_photo_craig Posts: 347 Member
    Started at 305 four years ago and last week weighed in at 198. WOO HOO!!! About 25 more to go to reach my ultimate goal weight. I'd be happy to join you and offer any encouragement I can! Add me!!!
  • cbradley903
    cbradley903 Posts: 52 Member
    Wow those are both very encouraging to hear. Thank you for sharing your stories. Alese want it more. Signing out at the pool side after an awesome workout. It helps to have a job where I can work out. I highly recommend it. @ toad hunter. That is amazing. Your are a total Health inspiration.
  • Sharrr77
    Sharrr77 Posts: 14 Member
    You guys inspire me everyday to keep going !!
    I wanna give up sometimes and eat fried chicken or a big ole slice !!!
    But I kno it will make me sick and I will be soooo disappointed in myself !!
    Journey is hard but worth it !
    I'm praying on Saturday that the scale has changed from 229
  • cbradley903
    cbradley903 Posts: 52 Member
    Just wanting to say hello to the under200 gang. My goodness it is so amazing how had it is to loose what is a few lbs between myself and the land down under. My body thinks it should rest at a 1-2 lbs so it can be above 200. I know I have to be patient. I know it will come because I want it so bad. It is so hard. Positive note I made it through my daughters college graduation and didn't feel deprived. Keep asking myself how bad do you want that food item? Then I realize not as bad as I want onderland. Does anybody else feel like this or stuck? Do you have any things you use to motive you to share?
  • cbradley903
    cbradley903 Posts: 52 Member
    ☺️Oh my goodness I wanted to check in with the under 200 club. How is everyone doing? I can after being stuck for a long time say I am officially in the 'Onederland' area now. It has been a very long struggle. I had to make some changes and amp up my workouts and walking. Is anyone else having problems getting there? I hit it once but the next day it was too close to call. It has been an odd week and a half being able to weigh on both sides of the scales. But now I am under to where I feel confident to post. My body was so mad at me. I have not been here in over 20 some years. To everyone still working on it don't give up. Keep moving and doing your thing. I want this so bad. Almost scared to believe that I am here. Thinking of each of you wherever you are thank you Sharr for starting this thread. I have found some wonderful friends because of it. Keep going gang! Now to keep going another 5 lbs at a time. Small goals is the only way I can keep my mind focused and not get overwhelmed.
  • Robertus
    Robertus Posts: 558 Member
    I swam 4 four miles to Onederland on Saturday.
  • krayz2kat
    krayz2kat Posts: 11 Member
    Robertus wrote: »
    My original goal was 200 (from 270) by the end of the year, but now it is 194 without a time frame. I hope to be under 200 by the end of June, maybe sooner, maybe not.

  • krayz2kat
    krayz2kat Posts: 11 Member
    It's in the bag. You got this! Small steps lead to giant leaps, so remember it's all about you and keeping a positive mental attitude, even when you appear to take a step back - look for the positives! Chin up and keep rockin' it. Let me know how you're doing or if you just want some support!
  • LoriSOWISA
    LoriSOWISA Posts: 17 Member
    im not far off at 202, but love having friends to encourage and motivate. i think not weighing til june is a GREAT idea!! add me if any of you wish.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    bump for OP
  • Sharrr77
    Sharrr77 Posts: 14 Member
    Well ...
    It's almost June and I'm currently 224....
    I do not believe my goal of 200 by June is going to happen !!
    But ... With that being said ..
    I'm still on my mission and more excited than ever !!
    I'm feeling good and looking good
  • krayz2kat
    krayz2kat Posts: 11 Member
    Keep it up! With your PMA (positive mental attitude), you will be surprised come June! I'm rooting for you!
  • krayz2kat
    krayz2kat Posts: 11 Member
    I love this group. It is a great go to for inspiration. Since it was started I am down a few more and I was so stuck. At 208 and wanting it bad. I now weight less then I have in 17 years or so. But oh onderland I want to say goodbye to that 200 mark. Gotta keep moving to get it. Thanks for all the stories and encouraged messages.

  • krayz2kat
    krayz2kat Posts: 11 Member
    Keep shakin' that money makes, girl. With your outlook, you got this. You are beautiful!!
  • baby_kayla2002
    baby_kayla2002 Posts: 8 Member
    I have just recently made it back into "one"derland after being in the 200's for years. I don't honestly remember how many years, probably because I just don't want to remember lol. I still have more pounds to go before I reach my goal. Would love some more friends so we can support each other on this weight loss journey!
  • cbradley903
    cbradley903 Posts: 52 Member
    krayz2kat wrote: »
    Keep shakin' that money makes, girl. With your outlook, you got this. You are beautiful!!

    I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful support with everyone on MFP. Thank you for all the inspiring stories and messages.