Can't loose weight due to Thyroidectomy



  • Arliah
    Arliah Posts: 266 Member
    kattom wrote: »
    Lol I know u r trying to help but I do weigh my food. I am a former female body builder and have tried everything I know. I am so frustrated.

    If you know we are trying to help, then why not just open your diary as a first step? If you are not here to seek help and get opinions, then what's the point of your post?

    What people won't get here is what they want to hear, which is, in most cases:" Oh, it has NOTHING to do with you, it's completely out of your control."

    Not saying that's what you want, it's just an observation based on the hundreds of posts that are made each week where people complain about not being able to lose weight for various reasons.
  • rushfive
    rushfive Posts: 603 Member
    kattom wrote: »
    Lol I know u r trying to help but I do weigh my food. I am a former female body builder and have tried everything I know. I am so frustrated.

    oops, you posted this before I finished my post. Do you use a personal trainer? Dietician?
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Arliah wrote: »
    kattom wrote: »
    Ignore the above poster, CSARdiver--he is a man and doesn't understand the complexities of a female's hormones--it isn't just about thyroid alone. Estrogen is very interactive with the Hypothalamic- Pituitary-Thyroid Axis (HPT axis for short) and what worked for him may not work at all for you.
    I don't think that's really fair ... he was just giving input, he never claimed he's a doctor or a know-it-all. So no, OP, don't ignore him. The point of a forum is to get opinions and THEN evaluate for yourself what could be applicable to your situation. Besides, just because a person is a woman does not make her automatically qualified to understand female hormones. There are plenty of examples for that in our society.

    But he presumed that she was just using thyroid problems as an excuse--there's too much of that type of judgment going on in the forums. OP came here for some genuine help, not get told that she was just excuse-making. (Your TSH is extremely high, by the way, Arliah.)
  • kattom
    kattom Posts: 12 Member
    Lol I post my food everyday. I am just very frustrated. I don't even know what u r talking about. I ask for help as I wasn't finding it in the other posts. If u want to attack some one or take out some kind of frustrations please do it with someone else as u r wasting your time on me as I am already depressed and u can't make me feel any worse.
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    I really think it would help if you opened your diary. It might help if people could see what you are eating. You never know, a clue might be there to help you figure this out!
  • Arliah
    Arliah Posts: 266 Member
    Arliah wrote: »
    kattom wrote: »
    Ignore the above poster, CSARdiver--he is a man and doesn't understand the complexities of a female's hormones--it isn't just about thyroid alone. Estrogen is very interactive with the Hypothalamic- Pituitary-Thyroid Axis (HPT axis for short) and what worked for him may not work at all for you.
    I don't think that's really fair ... he was just giving input, he never claimed he's a doctor or a know-it-all. So no, OP, don't ignore him. The point of a forum is to get opinions and THEN evaluate for yourself what could be applicable to your situation. Besides, just because a person is a woman does not make her automatically qualified to understand female hormones. There are plenty of examples for that in our society.

    But he presumed that she was just using thyroid problems as an excuse--there's too much of that type of judgment going on in the forums. OP came here for some genuine help, not get told that she was just excuse-making. (Your TSH is extremely high, by the way, Arliah.)

    I know :( I am beginning to feel it, too, even more so than before. I am considering seeing my doc again for a retest earlier than originally planned because I don't know how much longer I can tolerate this. But even so -and this may be of interest to the OP-, I am still losing weight. My diary is open, feel free to take a look. I am not starving myself. I don't log exercise of MFP though.
  • Arliah
    Arliah Posts: 266 Member
    kattom wrote: »
    Lol I post my food everyday. I am just very frustrated. I don't even know what u r talking about. I ask for help as I wasn't finding it in the other posts. If u want to attack some one or take out some kind of frustrations please do it with someone else as u r wasting your time on me as I am already depressed and u can't make me feel any worse.

    Sigh. That's the reaction I expected. Not trying to make you or anyone else feel bad. Don't have any reason for that. Anyway, good luck figuring out what's going on!
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    kattom wrote: »
    Lol I post my food everyday. I am just very frustrated. I don't even know what u r talking about. I ask for help as I wasn't finding it in the other posts. If u want to attack some one or take out some kind of frustrations please do it with someone else as u r wasting your time on me as I am already depressed and u can't make me feel any worse.

    @kattom No one is attacking you. You came here seeking advice and that's what everyone is giving you.

    If you are logging your food every day, please open your diary.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    kattom wrote: »
    I have my levels check every 3 months. I am on thyroid medication. My Drs don't say much to me about loosing weight. They tell me to cut back my calories. I have for a long time now and I exercise. And I just don't know what to do anymore. I just want to cry when I look at myself.

    I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease), and I lost more slowly than most MFPers, so be patient! But I did it just like everybody else—by eating fewer calories than I burned.

    Please, read the Sexypants post:
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,979 Member
    edited May 2015
    I see you're logging daily but are you using a food scale? That one tool can make all the difference. :)
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Do you have other endocrinologists available in your network? That was one big problem I experienced - trying to find one willing to work with me rather than just rely on TSH levels. I'm on .175/.200 alternating daily. Very high dosage, but my TSH levels are consistently below 3.0.

    You mention you're a former body builder so probably much more in tune with your body than most of us here.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Arliah wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    Had mine removed 15 years ago and put on about 70 lbs. Lost 50 so far, so it can be done. You need to get your Synthroid dosage under control and just apply CICO. There's a mental side to hypothyroidism, which is difficult to quantify and not really medically recognized - what helped me get over this was to be interested in everything! I had to force myself at first, but now it has become part of me.

    You have to realize that its an excuse. Do not allow it to be anything more or you will never be able to get the weight under control.

    Nicely said! My last labs came back with a TSH level of 6.8, so I have a feeling I will have to go on Synthroid and maybe T4/T3 stuff soon if it won't normalize itself. But even with that value (and the corresponding T4/T3 levels) I've been able to lose 41lbs since last February. So it can be done, as you said. I am not quite sure when my thyroid decided to act up in the past year, but I am still dropping weight even now (about 0.5lbs a week, averaged over the course of a month).

    6.8 is high enough that you should seek out a good endocrinologist. There was a study published in 2003 adjusting the TSH range from 0.3 - 3.0, which I personally believe is much more accurate. While I normally recommend generics, Synthroid is the one drug I swear by the branded name due to the complications in potency (I work in pharma). Congrats on the success!
  • kattom
    kattom Posts: 12 Member
    Is anyone on Armor Thyroid ?
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    Thyroidectomy in 2005, now cancer free for 10 years. I'm on Synthroid and have been stable for quite some time (except during and immediately after pregnancy). I have lost a significant amount of weight twice now with no real issues. Make sure your thyroid is stabilized and be patient. It can be done.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    kattom wrote: »
    Is anyone on Armor Thyroid ?

    We've tested this out of curiosity and there is tremendous variability in potency. The amount of API is not enough to have meaningful impact and could not pass double blind clinical evaluation.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    It sounds like it might be time for a new endocrinologist and a full work-up.

    If I were you, I would go to the biggest medical school in your region and make an appointment with the best endocrinologist/thyroid specialist that you can find.
  • Arliah
    Arliah Posts: 266 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    Arliah wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    Had mine removed 15 years ago and put on about 70 lbs. Lost 50 so far, so it can be done. You need to get your Synthroid dosage under control and just apply CICO. There's a mental side to hypothyroidism, which is difficult to quantify and not really medically recognized - what helped me get over this was to be interested in everything! I had to force myself at first, but now it has become part of me.

    You have to realize that its an excuse. Do not allow it to be anything more or you will never be able to get the weight under control.

    Nicely said! My last labs came back with a TSH level of 6.8, so I have a feeling I will have to go on Synthroid and maybe T4/T3 stuff soon if it won't normalize itself. But even with that value (and the corresponding T4/T3 levels) I've been able to lose 41lbs since last February. So it can be done, as you said. I am not quite sure when my thyroid decided to act up in the past year, but I am still dropping weight even now (about 0.5lbs a week, averaged over the course of a month).

    6.8 is high enough that you should seek out a good endocrinologist. There was a study published in 2003 adjusting the TSH range from 0.3 - 3.0, which I personally believe is much more accurate. While I normally recommend generics, Synthroid is the one drug I swear by the branded name due to the complications in potency (I work in pharma). Congrats on the success!
    I think I found a pretty good endocrinologist. She put me on Synthroid, 88mg for now. Just started today, taking 44mg for three days and then going up to the full dose. I am kind of curious what, if anything, I will notice.

  • kattom
    kattom Posts: 12 Member
    Over the past 3 yrs I gained 30lbs. And I have been on synthroid 112mg so hopefully this won't happen to you, but it does happen to most :s
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    kattom wrote: »
    Over the past 3 yrs I gained 30lbs. And I have been on synthroid 112mg so hopefully this won't happen to you, but it does happen to most.

    Synthroid & Cytomel reduce the fatigue, so I can be more active. But I kept gaining until I learned to log everything I eat & drink accurately & honestly. Logging works.

    I lost the weight before my thyroid levels ever entered the "normal" range. But I think Hashimoto's has messed up my hunger cues. Logging showed me I wasn't gaining weight "for no reason," like I thought—I was eating too much.
  • fidangul
    fidangul Posts: 673 Member
    From reading the discussion above it actually sounds like you have the answer to your question anyway. You say; Your meds are supervised by your dr, you more or less know what to eat and how to log it and as an "ex body builder" you know the importance of sport... I think just don't give up and allow your body to adjust to its new form you should be fine