Anyone use Misfit Shine or Flash? Need friends?

Feel free to add me as a friend in your Misfit app - I could use some more competition!

Username: grove_angel


  • Angel_Grove_
    Angel_Grove_ Posts: 205 Member
  • chelsmaee7
    chelsmaee7 Posts: 115 Member
    I just got one today.. I added you
  • jasonagoode
    jasonagoode Posts: 13 Member
    I use a flash. Will switch to fitbit or jawbone at some point, but I'll add you for now.
  • sunshine4u229
    sunshine4u229 Posts: 15 Member
    What's the difference between the flash and the shine?
  • jasonagoode
    jasonagoode Posts: 13 Member
    The Flash costs half the price of the Shine and weighs about half as much. It's made of plastic instead of aluminum. It's flat on the top and bottom instead of convex. It comes in brighter colors. It doesn't look as elegant. Otherwise, they are almost identical.

    Its pretty durable. I've put my Flash through the washer and dryer and it still functions just like it did out of the box. No idea if the Shine can do that.

    I picked it because it was half off at Best Buy, so I got it for $25.
  • scoobydoorules
    scoobydoorules Posts: 2 Member
    edited May 2015
    Added :smile:
  • jasonagoode
    jasonagoode Posts: 13 Member
    Or maybe I won't since the app won't let me enable the social features. I'll try uninstalling and reinstalling when I get home.
  • jasonagoode
    jasonagoode Posts: 13 Member
    That fixed it. Added you. Mine is jasonagoode. Everyone should post theirs so we can get a group going
  • chelsmaee7
    chelsmaee7 Posts: 115 Member
    Mine is chelsmae7
  • scoobydoorules
    scoobydoorules Posts: 2 Member
    Mine is scoobertdoo
  • cbradley903
    cbradley903 Posts: 52 Member
    edited May 2015
    Oh please anyone that would like a motivational person add me. My misfit name is cb1962 The pic is of a fat cat Jones we have.
    I have not met anyone that has a misfit shine. I workout like crazy spend a lot of time in the water since I work at a fitness center. Just got to Onederland and have lost a total of 53 lbs. I love my Misfit shine have had it on since beginning of December it has been through a lot with me. I never take it off. We could all use some friends on it instead of just Miss Fit. Looking forward to meeting you.
  • cbradley903
    cbradley903 Posts: 52 Member
    Mis fit Shine info
    My name is Colleen. User name cb1962
    Let's work out together gang.
  • Angel_Grove_
    Angel_Grove_ Posts: 205 Member
    The Flash costs half the price of the Shine and weighs about half as much. It's made of plastic instead of aluminum. It's flat on the top and bottom instead of convex. It comes in brighter colors. It doesn't look as elegant. Otherwise, they are almost identical.

    Its pretty durable. I've put my Flash through the washer and dryer and it still functions just like it did out of the box. No idea if the Shine can do that.

    I picked it because it was half off at Best Buy, so I got it for $25.

    I'm glad the Flash is working out for you! My husband didn't have your good luck and has upgraded to the Shine two warranty replacements later.

    Anyway, adding everyone!
  • Angel_Grove_
    Angel_Grove_ Posts: 205 Member

    Anyway, adding everyone!

    Well, I would, if it would let me :-(
  • jessiruthica
    jessiruthica Posts: 412 Member
    I just got my shine 2 weeks ago. I think my username is jessiruthica, the same as here. I'll be adding you all!
  • DButcher146
    DButcher146 Posts: 7 Member
  • DButcher146
    DButcher146 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm trying to add and it's just doing the circular loading thing. How do I fix that?
  • DButcher146
    DButcher146 Posts: 7 Member
    Never mind. I just got it to work. I added all of you. If anyone else joins in please feel free to add me too. Username is dianeb146
  • nutmeg86rb
    nutmeg86rb Posts: 16 Member
    nutmeg22rb here
  • chelsmaee7
    chelsmaee7 Posts: 115 Member