Is this a good idea?



  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    edited May 2015
    You shouldn't try to lose it too fast. When you eat too few calories your body starts to burn through more muscle than it normally would while losing weight. So then once you lose it you won't look fit, you'll be flabby with little muscle. Also, it is unlikely you'll be able to stick to that restrictive of a diet long enough to lose 30 lbs. You will likely get burnt out and start feeling starved and exhausted from a lack of food, then you'll give up and eat all the things.

    Better to do this in a healthy manner that you can maintain.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    No, this sounds like a bad plan. Not only do you set yourself up for a sort of eat/punish cycle, which is not healthy, but you're also setting yourself up for a host of side effects. Lean muscle loss, brittle bones, vitamin deficiencies, hair loss, brittle nails, bad skin, etc.

    Why? It's perfectly possible to meet one's nutritional requirements on 1200 calories if nutrient dense foods are chosen and no calories are wasted on alcohol or other junk.

    There's no guarantee about how much weight will be lost in any individual case, of course, but I think you're drastically exaggerating the possible side-effects, particularly as the OP is talking about doing this for just three months.

    I agree with you about the eat/punish cycle, if that's indeed what OP meant, but I've seen plenty of people posting on these forums saying their main motivation for exercise is to give them extra calories to eat.

    The OP's post doesn't indicate she wants to exercise to eat more. If she exceeds 1200 calories, that would trigger an hour of exercise according to her first post. Nothing in her two posts reads like a person looking to net 1200 calories on nutrient dense foods ... it reads like a person wanting to eat around 1000 calories (gross), then punish herself if she reaches the recommended minimum.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    apeyboo wrote: »
    To be in my healthy weight for my height I could lose 50 pounds. I'm just trying to lose the 30 that I gained my freshman year of college. I gained 30 pounds in one year so I'm pretty sure I could lose 30 pounds and it not have any harsh effect on my body. I'm 5'6 and 180 pounds. I'm pretty sedentary most of the time.

    "Pretty sure"?

    Well, since you've got everything figured out, why did you even ask for opinions?

    You should really educate yourself. "Pretty sure" isn't scientifically proven or medically sound...
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Exercise shouldn't be a punishment. People are more likely to stick with an activity if they enjoy it and see short term benefits from from it.
  • CatHunterFit
    CatHunterFit Posts: 194 Member
    apeyboo wrote: »
    To be in my healthy weight for my height I could lose 50 pounds. I'm just trying to lose the 30 that I gained my freshman year of college. I gained 30 pounds in one year so I'm pretty sure I could lose 30 pounds and it not have any harsh effect on my body. I'm 5'6 and 180 pounds. I'm pretty sedentary most of the time.

    Lose the weight the smart way with good nutrition and exercise you enjoy. Gradual weight loss is key to keeping it off long term, which I'm guessing is your goal.

  • mwebster01
    mwebster01 Posts: 111 Member
    edited May 2015
    apeyboo wrote: »
    Hello, so I'm wanting to try a new thing. My goal is to consume about 1000 to 1200 calories daily. If I go over 1200 calories I have to workout for an hour. Would this be a good way to get back into the habit of eating better and exercising? Also I'm trying to lose about 30 pounds before the end of August. Could I do that with this plan?
    make a workout schedule,like cardio 5 x a week,and strength training 3 x a week.
    losing that much weight that fast will only make you gain it back.your goal should be to lose no more than two lbs a week.
  • jorinya
    jorinya Posts: 933 Member
    Workouts should be fun. Seeing how you grow stronger from week to week. They are hard work but worth it. I look forward to my workout because its time for just me. Time to see what I can do. I don't punish myself. I enjoy myself.
  • WillowMoondancer
    WillowMoondancer Posts: 15 Member
    You need to eat at least 1200 calories.
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 646 Member
    I don't feel that you will successful with that approach to exercise. I do think that 1200 calories a day on average is a good place to start. If you go over one day try to get on track the next day. Find a bunch of activities that you like. Window shopping, walking the dog, gardening, dancing, and exercise class with friends...etc.. Think in terms of how much you move in a day.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    That's a terrible idea.
  • LegendOfErin
    LegendOfErin Posts: 18 Member
    Why would someone flag my post? I don't understand. I lost 90 lbs and consecutively lost 10 lbs a month. There was nothing wrong with my post.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Why would someone flag my post? I don't understand. I lost 90 lbs and consecutively lost 10 lbs a month. There was nothing wrong with my post.

    Yet your ticker says 12 pounds lost of 100 planned. Ten pounds per month is far too aggressive for the OP with the amount she has to lose. Losing that much for her would require losing muscle mass.
  • LegendOfErin
    LegendOfErin Posts: 18 Member
    Why would someone flag my post? I don't understand. I lost 90 lbs and consecutively lost 10 lbs a month. There was nothing wrong with my post.

    Yet your ticker says 12 pounds lost of 100 planned. Ten pounds per month is far too aggressive for the OP with the amount she has to lose. Losing that much for her would require losing muscle mass.

    So people can't lose weight in the past? I lost 90 lbs in the past, went from 220 lbs to 130 lbs.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    OP, why bother wasting everyones time with this question if you were going to ignore the responses? You wouldn't have asked the question in the first place if you were 100% convinced that it was a good idea, so the resounding 'no' ought to have meant something...
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Why would someone flag my post? I don't understand. I lost 90 lbs and consecutively lost 10 lbs a month. There was nothing wrong with my post.

    Yet your ticker says 12 pounds lost of 100 planned. Ten pounds per month is far too aggressive for the OP with the amount she has to lose. Losing that much for her would require losing muscle mass.

    So people can't lose weight in the past? I lost 90 lbs in the past, went from 220 lbs to 130 lbs.

    Your ticker says that you have lost 12 from a goal of 100 pounds. That 100 is after the 90 you already lost? That makes no sense.
  • LegendOfErin
    LegendOfErin Posts: 18 Member
    Why would someone flag my post? I don't understand. I lost 90 lbs and consecutively lost 10 lbs a month. There was nothing wrong with my post.

    Yet your ticker says 12 pounds lost of 100 planned. Ten pounds per month is far too aggressive for the OP with the amount she has to lose. Losing that much for her would require losing muscle mass.

    So people can't lose weight in the past? I lost 90 lbs in the past, went from 220 lbs to 130 lbs.

    Your ticker says that you have lost 12 from a goal of 100 pounds. That 100 is after the 90 you already lost? That makes no sense.

    I had another account in 2012. I guess people only can lose weight on one account and solely on MyFitnessPal. And I guess people never gain back their weight. Do you need my life story? lol
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Weight loss is basic math. 30 pounds is 105,000 calories (1 lb = 3500 calories). So, the end of August is approximately 15 weeks away (if I counted correctly...could be 16, but we'll do the math for 15). That means you'd need to cut 105,000 / 15 weeks = 7000 per week, or 1000 calories per day. That means you need to eat 1000 calories less than you burn. What is your TDEE? If you're sedentary, then it's probably not high enough to sustain a 1000 calorie deficit every day for 15 weeks.

    Besides the sheer difficulty of keeping such a large calorie deficit, you might also want to think about the potential side effects of eating such a low calorie diet: muscle loss (the heart is a muscle), which in turn will lower your metabolism (muscle burns calories; when you lose muscle, you don't burn as many calories). Another very common side effect is gallstones. They're quite painful and potentially dangerous, and the only way to resolve them is to have your gallbladder surgically removed. Also, losing fast can cause loose skin which would have to be surgically removed. 30 lbs may not be a large enough loss to have that effect...but it might. Especially since you would be losing some of the underlying muscle tone underneath the skin.

    I hope you'll reconsider such an ill-advised plan.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Well, okay. but if you lost 90 pounds and gained it all back, maybe you should question your own advice. We are trying to recommend sustainable weight loss here.
  • LegendOfErin
    LegendOfErin Posts: 18 Member
    Well, okay. but if you lost 90 pounds and gained it all back, maybe you should question your own advice. We are trying to recommend sustainable weight loss here.

    I never gave advice. I simply stated an opinion about 10 lbs per month. Gaining it all back is because I stopped tracking my calories daily and got back into my old habits. I guess you do want my life story.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    apeyboo wrote: »
    Hello, so I'm wanting to try a new thing. My goal is to consume about 1000 to 1200 calories daily. If I go over 1200 calories I have to workout for an hour. Would this be a good way to get back into the habit of eating better and exercising? Also I'm trying to lose about 30 pounds before the end of August. Could I do that with this plan?

    Well, no, this kind of behavior and thinking is not a good thing. It's disordered because it sounds like you punish yourself if you eat over a certain amount, and it also sounds like you are consuming way too few calories. I suggest speaking with a therapist.

    I notice you have 44 pounds to lose. I think 30 pounds by the end of August is pretty aggressive. Why not set your goals up to lose a pound a week and just take it from there?