C25K---anyone want to join me?!?!!!



  • samhennings
    samhennings Posts: 441 Member
    So I was looking at the C25k apps. There's so many! Did you guys use the app? Which one did you guys use?

    Im using the zenlabs one, does the job just fine for me.

    Alternatively I believe you can download podcasts
  • MK24551
    MK24551 Posts: 174 Member
    C25k is a gateway drug. I completed it, then trained for a 10k, then a 12k, and now two half marathons later I'm training for a full. Be careful and wear good shoes!

    Lmao gateway drug!!! That is great!!! Way to go on ur success!
  • Iiftlovelunge
    Iiftlovelunge Posts: 4 Member
    I did week 1 day 1 on Monday and while I found the last few minutes to be a struggle, I was super happy with the fact I was able to keep up! I had day surgery yesterday so I'll have to wait a couple days until I do day 2 but once I catch up I really want to stick with 3 runs per week.
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    So I was looking at the C25k apps. There's so many! Did you guys use the app? Which one did you guys use?

    I love the 5k runner app. Clean, simple, and integrated music. Plus when you're done you can move on to the 10k runner app. ;)
  • jambodesign
    jambodesign Posts: 417 Member
    @kncardwell I saw your post yesterday and decided I would try it too. I started Week 1 Day 1 yesterday with you! :D
  • kncardwell
    kncardwell Posts: 17 Member
    @kncardwell I saw your post yesterday and decided I would try it too. I started Week 1 Day 1 yesterday with you! :D

    Awesome!!! How did it go?!?!
  • jambodesign
    jambodesign Posts: 417 Member
    It went well! I finished it and felt good afterwards. I did it on the treadmill though. I am pretty heavy to I am hoping it won't be too much. Are you planning on doing Day 2 tomorrow?
  • kncardwell
    kncardwell Posts: 17 Member
    I am going to do day 2 Saturday & day 3 Sunday (I work nights so the next couple of days are shot I will be asleep during the day) If it's not too hot Friday evening I may move up day 2 then. Let's keep each other posted!!
  • kncardwell
    kncardwell Posts: 17 Member
    I also have the zenlabs app! How do you get podcasts?
  • jmacaroni
    jmacaroni Posts: 243 Member
    I'm going to start today! I completed it once a few years ago. Then I moved and had no place to run, now I can't run at all anymore. Just joined a gym, so I'll be completing it at the gym.
  • yvettencx
    yvettencx Posts: 1 Member
    week 3 of this (hip surgery february, and not run for 15 months in total), and so I'm starting like a beginner again...well almost.
    When I did c25k for the VERY first time I was embarrassed by how little I could run...but everyone has to start somewhere, and if it was easy it wouldn't be worth doing...

    so I'm doing a version that is to build up to running for a full 30 minutes - week three involves 5min / 3 min intervals, run / walk....

    that said my heel hurts, so I'm resting for a few days - if it turns into a week, so be it...my only competitor is myself...

    I've done 2 half marathons, and 6 10K's before I had to stop running...can't wait to get back to the 10k racing...

    keep up the motivation - sometimes we are forced to take a break, or life gets in the way - don't beat yourself up about those times, they happen
  • kncardwell
    kncardwell Posts: 17 Member
    jmacaroni wrote: »
    I'm going to start today! I completed it once a few years ago. Then I moved and had no place to run, now I can't run at all anymore. Just joined a gym, so I'll be completing it at the gym.

    Awesome let me know how run 1 goes!! You can do it!!!
  • kncardwell
    kncardwell Posts: 17 Member
    yvettencx wrote: »
    week 3 of this (hip surgery february, and not run for 15 months in total), and so I'm starting like a beginner again...well almost.
    When I did c25k for the VERY first time I was embarrassed by how little I could run...but everyone has to start somewhere, and if it was easy it wouldn't be worth doing...

    so I'm doing a version that is to build up to running for a full 30 minutes - week three involves 5min / 3 min intervals, run / walk....

    that said my heel hurts, so I'm resting for a few days - if it turns into a week, so be it...my only competitor is myself...

    I've done 2 half marathons, and 6 10K's before I had to stop running...can't wait to get back to the 10k racing...

    keep up the motivation - sometimes we are forced to take a break, or life gets in the way - don't beat yourself up about those times, they happen

    Thanks for sharing!! As a nurse I fully believe you have to listen to your body! You have already made some awesome accomplishments!! Thanks for the motivation!
  • samhennings
    samhennings Posts: 441 Member
    kncardwell wrote: »
    I also have the zenlabs app! How do you get podcasts?

    Most recently saw a link for them on the NHS website, via google. Havent got them myself, finding the app is sufficient.
  • kellyship17
    kellyship17 Posts: 112 Member
    I've done C25K, and I think it's awesome that all of you are doing it! My advice would be to just stick with it. There are some days that are really tough, but if you follow the program, you will be running 30 minutes by the end. I am now training for a 15K, and I couldn't even run a minute before C25K, so there is your proof that it works:)
  • kncardwell
    kncardwell Posts: 17 Member
    I've done C25K, and I think it's awesome that all of you are doing it! My advice would be to just stick with it. There are some days that are really tough, but if you follow the program, you will be running 30 minutes by the end. I am now training for a 15K, and I couldn't even run a minute before C25K, so there is your proof that it works:)

    Thanks so much for the motivation!!! Way to go on training for a 15k!!
  • jambodesign
    jambodesign Posts: 417 Member
    Just finished week 1 day 2...it felt good but my knee hurt a little.
  • kncardwell
    kncardwell Posts: 17 Member
    Just finished week 1 day 2...it felt good but my knee hurt a little.

    Great job!! I just finished day 2! Hips hurt a little! I felt like it went a smidge better!! Let's keep it up!! Day 3 next!!!!
  • 32kenny
    32kenny Posts: 6 Member
    Add me as a friend. Started yesterday so going on WK1 Day 2 today. Need the motivation
  • jambodesign
    jambodesign Posts: 417 Member
    I am going to try Week 2 Day 2 tonight. I did Week 2 Day 1 on Monday and I did well. The only issue I am having is my knee. I am doing every other day so I am hoping the day of rest will be enough. I am jogging very slowly so I am not going to worry if the distance isn't there. I am mainly working on building up the time. I am also running on the treadmill. It will be interesting to see how I do outside when I am ready for that. Right now I don't want to embarrass myself. :tired_face: lol