

  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    My mom has actually done the OPPOSITE. She has given me the "you're getting too skinny.. you need to stop now" lecture... I am NOT that skinny.

    Luckily (i say this with sarcasm), I have an older brother who has no problem pointing out to me when I'm eating "unhealthy" foods. At first it used to frustrate me, but now that I've gotten to my goal by NOT making drastic changes to my eating, I really don't care when he says anything. The thing is, he *thinks* he eats healthy but I don't see ANY results on his side... hmmmm :-) And honestly, the comments have seemed to come to a halt as well.

    So just keep doing what you're doing and let the results speak for themselves! Whether it takes you 6 months or a year, this is a lifetime change and in the long run you will be successful BECAUSE you let yourself have the foods you crave!
  • freshmenthesis
    freshmenthesis Posts: 36 Member
    Some moms are awful for this.

    As an overweight child I had a particularly difficult time dealing with a thin mother who wanted me to be the same.
    I know now that it was out of general concern for my health and happiness, but at the time her attempts to (as you said) micromanage my every move only made me fell horrible about myself. Every effort I decided to take on my own toward weight loss became something else for her to control and I would quickly need to rebel by quitting.

    She has become much more positive and supportive as I have grown up but the feelings of inadequacy took years to overcome.
    Hope it gets better for you!
  • LaDawn74
    LaDawn74 Posts: 132 Member
    My Mom needs to loose weight too..her way is just eating soup......NOT the healthy way.........trying to get her to change is IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!

    I live in my Mom's house while she lives with the lady we BOTH take care of... so I'm around her 3 days a week......24 hr days......

    I'm doing this for ME!!! Not for anyone esle.......if I want to have a non good day...then so be it......just as long as I'm careful and don't let it last for more than 1 day at a time......

    I didn't have cheese or mayo on my burger...nor bacon....and didn't have a LOT of fries either.....

    I've been stopping when I'm full and not going back for 2nds.....

    I've very proud of myself........Don't care what anyone else says.....

    Just had to vent earlier........Glad I'm NOT the only one....
  • nurse_carolyn
    nurse_carolyn Posts: 348
    That's actually why i never tell anyone "in the real world" when or how I'm trying to lose weight. If they see me exercising i just say "yeah, I'm trying to exercise a little." But I never say "diet" and I never say "trying to lose weight." Because people are always up in your business.

    If its not policing your cheat days, its giving you advice about the diet you SHOULD be on, instead of the one you are on. If you're eating grapes, you should be eating blueberries. If you are eating white rice, they shake their head and tell you it should be brown rice (while they're munching on some pizza, of course).

    That is precisely why I'm on MFP. I tell all of you what I'm doing. But not them!

    that's me too, it's better that way:)
  • jennysikma
    jennysikma Posts: 20 Member
    I notice a lot of people here have mothers that can't help but say something to you, whether its...your too fat or your too skinny...I wonder why it is someone whom loves you unconditionally, yet doesn't realize the hurt that comes out of their mouths. Do you think because they are your parents, they think they can say what ever is on their mind...even if it is not always something you want to here?

    20 days ago is when my mother pointed out my weight...since then she is in Holland on an vacation with Dad...and she hasn't seen me...I lost 12 lbs...and I bet she won't even notice when she comes home. 1 more week and I will find out...