Ready to give up

so it's been a month. Four weeks. And I've lost 1 kilo. Are you kidding me? I've been eating right, missing out on all the things I loved, I haven't had a drink with my friends, I've been exercising every day and I've got nothing to show for it. I might as well
Done nothing, for all the sweat and time. I just don't understand why I can't lose any weight, I don't get why it's not working. I'm not meant to be this fat girl. I know I'm not, but why hasn't anything happened? I can't work any harder, I'm already aching, I just want to fall into a heap, and eat chocolate.

Sorry about the negativity, I just am so confused and frustrated right now.


  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Well I can't see your food diary but maybe you can change up some of the foods you eat. Also be careful with sodium this will make you retain water. Drink plenty of water at least 64ozs per day if you can. I used to hate water so I started at 20 ozs and worked my way up to the recommended amount. Also you may want to try a new excercise routine to help kick start your fat burning again. I have also heard that zig zagging calories works for some people. Try this site . I would subtract about 450 calories from what this site recommends for extreme fat loss. If you need a new motivating friend feel free to add me! (((hugs)))
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    Oh, no!! Don't give up, Tillzie!! You are too young, too pretty & too sweet to just throw up your hands already. Some suggestions that may help you: go back & look at your water intake, calorie count, sodium count, etc. for the past month. If you've been logging consistently, you have a great way of monitoring your own track record. And from being your MFP friend, in my opinion, you are not eating ENOUGH on a regular basis.

    Your body loves to pick a spot & stay there, and many of us (if not most of us) need to mix things up in order to shock our bodies into change. That means interval training (i.e. go fast for a minute, then slow it down for two minutes, until you are fit enough to do the reverse: speed it up for two minutes, then slow down for a minute, etc.). You may be one of those people that REALLY need to mix it up. That means a higher calorie count on some days (like 1,600 calories) and a lower calorie count on others (like 1,300); some days of steady state training (going 3.5 for an hour on the treadmill) and some days of intervals (7.0 for a minute, 3.5 for two, as mentioned above). I happen to be one of those people that needs to shock her body into change, so I'm right there with you.

    I know it's rough, but this is a marathon, not a sprint. You can do it!:smile:
  • Davie_ege
    Davie_ege Posts: 14 Member
    Hey, I totally know how you feel. Its hard when you feel like your not getting results. Some things to remember are, 1. The first month can be just getting rid of water and building muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat and so it could be that you've got a bigger muscle mass than before and its replaced the fat you've lost. 2. Have you tried "embrassing your hunger", yeah it sounds stupid and I'm not suggesting you starve. Just don't eat til you feel full, eat till you feel satisfied or just under that. It'll take a while, even though your eating properly and being good, for your body to realise you don't actually need to eat as much as you were a month before. Anyway, hope you feel more motivated and that this helps even if its just a little bit! Remember that we're all in the same boat as you, and I personally found about a week ago that my bathroom scales are bust and I'm actually 2 kilos heavier than I thought. :S You're gonna lose the weight, you're gonna reach your true potential and your gonna be the person you want to be! For that matter so am I! Keep your eyes on the prize!! Even though you haven't "seemingly" lost weight, don't you feel healthier, fitter, stronger and more able to keep up with life around you!! HUGS!
  • Earthboundmsft
    I totally know how you feel, when I've gone on diets in the past and not seen enough of a result on the scale, I've totally thrown in the towel and gone right back to my old ways. That's probably why I'm so very fat now though lol
    I know it's a little depressing, but try to think of some you feel better generally? do you have more energy? are your clothes fitting a little differently?
    If you're working out a lot, maybe you're building muscle?
    Do you record your measurements? I hear people see results there sometimes even when the scale doesn't move.
    Maybe you should open your food diary up so people can give you some advice on your diet?

    Anyway, I am in no way a pro, so I'm sure others will give you better advice than me...but I hope you feel better soon :)
  • gislihh
    gislihh Posts: 10
    Your new style, exercising, could easily explain why you wouldn't loose any weight for quite a time, even one or two months. But you should feel some difference on your clothes.
    Patience is the key. And also try to enjoy yourself within the calorie boundaries.
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    Please give yourself some more time. You are worth the effort. Just keep at it, and it will happen.
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    Please give yourself some more time. You are worth the effort. Just keep at it, and it will happen.

    I agree, thinking positive is the first (and in my opinion largest) hurdle to jump in the journey toward success!! Dont give up, just hang in there and keep working toward your goal. Taking measurements does help, I have a friend that was not budging the scale but her clothes were looser and she was losing inches.

  • Brownski860
    Brownski860 Posts: 361 Member
    Tillzie!! Dont you dare stop! We are in this fight together. 1 kilo is ok. Better than GAINING!!! Try mixing up the food you eat. Try not eating back your work out calories. You can do this! I need you buddy! Don't stop!
  • lisabel87
    lisabel87 Posts: 152
    Don't give up! Even if you haven't lost, your are still being healthy!
  • jessdeweerdt
    jessdeweerdt Posts: 128
    Don't Give Up!! I have this problem too - the scale and I don't get along, but it's about more than the scale. I take a picture of myself every week, with the same outfit on, and I save them next to each other on my computer with the date and weight. In the past 4 weeks, I have lost 4 pounds (which fluctuates up and down), but when I look at the pictures, I can see a difference, a real difference. I can wear my jeans again. I have to believe the pounds will come in time, but what I feel and see is important too!
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    well giving up never really get you much of nothing. ive been there. i always say. I will say this and thos may dissgree but the point is eat less exercise and all that does not work for everyone some peple have to be drastic in their changes to get change just depends on what side you were born on.♥☾
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Do you eat your exercise calories? Do you not eat them? I have been there, when I first started I never ate them back and I did it that way for about a month and only lost 3lbs. Then I spent a month eating back all of the calories I burned because that is what people on this site suggested and I only lost 2lbs that month. I got frustrated and I quit for a couple of weeks. Since I have been back I only eat back about 1/2 of the calories I burn and I have been losing weight pretty steadily since then. It doesn't work the same for everyone, and sometimes it takes some experimenting to see what works for you.

    But I can say that once you figure out what works best for you and you start seeing some results it is totally worth it. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. :) You CAN do it.
  • dennypup
    dennypup Posts: 105 Member
    Your diary looks healthy except for several days of excessive sodium. I would really watch that for a couple of weeks, I mean cut out stuff low in calories but high in salt and replace it with something else. I didn't check your water but I would exceed the 8 glasses for a few says to flush out the sodium. Also I would load my day with higher calories earlier on the day and finish up with a lower calorie supper. Sometimes rearranging things helps even though you're getting nutritious food. :)
  • Josephine237
    Josephine237 Posts: 72 Member
    I just read about Zig Zag Approach and alot of people who were stagnate are having success. Im going to try it myself....don't give up,,,there's a solution..
    Scroll down till you see "How to Zig Zag properly" ...we'll try it together!
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    It took you more than 4 weeks to get to where you are now... it's gonna take more than 4 weeks to get the weight off. Keep up what you're doing and you will see results!
  • tillzie
    tillzie Posts: 16
    I really appreciate everyone writing it means alot!! Right new plan as of today, watch that sodium, work out harder and faster, take photos! Oh and mydiary is now open to everyone so ANY advice or suggestions would be so appreciated and welcome.!!
  • momandboys4
    momandboys4 Posts: 21
    I feel your pain.... Been at it 4 1/2 weeks and lost only 4 lbs
    Have not cheated once or gone over my calories, I don't even eat all of them as I am just hungry.... Exercising more than I ever have in my life! Just makes me cry..... Hang in there something has gotta give.....Good luck............