overcoming binge eating

Today is my 6th day of being binge free. Was having so much difficulty to restrain myself this morning but managed to. Is afternoon now and I just had my lunch and am so happy that I manage to refrain myself from purchasing my trigger food and instead bought cha soba and some vegetables side dishes. I hope I can sustain it throughout the day.

I am writing this because I felt that this can help me track my urges and let me think before succumbing to bingeing. If any of you guyz want to, we can work our way together by supporting and encouraging each other here:)


  • janisvin
    janisvin Posts: 72 Member
    I know exactly how hard it is. Keep reaching out and coming clean. This is a great community and I'm happy to support you!
  • jessicaliong1
    jessicaliong1 Posts: 24 Member
    janisvin wrote: »
    I know exactly how hard it is. Keep reaching out and coming clean. This is a great community and I'm happy to support you!

    Thank you so much!! I find that I gain strength after joining MFP:) I hope I can continue one with this.

    I managed to restrain myself from bingeing today by reading other people's experience and learn from it. And also weirdly, by motivating myself to be healthy and have a better body by looking at pictures of people with nice figure. HAHAHA. And by telling myself that I have to fit into a party dress nicely since my cousin is getting married this December and I don't want to look bad in the party dress.

    Tomorrow is going to be a hard day for me because this show that always trigger me to want to binge will be on air tomorrow. I hope I can watch it without bingeing. That is my goal for tomorrow. Is gonna be so very hard. I can't afford to fail tomorrow. Thinking about it stresses me out. Urgh
  • Crisseyda
    Crisseyda Posts: 532 Member
    edited May 2015
    Check out his free e book. It totally changed my perspective on binge eating disorder.


    You can find freedom!
  • jessicaliong1
    jessicaliong1 Posts: 24 Member
    Woke up today having the urge to binge. Trying to restrain the urge by thinking of the consequences of binging and how I would have felt if I am able to overcome it. I hope I will not be beaten down by this urge.....
  • susiebabygirl
    susiebabygirl Posts: 68 Member
    You've been doing so well :-) just try to stay strong and remind yourself that you're doing well and there's no need to break that good spell. You don't need the food you're craving, you only want it out of habit and the longer you can stay away from it the easier it will be to break that habit x
  • ashleyturner426
    ashleyturner426 Posts: 4 Member
    You can do this Jessica! A common deterring phrase I've heard is "play the tape through" meaning, imagine that you give in and binge, what would that feel and look like when it's over? Odds are you will be emotionally wrecked and disappointed for just a moment's worth of satisfaction. And you don't want to undo all your hard work!!
  • jessicaliong1
    jessicaliong1 Posts: 24 Member
    I managed to buy my lunch:D A proper lunch without binging. I feel so satisfied and happy right now. hehehe. I hope I can continue on for the day. Taking one step at a time and not rush things over. The temptation and urge is still there but I am trying very hard to think away from it.

    @ashleyturner426 yeap:D I am doing that now. I have to keep reminding myself how I felt every time after I binged and how I always said I would not want to do it ever again. Thank you for the support:D:D

    @susiebabygirl I think my binge food is a habit that I always had. It has been my comfort food all the while and so, I seek comfort from it. Thank you for the support. It really motivates me:D
  • jessicaliong1
    jessicaliong1 Posts: 24 Member
    Done for the day and I actually managed to refrain myself from binging:D Today marks the 7th day of me being binge-free. Another challenging day tomorrow and I shall not be beaten down. Counting down the days till the end of May. I promise myself that if I can actually refrain myself from binging until the end of May, I will reward myself with a pair of sunglass that I have always longed for. Something to motivate me:D
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    The reward is a great idea. Keep going and you can do it one day at a time. Also thank you because I binged last night and you reminded me that I can beat it and not do it again.

    I had a few triggers but I am not going to give in to it anymore! Neither will you because you will look awesome in those sunglasses
  • jessicaliong1
    jessicaliong1 Posts: 24 Member
    @fannyfrost Hello:D Thank you for the encouragement! Yeap~ let just take it one day at a time and not get discouraged over a slip. Is the journey that counts. I got motivated from reading Paulo Coelho's book 'Manuscript Found In Accra'. It isn't really directed to eating disorder but it teaches us about values of life and helps us to appreciate our own life. And I remembered him writing that to succeed, we have to enjoy our journey. Do not treat this as us suffering, but rather, enjoy this journey. Enjoy the obstacles that you face, appreciate the problems and the challenges and learn from it. I hope you can overcome this too:) Let's do this together~

    I have a few triggers too, and I tried to face it head on. Like I realised that I tend to binge eat on a particular show. Like this particular show will trigger me to binge while watching it. So, I challenged myself to watch it without binging, telling myself that nothing will change even when you binge or not. Time will still runs at the same speed, the show will still show the same thing and your problems will still be left hanging anyway, so why binge. I tried to remind myself this all the time. Though it is difficult, and I can forget sometimes:(
  • susiebabygirl
    susiebabygirl Posts: 68 Member
    @susiebabygirl I think my binge food is a habit that I always had. It has been my comfort food all the while and so, I seek comfort from it. Thank you for the support. It really motivates me:D

    No problem at all! Hope you had a good day today :smiley:
  • scotvalkyrie
    scotvalkyrie Posts: 22 Member
    I second (third) everyone who has said to just take it one day at a time, or even just hour by hour. You know that it's not about the food but your reaction to it. You also know that there are going to be some days where you might slip up. That's okay too. I've said this before on other posts but I like it:

    "If you drop one egg on the floor, do you automatically throw the rest of the dozen on the floor too?"

    You can drop an egg - or "slip up" on your eating habits, but that's okay. We all drop eggs. The choice is whether we just clean up the egg (track the food and move on) or throw the rest of the eggs on the floor too.
  • hunnyb333
    hunnyb333 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for your initial post Jessica and thanks to everyone for answering! I slipped up at after a party two days ago and have been struggling since. The vending machine calls to me every day and every time someone brings donuts in to work it starts me on a spiral.

    Like everyone said, it's true, we are all taking it one day at a time. Be strong, you can do it! I worked on small goals first. Gave up soda (hardest!) then gave up candy and then snacks but as I started to plateau I got frustrated and out came the chips. The diet plan that I'm following now (LeBootcamp) says that nothing is forbidden and so I can have a little chocolate or a croissant or something fun and just balance it out for the rest of the day. Less guilt = less bingeing, but it's still a daily struggle.

    If you are struggling, just reach out and there are so many people here to help!
  • jessicaliong1
    jessicaliong1 Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you guyz:) I feel that even if we slip a bit, we have to get back straight up and forget about those slip ups instead of falling back again. It is not shameful to slip and fall. It is called courage and strong to stand back up again.

    I am outside walking, and I see so many temptations for me to binge and I am trying to restrain this urge and remind myself to stand strong. It is an everyday struggle and I realized writing it down before attempting to binge helps me to not give in to the binge. I hope I dont binge today though I am still very tempted now
  • janisvin
    janisvin Posts: 72 Member
    Keep at it! The more days you log binge free the more it becomes 'your way.' Excellent work!!!
  • jessicaliong1
    jessicaliong1 Posts: 24 Member
    @janisvin Thank you so much for the encouragement! :smile:

    I was on the verge of giving in to the binge just now. I was about to buy all my trigger foods then. It was already in my basket but I don't know why, just suddenly, I put down the basket and walk away and bought myself a bottle of shampoo instead (I don't know why I bought a bottle of shampoo that I have never used before though). I felt bad for leaving the basket on the ground without putting the food back but I hope the employees there can forgive me for it. LOL. But I felt so free leaving the market store after that. I hope tomorrow will be a better day~
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    Good job, and the employees will forgive you I'm sure. Great job stopping yourself. My challenge is that my daughter is home from college and there is junk food everywhere. Last night she made brownies too. I dint have any, I am done with the junk, but it's hard.

    The thing is my daughter has opposite problem, she needs to watch she doesn't lose weight. Mostly she tries with healthy food, but a little junk is always part of the mix. So I have to watch so she can eat
  • jessicaliong1
    jessicaliong1 Posts: 24 Member
    I binged today. But, I is like a half success and half failure day for me. I did binge but I stopped halfway. I think is because of the stress from me talking to my mum coz my mum was bombarding me with all the questions about my diet, asking me if I have eaten too much rice, and am I getting fatter and all and it stresses me out. So, I gave in to binging. But, halfway, I managed to stop. Usually, I would binge on a whole big pack (500g) of cereal and 2 packets of red bean mochi (in addition to my usual 3 meals). But today, I only ate the filling of the mochi (the red bean paste) and threw the outer skin and managed to stop with around 3/4 to 1/2 left of the cereal (plus my 3 main meals of course). Scared that I will binge it again later, I threw it all away. Though I binged, I would like to take this as a form of half success since I manage to stop before I felt so bloated and full. I felt full but not to the point of sick full.
  • downongreenacres
    downongreenacres Posts: 327 Member
    Stopping the binge is a HUGE success! You showed great strength and will do even better next time!
  • jessicaliong1
    jessicaliong1 Posts: 24 Member
    Today was fine. Though I did have the urge, it was controllable and I was able to refrain myself from binging. I realised that if I concentrate on myself more and ignore what others think about me, I am able to control and handle my binging well. However, right now, I am unable to do that if I have to communicate and interact with them. So, I tend to cut myself from them and did not attempt to contact with them. Especially my mother. But I think it is the first step to overcome my binging. I have to gain control of myself first before being able to control my surrounding. I hope tomorrow will be another good day.