Banana and two eggs Pancakes?

anbtjp Posts: 51 Member
Has anyone tried these? Are they any good?


  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    No. I've heard of spectacular failures. I suspect the banana must be whipped in to a creamy froth before adding the eggs. Otherwise it would come out looking like scrambled banana. With egg.
  • anbtjp
    anbtjp Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you! Will save me from letting my bananas get "very ripe" as the recipe calls for.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Hubby loves his bananas, which he makes in to smoothies. If we are out of bananas, he tells me we are out of groceries. When they start to get over-ripe, he peels them, puts them in a ziploc, and puts them in the freezer. They make a great frozen smoothie that way.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    I have a great protein pancake recipe that I eat at least a couple of times a week. Smoosh one small-medium ripe banana in a bowl. Add 1 Tbsp peanut butter (low added sugar kind) and mix well. In a separate bowl, whip 2 eggs, or 1 egg and 1 egg's worth of egg whites. Add the well-mixed eggs to the banana-peanut butter mixture. Add a tiny dash of vanilla and a shake of cinnamon. Mix thoroughly. Cook on a griddle about 5 mins each side. Top with fresh fruit or frozen fruit defrosted in the microwave.
  • slp51
    slp51 Posts: 201 Member
    I just made these pancakes today! LOVED loved loved them! Yes, you need to smash the banana to a pretty fine texture. Mine happened to be really ripe. I put the partially-smashed banana, two eggs, 1/8 tsp of baking powder and 1/8 tsp of cinnamon into my smoothie maker to mix the batter. I found the recipe here:

    I also added 1 TBLS of PB2, but didn't really taste it, so next time I'll probably leave it out.
  • cam52404
    cam52404 Posts: 15 Member
    anbtjp wrote: »
    Has anyone tried these? Are they any good?
    I do it all the time! I use two egg whites though. I blend about 1/4 c of oats to make a flour, add the banana, and eggs, blend it up, & pour in on the skittle! Yummy with peanut butter to!
  • crabbybrianna
    crabbybrianna Posts: 344 Member
    They work way better if you use green bananas. Ripe bananas don't work very well.
  • therayeraye
    therayeraye Posts: 17 Member
    I make them all the time. I blend it in my magic bullet to get it frothy. It tastes slightly less like banana omelette if you either put some cinnamon in it or add some vanilla protein powder.
  • barryplumber
    barryplumber Posts: 401 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Hubby loves his bananas, which he makes in to smoothies. If we are out of bananas, he tells me we are out of groceries. When they start to get over-ripe, he peels them, puts them in a ziploc, and puts them in the freezer. They make a great frozen smoothie that way.

    Good idea i do that with most berries and fruit but never thought of doing it with banana.
  • marsandval
    marsandval Posts: 16 Member
    We eat them all the time. Hubby mixes it up in the blender with a bit of cinnamon. He cooks them small so they are easier said to flip.
    We eat them with yogurt and fruit.
  • JodehFoster
    JodehFoster Posts: 419 Member
    edited May 2015
    YES!! They work perfectly for me & it's a nice treat every now & then

    1 med over-ripe banana mashed
    1 jumbo egg - just beaten with a fork

    (ok, I added a pinch of salt & 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract & a pinch of baking powder)

    Mash banana. Mix together. Spray pan w/ non-stick spray. Over med-low heat, ladle small-med cakes into pan. WALK AWAY & let it do its thing, I leave it for nearly 10 min. Once the edges start browning/lifting from pan, gently flip for another minute or two. The key is to cook slow...oh, and don't make them too big or you'll end up w/ a mess trying to flip them

    I've also been adding chopped walnuts lately...I usually drizzle w/ real maple syrup & a shake of cinnamon.

  • SophiaSerrao
    SophiaSerrao Posts: 234 Member
    That ^^^^ looks great *.*
  • mrschristinamorris
    mrschristinamorris Posts: 4 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    No. I've heard of spectacular failures. I suspect the banana must be whipped in to a creamy froth before adding the eggs. Otherwise it would come out looking like scrambled banana. With egg.

    Put them in a blender. It all comes out great. Cook like a regular pancake. They are very moist.
  • anbtjp
    anbtjp Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I think adding oats or baking powder and a little vanilla will make them more to my liking!
  • shan11180
    shan11180 Posts: 110 Member
    I've had multiple failures. I'll have to try a few of the suggestions above, though!

    I made a protein pancake that was wonderful using protein powder, cinnamon, 2 egg whites and vanilla. AMAZING!
  • katsmo
    katsmo Posts: 219 Member
    I tried it once, and it was delish! I used one banana, one egg, and a little PB2. It made three mini pancakes. I'd definitely make it again.
  • anbtjp
    anbtjp Posts: 51 Member
    What is PB2? I've seen it mentioned several times
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    katsmo wrote: »
    I tried it once, and it was delish! I used one banana, one egg, and a little PB2. It made three mini pancakes. I'd definitely make it again.

    Oh yes. I will definitely by trying these!
  • Apud85
    Apud85 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm surprised ppl don't like these! I LOVE them and make them almost every morning. Topped with a dollop of plain greek yogurt and a little maple syrup, they keep me full for a long time! They taste exactly like French toast to me.