Hey yall!

I recently redownloaded this app. I had the app about two years ago when I thought I was going to try a new 'diet' and lose weight easily, but in reality I wasn't mentally prepared or even ready to take on the journey. This time I can say I am ready and I WILL do this! I have been going to a local gym and even training with a personal trainer. My biggest weakness is food, what can I say I'm a girl who loves food! Hopefully this app will help educate me on food intake (recipes etc). I am so excited to start this new journey and hope to become friends with many other users of this app. Any health/fitness tips, support, or motivation is greatly appreciated!


  • LiLly_Mayy14
    LiLly_Mayy14 Posts: 6 Member
    Good luck honey. I wish the best for you! Feel free to add me !
  • hobohair
    hobohair Posts: 4 Member
    This app has changed a lot! I love the new changes! Good luck and stay strong!