Women Only! (please guys, spare yourself)

RacheBell Posts: 111
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
Okay I know this is probably not the best board to post this on, but I'm going to post it because I'm freaking out.

I have been on birth control for 3 years now, switched to LoEstrin 24 about 5 months ago. I consistently have my period at the end of the pack. I never spot. Today I started getting cramps, and tried to use the bathroom but nothing happened. So I wiped and there was blood. I had started my period. The thing is, it is like, 3 weeks early. I have 18 pills left in my pack, and I just stopped my period like, a week and a half ago.

What is going on? I'm really freaking out and crying right now.


  • talk to your doctor. It could be your body's way of reacting to the Birthcontrol, or it could be more.... so, talk to your dr. I have been having issues like this for a few months now, and my doc and I still haven't figured out what exactly is going on... There are alot of parts of your body that can effect your period, and everyone is different. Your doctor will give you the best advice
  • KateCon912
    KateCon912 Posts: 200 Member
    I was on that pill and had my period non stop for about 5 or 6 months. I would switch if I were you!!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Don't cry. See your doctor. Everything will be okay.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    Alot of womens bodies go nuts on birth control. My sister had to take herself off from hers not responding normal. (aka, 6 months of bleeding) Talk to dr. Also try taking blue cohosh. or blue and black. It helps with that. I think fenugreek does too.
  • dnytna
    dnytna Posts: 12 Member
    First of all, deep breath, it's going to be okay. Have you recently started taking any new kind of medication, herbal or diet supplement? (I know when I was on the HCG diet, that triggered alot of break-through bleeding.) Sometimes our hormones spike and your body could suddenly be having a reaction to your birth control? Especially as our bodies are changing due to more exercise and you start losing (or gaining) weight, your hormones will change to keep up with what you need. Call your Doctor tomorrow just to be sure everything is normal, as I am not a medical professional, this is just my humble personal opinion. Hang in there! Hugs!
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Don't freak out. I can't take birth control anymore at all because of random issues I have them that have developed due to hormone changes from having kids. Talk to your doctor and get it checked out.
  • saadler
    saadler Posts: 116
    For me, I've been on Yaz for about two and a half years. Sometimes... things just change. I used to get my period on the third white pill of every pack and it'd last for five days exactly. Then suddenly, I started getting it on the first or second pill of the new pack, and it lasted for 3-4 days. Sometimes I get headaches a few months in a row. Sometimes I get cramps. I think sometimes things just change. If you bleed for a very long time (like more than a normal period would last), then I think you should see a doctor. But it's better to get your period earlier than not at all! Don't worry!
  • thomalr6180
    thomalr6180 Posts: 94 Member
    I have had similar issues in the past and found out that I had a hormone embalance. They changed the pill I was on and was good to go. Hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:
  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    Certain things can make the pill ineffective and spur on an early period. For example: if you miss more than two days... that can bring on a period that can last almost all month (mostly spotting but very annoying), also if you take certain other drugs... ie: St Johns Wort... can stop the pill working effectively... if you need to take it, take SJW in the morning and Pill at night so they are opposite ends of the day... NOT TOGETHER.... and that should be ok (worked for me). :flowerforyou:

    There are plenty of other things that can impact the pill etc... these two things are things i found out the hard way... so put on a pad or tampon and make an appt to see your GP.... :wink: while your waiting for your appointment, thing of everything you have taken (vitamins / tablets) or have changed in the past week..... and you will be fine... :flowerforyou:

    Chin up honey! You WILL be fine... these things happen. :heart: :smile: :heart:

    ETA: I take Brenda-35 which is the Australian version of Diane-35... I find its perfect, it helps reduce acne and weight gain. :wink:
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    That happened to me with the first BC pill they put me on (Alesse). Sometimes it just takes a few tries to get the proper hormone dosage for your body. I had early bleeding (breakthrough bleeding, or "spotting") as well, and freaked out at the time too. Went to my doctor the next day and she changed my prescription and I've been on that new pill every since!

    You'll be okay - just go make an appointment! :)
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    It's probably due to the switch. It takes about 3 months to equilibrate going on/off the pill or switching. I had break-through bleeding when I switched pills too, which I did about 3 times. I am now off the pill and my period showed up exactly 28 days after my last one, then went away after 5 days like normal, then came back 2 weeks later for another 5 days, and now it's gone again. Who knows when it will come back! :laugh: No tears! :smile: I'm sure your doc will figure it out.
  • Have you been really stressed lately? That's the only thing I can think of. That happened to me once, I am on bcp for regulation and I always start at the end of the pack but I started two weeks early one month. TOTALLY freaked me out, but stress triggered it. I'd ask your doctor if you're really concerned.
  • ruffledviolet
    ruffledviolet Posts: 260
    I was on that pill and had my period non stop for about 5 or 6 months. I would switch if I were you!!

    and you didn't stop sooner?? i was on bc for 20 days, and had my period for 20 days. that was enough to get me off it.
  • RacheBell
    RacheBell Posts: 111
    No new medicines. I have been working out non stop and restricting my calories, and the past few days I haven't as much because I have had a minor cold. I'm always stressed, mainly because I have severe anxiety (haha, hence this post...) I'm always thinking I'm dying.

    So I can sum it up to the change in pills about 5 months ago? I missed yesterdays pill, but took two today. I never miss days (maybe a few times, over the past 3 years), BUT I'm not good about taking them right at the same time. I have school, and work, and workouts. So on so forth.

    I'm sorry to freak out on you ladies. I just really always think the worst. Like cancer or something. It's not heavy bleeding. Pretty light actually.
  • CirrusMoth
    CirrusMoth Posts: 35
    Don't worry about it! We've all had a medical freak-out moment at some time or another.

    I agree with everyone else: try not to panic and talk to your doc. It's probably just the bc catching up to you, and even if it's something more serious (heaven-forbid), there's nothing you can do until you can get in to see him/her and find out.

    Take a deep breath and burn that bridge when you come to it. We're here for you! :-)
  • KateCon912
    KateCon912 Posts: 200 Member
    I was on that pill and had my period non stop for about 5 or 6 months. I would switch if I were you!!

    and you didn't stop sooner?? i was on bc for 20 days, and had my period for 20 days. that was enough to get me off it.

    I had been switching my pills so much that I was just hoping it would end and I would be normal. I wish I didn't let it go on for that long!
  • ruffledviolet
    ruffledviolet Posts: 260
    I was on that pill and had my period non stop for about 5 or 6 months. I would switch if I were you!!

    and you didn't stop sooner?? i was on bc for 20 days, and had my period for 20 days. that was enough to get me off it.

    I had been switching my pills so much that I was just hoping it would end and I would be normal. I wish I didn't let it go on for that long!

    ugh. I know what you mean. I really should go back on some kind of BC, but instead I'm just suffering because I don't want to have to go through finding a medication that actually works for me, and doesn't screw up something else in the process.
    Hope you found something finally!
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