My 2nd Day here!

This is Day 2 for me, and I'm excited to see progress.....I'm in NC, home of the Good ol' Southern cookin! : ) Going to work on not eating as MUCH of the downhome food though -- Still trying to learn the ropes and make new friends here. I'm excited about good things ahead!!! = )


  • Nursebeachnut
    Add me! Would love to be a part of your MFP journey!
  • lovinglife71
    lovinglife71 Posts: 65 Member

    Im in south GA, so I know exactly the kind of "home cooking" your speaking of. If it isn't fried or cooked with ham, or fat back, it doesn't get ate!!!! LOL I learned a long time ago, I can't eat like that!! good luck on your journey and we can support each other!! Feel free to add me!!
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
  • amazing_grace♥
    WELCOME!! I LOVE this site! Add me if you like.... we need all the encouragement we can get!!
  • Bourgeoisqueen
    Bourgeoisqueen Posts: 69 Member
    You know, the food here in Arizona is not all that it has been quite easy for me...but I know the feeling southern cooking from my home town Chicago and my other home in New is pretty difficult to say

    Add me if you like!
  • ValGalNC
    ValGalNC Posts: 12
    Thanks Nursebeachnut!!! : ) I'm happy to add you! I work in a hospital, I'm a medical secretary.
  • auryn2278
    auryn2278 Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome! I am pretty new at this too! It is really nice to have all this support! Add me if you like!
  • ValGalNC
    ValGalNC Posts: 12
    Ha!!! MIDNITEthree, I'm glad someone can understand where I'm coming from!! I'm learning to back away from that, or to use some definite moderation in not only eating, but my cooking also. It's tough, but I know I can do it! Thanks for your support!!! :)
  • ValGalNC
    ValGalNC Posts: 12
    Thanks Birdie !!!!!
  • ValGalNC
    ValGalNC Posts: 12
    Thanks so much Grace!!! I agree : ) It's very tough, but support makes ALL the difference sometimes.
  • ValGalNC
    ValGalNC Posts: 12
    Thanks Bourgeoisqueen!! It IS difficult to say no.....but it's just a daily battle I'll have to learn to deal with make positive changes.
    Wow! New Orleans AND Chicago!! I bet you're glad to be in AZ now....hehe : ) Thanks for the friend add!
  • ValGalNC
    ValGalNC Posts: 12
    Thanks Auryn!! I'll add you now -- the support is a BIG source of help and, always nice to know people who KNOW exactly where you are coming from and be there even when it's a rough "food day" lol We ARE going to have them. I'm excited to get into this full force! lol