Lets discuss falling off the MFP wagon, and getting back on!!



  • toughpr1
    toughpr1 Posts: 12 Member
    I've battled addictions my entire life. I have overcome all my addictions except one. . . Food. My food addiction is, and will always be, a life long struggle.

    Food = survival.

    I have accepted the fact that I will "fall of the wagon" regularly. And even though I fall off, I also know that this life long race will be finished thanks to many small victories.

    **Worries about tomorrow get me nowhere; however, daily celebrations return victorious weight loss outcomes!
    (This means, the more I celebrate daily small achievements, the more likely I am to continue the weight loss --even with the bumps in the road.)

    Love that attitude!!!! best of luck to you!!!! You will definitely reach that finish line!!!! :D
  • cedar777
    cedar777 Posts: 21 Member
    One of the main things we all need to do is set the goal we want to focus on but we all need to know is to set realistic goal that are achievable. Start slow and add as you progress. Also keep a positive attitude and you will meet your goals.
  • slimjame
    slimjame Posts: 128 Member
    Goodness me, I've been battling trying to get back on the wagon for a handful of months now. Almost two years ago now I started this weight loss journey. I lost a smidge less than 100 pounds and then spent the last year gaining almost all of it back. I fell off due to a bad case of emotional eating, which resulted from simple bad choices. I'm finally back to where I need to be and started back on the wagon last week. I have 125 pounds to go and won't stop (can't stop) until I reach my goals. You'll get rid of those 50 pounds in no time :) !
  • carolinacathy
    carolinacathy Posts: 6 Member
    I've re-started back on the wagon today. I saw your post and identified with it immediately. I wish you the best of luck on your journey and hope that your successes outweigh (pun intended) the setbacks. You can do it!
  • rubyjune27
    rubyjune27 Posts: 87 Member
    Although I wouldn't wish anyone else to have the same problems as me, it is reassuring to know you are not alone and that others have the same obstacles and successes. Like others I lost the weight 50 lbs but then stopped logging and gave myself all the excuses to 'treat' myself until I had regained 25 lbs. Small consolation, for those of us who fall off regularly at least we are practised at getting back on. Good luck.
  • KrunchyMama
    KrunchyMama Posts: 420 Member
    I'm getting back on track also. I lost 22 lbs, but have gained 3-5 lbs back (it fluctuates, but I've been eating pretty much around maintenance for the last few months).

    I had great success when I had my computer on the counter, and logged everything. Hubby hates it when I have the computer in the kitchen though, so I've been keeping it elsewhere for months. I really need it to be in the kitchen though, so back it goes.

    I have a wedding to go to at the end of July, so I'd really like to look my best for that. I wish I could get back the energy and motivation I had in January when I started this journey. I had about 5 weeks there where I was on fire, and seem to have been battling various bugs ever since.

    I just finished working two night shifts, so my diary isn't complete, and I ate a bunch of junk food, but I can't let that stop me from the rest of my day. So I'm logging everything as of NOW.

    I'll be coming back to this thread often for support, so pop in and let me know how you're doing too! :)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I would suggest giving serious thought about why you fell of the wagon in the first place and how you will prevent it from happening again.

    Was your goal too agressive or your diet too strict?
    Did you try to change too many things at once?
    Did you cut out too many things that you love?
    Did you try to add too many things that you dislike?
    Knowing why you stumbled may be the most important step in preventing a repeat.

    Pretty much this: with any diet, it has to work with your lifestyle, your health, your body, not against it.