Hi. New and Scared...



  • JeffLauniere
    JeffLauniere Posts: 6 Member
    It is never too late. I am 58 years old and I have been overweight most of my life. Like you I have gone through various diets, such as Weight Watchers. I finally found that the best for me is having a fitness tracker connected to My Fitness Pal. I started with a Fitbit, using their website, then got a Misfit which I now use and connect to this site. I use the Misfit because it is waterproof. A couple of weeks ago I had a cardiac stent placed in my LAD artery due to a 90% blockage, with all other arteries being 50 - 60% blocked. It made me realize that I really need to take care of myself. I always was a meat and potatoes person, so now I changed over to a vegetarian diet. I needed a drastic change so I can go on living a good life, but for others a much smaller change will give great results. You just need to find what works best for you. I have lost 36 pounds, with 34 to go.

    Just keep up the logging of food, increase your exercise and use the moral support on this website.