Still in it... but discouraged and frustrated... need renewed motivation

I'm a 57 year old woman who's been at this journey (for the umteenth time) since January, with a 28 lb. loss to date. My current goal is to lose another 15 lbs. I was steadily losing between .5 and 1.5 lbs. per week. I'm beyond frustrated and, even more, very disappointed. It's over 4 weeks and I'm not losing... just teetering the same weight - up 1-2 lbs. and then back down those same pounds. With a couple slips, I've been under my daily calories not significantly and disciplined with my activity/exercise 4 days/week - aquatic classes, swimming and walking (I have back and knee issues). Guess it's time to switch out my execise to something new and making a shift of sorts with my diet. I keep hearing the voice of my former doctor, "calories in/calories out!" I understand he is right, but believing I'm doing everything right and not seeing a positive result is so disappointing as I'm behind in my weight loss plan. Okay... it's out there. Got this off my chest. Today is a new day and I'm hopeful and prayful that I can stay focused forward. Any suggestions or words of wisdom would be so helpful right now. New friends welcome too!


  • angela_simons
    angela_simons Posts: 6 Member
    I have heard the last ten to fifteen pounds are the worst and that often the scale will not move but you will be losing inches. Are you tracking inches as well? I wish you all the luck !
  • adkins09
    adkins09 Posts: 2 Member
    Stay focused even if you are at a plateau your body is healthier than it was 28 pounds ago.
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    Congratulations on the 28 pound loss, that is awesome! I agree with Happycampr1 that you need to re-check your calorie allotment because you might need to be eating less calories on a daily basis since you weigh less. Also, are you weighing all of your foods? When you have more to lose you can get by with not weighing everything, but the closer you get to goal the tighter your food logging will need to be. Again, congratulations on your current loss!
  • turtle0022
    turtle0022 Posts: 68 Member
    edited May 2015
    Thanks y'all. I did look again at my calorie allotment and it's keeping me at 1200 calories. I will pay closer attention to portion sizes. Yes, I am also tracking inches and was hopeful that was where I was losing if the pounds weren't going away but, unfortunately, they haven't budged in the 4 wks either.
    adkins09 wrote: »
    Stay focused even if you are at a plateau your body is healthier than it was 28 pounds ago.

    This is sooooo true. The cup is always half full. Thank you for the reminder. :wink: