VSG group



  • annieshoots
    annieshoots Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm about 6 weeks post VSG... Let's do this together!!!
  • ccwms
    ccwms Posts: 6 Member
    Today is my 2 month post surgery anniversary. Weightloss has been slow, so am trying a low carb, high fat keto diet. Seems to be working for me - lost 3lbs this past week. My highest weight was 283 and my surgery weight was 260. Today I am 241 - like I said not spectacular, but I'll take it. How are you doing?
  • Dibne
    Dibne Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I am 8 months post vsg. This journey has been awesome and I am down a total of 115 lbs.
  • ccwms
    ccwms Posts: 6 Member
    Dibne - fantastic weightloss!! Congrats! Would love to know if you did anything other than what your dr ordered. It was too many carbs for me, so I've had to restrict them to 10-20g/day. Kind of tough when EVERYTHING seems to have carbs and even the low carbs add up fast.

    Please share your tips on success.