What day do you weigh in?



  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    I weigh in every day and log all losses but no gains. I report my official loss on MFP every Friday morning. This really works well for me because I am always able to catch an upward trend before it gets too far. I also make minor adjustments to my daily diet depending on how I am trending. This works well for me but really is not for everyone.

    This is exactly what I do. Friday works well for the "official" weigh in.

    BTW beesareyellow, love your adipose picture!
  • StaceG1986
    StaceG1986 Posts: 350
    I *used* to weigh in on a Friday, simply because that's the day I started, but since I need to lose weight for our next FC appointment with the awful consultant, I do actually step on the scales every day *hangs head in shame as I used to tell people not to do that* so I know where I am and what I need to do! I think Monday is probably going to be for me when I go back to a once weekly weigh in, as it will stop me from the weekend naughties, whereas Friday encourages me if I have I lost, it gives me "reason" to do it, but doesn't really work as then I will probably see a gain again afterwards

    Also always weigh in the morning after going to the loo and wearing my birthday suit :laugh:
  • amandanzgirl
    amandanzgirl Posts: 79 Member
    I weigh myself every morning too, but make a note on my profile once a week my total weightloss for that week, so I can keep track of how I'm going.

  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I am thinking of changing my weighing day to a Friday now after reading all this- it does make sense to weigh before the weekend and after a week's good eating!
  • linscave
    linscave Posts: 59 Member
    I weigh every day-ish. my official log weight day is saturday morning. 1st thing always in birthday suit! I do weigh on monday morning to see whar damage the weekend has done! This weekend will be a bad one. Friends to stay= drinking til late, yummy puddings and food.
    I cant help it I am the hostess with the mostest!!! :ohwell:
  • smitchell37
    smitchell37 Posts: 121 Member
    I know this is bad but I have been weighing almost every day.

    Im in a couple different challenges so I weight wednesday for one and friday for another. Im also doing ww and weigh on Saturdays.

    b4 I really got going on my weight loss I would weigh on friday b4 the weekend bc I always slip up on the weekends. I really should do it on mondays so I feel bad about the weekend and I change my eatting habits
  • joaniegray
    joaniegray Posts: 88 Member
    i would never weigh in on a monday in case I've been out on weekend! I tend to weigh daily, but Friday is my official day. That gives me incentive to stick to my plan Monday to Friday even if weekend takes me a little off track.
  • skinnylegs
    skinnylegs Posts: 5
    Hello, how are you? Once a week is better than everyday...My suggestion is pick the same day and time every week. Also, go to the bathroom before you weigh yourself....I dropped a whole pound after using the bathroom....Yeah!...lost 2.2 in one week,....;0)
  • jeannas
    jeannas Posts: 109 Member
    I weigh myself every day..realizing that fluctuations are normal..but at least it gives me a heads up whether or not I am on the right track. I would hate to wait a week or heaven forbid a month and find out my food choices aren't working the way I thought they would.

    I only "check in" on Friday..that way I can take a little pressure off myself ..for instance I have "real cream and real sugar" in my coffee only on Fridays. I also signed up for a stupid challenge..just kidding..it really isn't stupid but does put a damper on my weekend! LOL. That weigh in day is on Sunday but I just record it on the post ..don't "check in" on MFP. It does keep me on track so I will try hard to not drink or eat out on Saturday nights.

    Good luck to you.. I am sure you will figure out what works best for you.
  • I started at 430 pounds on Jan 30th, and I haven't weighed myself since March 4th, 2011 when I was 413 pounds.

    I have been trying on old clothes that didn't fit but now they do. I can tell you my jeans are like 3 sizes to big now, and falling off of me. I'm guessing I'm in the 370 range. I say weigh in once a week twice at most, any more and you are OCD.

    I find that the number on the scale is just something we obsess about, not knowing I think makes me work harder. I feel better now that I am exercising and people tell me almost daily now, how good I'm looking which is a good feeling.
  • LushLoni
    LushLoni Posts: 161 Member
    I record my weight on a Monday. I can totally understand why a lot people might do theirs on a Friday but I decided to start taking care of myself on a Monday and I suspect I'll continue to do so. I weigh as soon as I get up.

    I weigh myself multiple times a day. I know this is unhealthy but I can't seem to stop. I didn't think it had an impact on my moods but the other night I came home and I had gone up and I was so angry. of course my boyfriend was trying to talk me down and pointed out that there are hormonal reasons for your body weighing more (of course his survival skills sensed my time of the month before I had) but I couldn't help being just so upset... really.. now I think about it, so stupid, weighing myself the day after my weigh in, in the evening, after I'd eaten. What had I expected, crazy premenstrual cow.
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    I weigh in every saturday morning, butt nekid on the Wii...!!

    I do this because I work at a desk all week so I'm pretty good with my diet & excersise during the week and I like to have a 'day off' from being too healthy with food... so I work my but off all week and saturday I weigh in in the morning, during the day I relax from healthy eating and if I relax tooo much, at least I have the rest of the week to burn it off again...

    Getting into the rythm and notion of diet and exercise, is mostly about re-training your brain first...thats why I choose saturday also, because its a feel good day, the day or night you are most likey to eat and drink all your calories... it just works for me..
  • swest222
    swest222 Posts: 455 Member
    I started out weighing in every Monday morning.
    Then I switched it to either Friday or Sat mornings. Figured I could get one last burn in before the bad eating day I usually have on Saturday. (Sat I'm always out and about with the family, it's our only day together with my husband and the kids, so I tend to skip meals, have later lunches or dinners etc).
    But I do sneak a peak a few times a week, I just dont log it!
  • peytons_mommy82
    peytons_mommy82 Posts: 28 Member
    I weigh in on Wednesdays, but I think as of today I'm going to join the Friday crowd. It makes more sense to weigh in after I've done well eating all week! I do step on the scale every few days though, just to make sure I'm on track. :)
  • sjodrum
    sjodrum Posts: 127 Member
    I weigh in every day and log all losses but no gains. I report my official loss on MFP every Friday morning. This really works well for me because I am always able to catch an upward trend before it gets too far. I also make minor adjustments to my daily diet depending on how I am trending. This works well for me but really is not for everyone.

    Why does this work well for you? I don't get the idea of never reporting a gain. What if your 'loss' on Friday morning is actually a gain for the week? (or do you always lose weight each week?) What if you gain something one day and then lose something the next - what do you log? I've never heard of doing it like this and it intrigues me.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    This week will be my first Friday weigh in.

    I usually do mon or tues but I had a very heavy weekend of food and drink at a friend's birthday and engagement celebration and when I weighed myself today I hadn't lost (hadn't put on either so my "good" days last week must have balanced it out!).

    I am going to be extra careful from now until Friday and hopefully the scale may have moved slightly in the right direction!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Official weigh in is Saturday morning... unless I know I'm going out on Friday night, then it's Friday morning.
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    I weigh in every day

    Second thing in the morning (after potty, sorry TMI)
  • terrt
    terrt Posts: 16
    I like to weight in on Mondays. Just starts the week off right for me. I feel it also keeps me from going crazy on weekends and thus never having the 'doing everything right, but never losing' thing going on. But that's just me.
  • kimberlylove
    kimberlylove Posts: 14 Member
    everyday im a scale *kitten* for my scale and i refused rehab. but truth it keeps me accountable. i measure once a week too

    LOL Me too. Im on the scale every day.
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