Time to change... Asking for support

mum_mee Posts: 1 Member
I have deleted and reinstalled this app a lot. Now I am ready to finally change. I was going strong at the first of 2015 but a knee injury set me back a month then plantar fasciitis started to effect my foot and waking was extremely painful. Now with new shoes and supports I'm ready to get this weight off. I know I can do it and am looking for supports to help me on my journey!! :)


  • llbergen
    llbergen Posts: 2 Member
    I have done the same. I was unsuccessful on tracking with Weight Watchers but now I'm carb cycling with the help of this app. Def need new sneakers soon! Good luck and I'm here for you :)
  • Adramalek
    Adramalek Posts: 2 Member
    DO IT!!! The time to second guess is done! Lose that weight until u feel great about your physique! I could use a little motivation myself, so if u add me we can do this together! Strength in numbers!!!