"Angel" - favourite episode ever :)

Lanfear Posts: 524
I have just finished my C25K run and have found one of my favourite ever espisodes of Angel on SyFy - "Smile Time."

The idea of Angel as a dark, brooding and very felty 1ft high puppet is just genious :laugh: Esepcially when he does his puppet Vamp Face nd nearly gets eaten by a werewolf who thinks he's a chew toy.

Sooo funny!!!!! :laugh:


  • Nikipowpez
    Nikipowpez Posts: 60 Member
    I LOVE "Smile Time". It was definitely a great episode!!
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Before I even read this thread, and had just seen the title, I was thinking SMILE TIME!!!! I also love "You're Welcome", it makes me bawl.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    sorry Buffy fan here...and I liked spike sooo much more for buff than angel..blah on angel..hehe

    ps i LOVED spikes reaction to puppet angel..so funny
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    I was a huge Buffy and Angel fan. I started out as more of a Buffy fan, but I have to say, as I get older, Angel ages a little better. It was darker and more mature, but still comic in a lot of places. It was also the show where bad Buffy characters go to get good. Cordelia, Wesley, Harmony, etc all got major character upgrades when they moved over to Angel.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    sorry Buffy fan here...and I liked spike sooo much more for buff than angel..blah on angel..hehe

    ps i LOVED spikes reaction to puppet angel..so funny

    Another Spike gal here! I only ever saw S1 of Angel, and since I've just finished my Buffy-a-thon (again!), I'm re-watching Angel. I shall look out for Smile Time - which season is it?
  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
    Yay I don't feel QUITE so sad now! I get the piss taken out of me on a regular basis by the other half for being a buffy fan, had some great times at the conventions years ago with my mates, strangely the only friends i made and kept at those things were a couple of the actors!!!
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    sorry Buffy fan here...and I liked spike sooo much more for buff than angel..blah on angel..hehe

    ps i LOVED spikes reaction to puppet angel..so funny

    Another Spike gal here! I only ever saw S1 of Angel, and since I've just finished my Buffy-a-thon (again!), I'm re-watching Angel. I shall look out for Smile Time - which season is it?

    It's Season 5. Do stick with it, it gets so much better after Season 1.
    I love Angel, it really is a more macarbre show than Buffy - although they're both wonderful! I love how much Angel got fleshed out in his own show, he's freakin' hilarious.
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    LOL an actual thread I posted with actual replies!!!! :laugh:

    I have to say that I never really watched a huge amount of Angel, coz when they showed it on TV here in the UK they showed eps in the wrong order and the times were always changing so you never knew when it was on. :angry: Damn you late-night Channel 4!!!!!! However I happened to catch "Smile Time" and it is my favourite, it's just brilliant. Especially when Puppet Angel kicks Spike's butt in the elevator. ::happy:

    I am a huge Buffy fan and still watch regularly if it's on (though I do have the ltd edition box set they did) - I only have to hear the music from "The Gift" to start bawling. Oh, and Slayer's Elegy. Haha I also know the words to pretty much every song in "Once More with Feeling" and can sing along...

    Other than Spike, who I also much preferred to Angel (I was definitely a Spike/Buffy-shipper) my fav character was Giles. Just excellent. and such fantastic one-liners. And character I'd most like to kill was Anya, very very closely follwed by Dawn. And Glory. Grrrrrrrrr.
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    sorry Buffy fan here...and I liked spike sooo much more for buff than angel..blah on angel..hehe

    ps i LOVED spikes reaction to puppet angel..so funny

    I have always loved Angel, more in Buffy than in Angel. He was so hot it was insanity.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    It's Season 5. Do stick with it, it gets so much better after Season 1.
    I love Angel, it really is a more macarbre show than Buffy - although they're both wonderful! I love how much Angel got fleshed out in his own show, he's freakin' hilarious.

    Cool, thanks. I will do! :smile:
    LOL an actual thread I posted with actual replies!!!! :laugh:

    I have to say that I never really watched a huge amount of Angel, coz when they showed it on TV here in the UK they showed eps in the wrong order and the times were always changing so you never knew when it was on. :angry: Damn you late-night Channel 4!!!!!!

    That's why I only ever got to see S1....and it was on BBC2 then - shows how long ago it was!
    I am a huge Buffy fan and still watch regularly if it's on (though I do have the ltd edition box set they did) - I only have to hear the music from "The Gift" to start bawling. Oh, and Slayer's Elegy. Haha I also know the words to pretty much every song in "Once More with Feeling" and can sing along...

    I assume you've seen Dr Horrible then? :bigsmile:
    Other than Spike, who I also much preferred to Angel (I was definitely a Spike/Buffy-shipper) my fav character was Giles. Just excellent. and such fantastic one-liners.

    Giles was awesome, and Tony (who played him) is a lovely man too. He came to a PR event I organised back in the very early '90s and he and his brother (Murray Head, the musician) were so sweet, helping me carry bottles of champagne from the cellar to the bar! In fact, Tony was the reason I first started watching Buffy!
    And character I'd most like to kill was Anya, very very closely follwed by Dawn. And Glory. Grrrrrrrrr.

    I loved Anya! Dawn was intensely annoying IMO, but I didn't mind Glory. I found her quite amusing actually. Tara irritated me though - sooo woncey! :laugh:
  • Limeinthecoconut
    Limeinthecoconut Posts: 234 Member
    I am such a big Buffy/angel fan!!

    My favorite Angel episode has to be the one from season 1 where Angel becomes mortal again, and he and Buffy have that perfect few days together. The ending is so sad though... It always gets me!

    Oh, and the one where Cordy comes back for the one episode? Heartbreaking.

    Season 5 is definitely the most fun though. If anyone has the box sets, the disc with Smile time on it has the four BEST episodes to just sit and watch in a row. :)
  • apetty21
    apetty21 Posts: 137
    I never really got into Angel. I saw the first season only. I need to pick it back up.

    Buffy, on the other hand, is my show. So many awesome episodes I can't pick just one. It's easier to pick a favorite "Big Bad" than episode (the mayor, hands down). Spike had some of the best lines. Giles was a bit of a secret bad *kitten*. I love Anthony Stewart Head. I want to watch Buffy now.
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    I always wanted to know why Ethan Rayne called him "Ripper".... lots of dark secrets hiding in his past which were hinted at but never really explained. There was always more to Giles than we ever saw.

    Haha I am currently listening to Once More with Feeling on my iPod - we're on "What You Feel". **must not sing, must not sing, must not sing**

    Best episode of Buffy for me were "The Gift", "Dopplegangland", "The Wish", "Once More with Feeling", "Bargaining Part I and II" and "Tabula Rasa".

    Angel would be Smile Time.

    The only show close to Buffy in my affections now has to be Supernatural - which reminds, me I've got a whole season of the Boys to catch up on - hurrah!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Last two of series 2- THrough the Looking Glass and There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb where, because they're in a different world, Angel can see himself in mirrors, and so keeps messing with his hair- funny and cute! Angel was great because they could do cute bits like that and then ten seconds later get all dark and brooding...
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    It annoys me that they made a Spike puppet even though Spike was never a puppet in Smile Time...or in any other Buffy or Angel episodes.

    "tiny little hands!" LOVE Fred.
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    "YOU'RE A BLOODY PUPPET!!" - Spike
  • Jennjenn1974
    Jennjenn1974 Posts: 350 Member
    I hated the whole "Jasmine" story arc on Angel. Just like I hated the whole Glory thing on Buffy. Annoyed the crap out of me. "Smile Time" was a really awesome episode, gotta agree there! :)

    I also really liked "I Will Remember You"
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Spike girl here too. Spent some of the worst (and fun too) years of my life with a guy very much like him.

    And I HATED the Jasmine stuff too! It was like, well that's finally over. Time to get back on track. I was so glad when she was finally killed off. And what happened to Cordelia just made no sense.
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    SQUEE! Smile Time! I LOVE IT!

    Wee little puppet man! <3 I really do prefer Spike to Angel, pretty much for everything, but put them together, and MAN is it fun to watch. ^_^
  • dnthaveasn
    dnthaveasn Posts: 113
    I hated the whole "Jasmine" story arc on Angel. Just like I hated the whole Glory thing on Buffy. Annoyed the crap out of me. "Smile Time" was a really awesome episode, gotta agree there! :)

    I also really liked "I Will Remember You"

    OMG I hated the whole "Jasmine" story arc also.

    I'm a hugeeee Angel/Buffy fan. One of my favorite episodes for Angel is Release, and Orpheus. I really enjoyed Faith in those episodes.