Fluctuating Weight

DEgal99 Posts: 100 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I was wondering if anyone else has a similar problem to me. My weight fluctuates greatly from day to day and hour to hour. And I'm not talking a pound or two. I'm talking 4-6lbs within an hour. For example, I weighed myself an hour ago and got 170.4, then I just weighed myself now (for the purpose of this experiment, I don't normally weigh myself that often) and got 176.6.

I know I shouldn't weight myself that often and that I should wear the same clothes and weigh myself at the same time. I think I do it more to torture myself than anything because I have lost a few pounds (I know because it hasn't fluctuated up past a certain weight lately, lol) so I like to weigh myself.

Do I just need to get myself a better scale? Or to stop weighing myself so often? :)


  • HeyLisa
    HeyLisa Posts: 201

    This happens to me which is why I spent my first week checking weight a number of times a day to find my sweet spot. Then i'm going to TRY to only weigh weekly.

    Just a small example - this morning after wake up 194 then after my shower I was 195.

    I can fluctuate up to 5 lbs in a day.. hour... weigh in.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    Oh, yeah, my weight is all over the place during the day... fluctuating as much as a few pounds. That's why I go by the number that I get first thing in the morning after using the bathroom, but before eating / drinking / showering. It's when I've got the least amount of "stuff" in me and should represent my weight more consistently over time.

    No harm in weighing yourself through the day just to see what happens... but don't kill yourself over it.
  • kriots
    kriots Posts: 375 Member
    i am the same way. i am getting another scale. my husband tried it himself, getting 3 different reading. once i get a new one, i am going to weigh myself every other day. also pms makes me gain 5 pounds of water weight, every single time. so i do not know if that could be your problem too. but weight does change through out the day. from when you work out you lose all that water weight, to when you eat and drink, you gain more. hang in there, i dislike it too.
  • jtkelley420
    jtkelley420 Posts: 24
    I weigh myself once a week because of the same reason. One day I was so excited cause it said I was 162. I wanted to see it again about an hour later and it said I was 165. It ruined the rest of my day..
  • Colleen1980
    Colleen1980 Posts: 148 Member
    I have noticed that my body is really sensitive to sodium. I don't track my sodium on here but I notice that the days I have a lot of sodium-heavy foods, my weight is way up the next day (I weigh myself every morning, I just can't help it! I just try not to get too upset/excited over it and I only record once a week).

    I went on a weekend trip with my husband a few weekends ago and from Friday morning to Monday morning I was up EIGHT POUNDS!!! EIGHT!! In 3 days! But after about 3 days I lost all of it and started losing more again. On the road for a trip=lots of sodium.

    Maybe try looking at this or other types of foods and see if your body reacts to something in particular. Good luck!! :-)
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I would try weighing the same time every day - example 6am for a week. You can really see if it's your scale or maybe you need to change your eating (late night snacking, sodium, sugar, etc.). I use to fluctuate about 2-3 lbs daily but now I usually fluctuate about 1 or less lbs assuming it's water weight or if I took in too much sodium. When that happens I give it 2 more days to see if my weight returns.
  • monky13grl
    monky13grl Posts: 55 Member
    I completely understand. YOu are at your lightest in the morning, so that is when I weigh. I fluctuate days like crazy. Yesterday morning I weighed in at 149 and this morning I was 152.5. I am usually within a four pound range, which is annoying. I find the lowest one and then just try to get back there every day. Sodium and TOM definitely have a lot to do with it, but there are a lot more factors... I'm convinced. Try measuring in inches or how your clothes fit instead/in addition to the number on the scale. Good luck and stay positive!
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    If you must weigh in every day, weigh at the same time every day (right after you go the bathroom when you wake up) and do it naked.. why weigh yourself with clothes on, or with heavy wet hair? Factors contributing to differences on the numbers include salt intake the day before, water intake, time of the month, bowel movements, constipation or other things that could be speeding up or slowing down your regularity in a particular day....I admit, I do weigh every day, same time, but I don't stress when it's not weigh-in day, I just keep track, to see if something I ate or did yesterday is factoring into what the week will turn out to be. I can have a 2-3lb fluctuation day to day, but week to week, I hope it goes down...
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