Are you serious?!?! :(



  • mls918
    mls918 Posts: 2 Member
    This is my first post, but I can tell you that I totally empathize with you. I had the exact same start weight, and goal weight. I'm down 6 lbs now, but it's been over two weeks of complete devotion to counting calories & exercise. At first, he wasn't overly supportive. However, after watching me keep at it for about 2 weeks, he's become more supportive, and has also started watching what he eats a bit closer. Just hang in there, and come here for the support you need. :smile:
  • srm22
    srm22 Posts: 1
    Don't let him get you down. Let him know how you feel when he makes these insensitive comments. If that doesn't help, set some boundaries. My mama used to say "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all". If he can't follow that rule, maybe you should stop cooking or doing "other things" until he gets an attitude change. Good luck and stay at it!
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    Don't let him keep you from achieving your goal, it's not worth it. I would have to tell him that you know he doesn't understand what you're going through but he needs to be a good partner and be supportive of you. Whether he gets on board or not, you have all of us as a support system and I can guarantee you all of these peeps will give you all the encouragement you would need...and more! I'm new to this site, but it's my new obsession (besides counting calories and exercising ofcourse lol)
  • jam3114
    jam3114 Posts: 250 Member
    Oooooooooooooh I know what I'd love to do ...........................Men really don't think before they speak & really he should stay the hell off your scales !!!! My hubbie is an active runner & when I hear him moan about being 7lbs overweight I know where I want to stick the scales & he'll weigh a hell of a lot more that an extra 7 freaking pounds :laugh:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My husband gets tired of me logging everything and he's begun complaining that he thinks I'm losing too much (keeps asking where my bum has gone!). I usually shut him up by bringing up the health issues assiciated with being overweight.
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