Starting a diet - the initial weight drop

HeyLisa Posts: 201
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
I was having a discussion with my boyfriend this weekend and was trying to explain how most of us have a larger initial weight loss when we begin a diet. I have always heard it explained to me as water weight, which is why I usually don't really consider it a valid loss, until I am able to build on it in the weeks following...

I was looking online (probably using bad keywords) and I just couldn't find anything to explain it articulately. If anyone can help explain this to me logically i'd be much appreciative.



  • Mandie1117
    Mandie1117 Posts: 15
    I always thought of it as "the more you have to lose, the faster it comes off", until of course when you hit your plateau.
  • naturechyld
    naturechyld Posts: 35
    I've been on a very carefully executed diet for over 3 weeks and haven't lost squat. The lb it says I lost is actually .8 lb and fluctuates. I'm sorry I'm not any help answering your question, hehe

    Good Luck to you!
  • beccala18
    beccala18 Posts: 293 Member
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    In a nut shell, if you are overeating and/or eating a lot of junk, your body can become inflamed. Just like bloating for any reason, this means that your cells hold on to extra water. When you start eating healthy, the extra fluids get washed out of your body.
  • I can't really explain it "articulately," but I know this always happens to me. I started eating healthy last Monday and have already lost 8.5 lbs (I weigh myself daily, so it fluctuates). While I doubt any of it is fat, I can tell a HUGE difference in my face and stomach, as I tend to retain a lot of water. I also ate a lot of processed and fast foods previously, which were packed with sodium, so I was just asking to be ridiculously bloated. I know that my loss so far is mostly water weight, but I still definitely consider it a "valid" loss. Good luck to you...and as far as I'm concerned, any weight loss is great...and keeps me motivated! : )
  • HeyLisa
    HeyLisa Posts: 201

    Interesting.. .pretty sure i'll lose the boyfriend on this one, but I get what its saying.

    AND I appreciate all your replies!
  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    I found this on the Mayo Clinic website.
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