Disappointing zero loss in second week



  • I am sorry, but I feel that you put your body into starvation mode by not giving it enough calories and excercising more. Beleive it or not, you can gain weight like that. Follow the guidelines you are given on MFP.
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    Im also not losing anything for weeks. It does get depressing. Im doing the 30 DS and C25k. So im hoping i will start losing again. . I just don't know what else to do.
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    . So, yes, an 800 calorie dinner will slow your weight loss even if you're eating at a deficit.
    I know it's not the point your making but I just wanted to point out that my dinner's aren't 800 cals. Felt a bit bothered by that.
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    I am sorry, but I feel that you put your body into starvation mode by not giving it enough calories and excercising more. Beleive it or not, you can gain weight like that. Follow the guidelines you are given on MFP.
    I don't understand, I have been eating my recommended calories, including eating back the ones earned by exercise. How do you figure differently?
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    2. Your body can only process so much food at a time and the overage gets stored as fat when you go to sleep. If you eat your biggest meal for breakfast you will burn it off over the coarse of the day. So, yes, an 800 calorie dinner will slow your weight loss even if you're eating at a deficit.

    Would you show your research please? Here's an article about some research that disagrees with you. http://thedailyfit.blogspot.com/2011/05/timing-of-meals-defines-what-kind-of.html
  • daveymck
    daveymck Posts: 14 Member
    A few things I noticed.

    1st, yes, TOM will throw off your scale.

    Now, your diary...
    Dinner should be your smallest meal of the day not the largest.
    Get rid of all sodas....even diet.
    alcohol will slow your metabolism...I avoid it while I'm in a training routine so it doesn't kill my results.
    Other then that it looks good but I think you'll see next weeks weigh in more friendly. Hang in there you're doing great.
    Great advice here, thanks. I'm definitely aiming to eliminate fizzy drinks and to reduce my alcohol even further, it's just that prior to this change I was drinking every other day so for me to reduce it down to what I have now has been a big achievement for me so far. I will certainly consider your point about dinner not being the largest meal, but that's certainly a new (and perhaps alien!) idea to me. Many thanks for your advice and encouragement.

    Dont worry about dinner being the biggest meal just keep the calories down and the weight will come off, there are as many theories as posters on this board but for us standard average folk just wanting to lose weight most of them are irrelavant. A can of pop a day aint going to make much difference neither not like you are drinking bucketfuls of the stuff.

    Keep going as you are the weight will come off just not as linear as we always hope, look at it another way if you are on a 2lb a week aim you are still 1lb ahead of shedule. This is a long term thing dont get too worried about the week to week weigh ins.

    WOW, really...you're telling her don't worry about dinner being the biggest meal of the day and a can of soda a day won't hurt.
    Ok, let me educate you cuz you are so wrong.
    1. 1 8 oz can of soda a day will add an additional 12 lbs of weight in a year.
    2. Your body can only process so much food at a time and the overage gets stored as fat when you go to sleep. If you eat your biggest meal for breakfast you will burn it off over the coarse of the day. So, yes, an 800 calorie dinner will slow your weight loss even if you're eating at a deficit.

    1 If you stay within your calories drinking a can of soda, beer or whatever else you wanna eat doesnt matter. It might not be the best and heathlyist thing but giving people a guilt complex over it is just wrong. Not all of us want to be a ripped athlete and want to make lifestyle changes we can handle and take forward for the future.

    2 Evidence for this, and evidence that it slows at any real rate to be worried about cos in my experience its never been the case, with my lifestyle tea time is big meal so I can control exactly what I have to eat. A deficit is a deficit whether its created morning noon or night, your body still needs the same amount of fuel.

    As I said there are some many crappy snake oil therories on these forums present as 'fact' when most of it is just reguirgitated stuff people have read on here.

    Keep to your calories, measure your food and try and do some exercise and the weight will come off, losing weight is as simple as that but many want to make it way more complicated that it needs to be.

    The hard part of successful dieting is dicipline and a good mental attitude and trying not to get bogged down in the day to day results orientated thinking that is a common mindset for many here. A lot here have lost confidence etc etc due to their weight or get feelings of guilt when results are not as expected as if they have done somthing wrong. Its somthing the diet industry preys upon, use x product or x method to lose quicker, but its a marathon not a sprint.

    The op is doing fine, if she keeps doing as she is and doesnt get disheartened and fall back into bad habits the weight will come off.
  • rurukidoo
    rurukidoo Posts: 54
    You look like you are doing good food wise, I had a quick look at your exercise diary, and just wondered if you were using an HRM to track your burns? I would definitely recommend one if possible! Least that way you'd know you are eating back the correct number of cals. I think sometimes MFP can overestimate on that part. HTH. =)

    Of course as others have said you do definitely get weeks were you just don't lose! I know I do!
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    Could it be possible that i am retaining water weight as I am having my period?

    YES! I consistently do not lose anything when it is my time of the month. My weight has even increased slightly at that time. For this reason, I weigh myself every day. I know it is a personal thing. For me, seeing my daily weight helps keep me motivated. It is a reminder that I need to stick with it and get my exercise in.

    Good luck!
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    You look like you are doing good food wise, I had a quick look at your exercise diary, and just wondered if you were using an HRM to track your burns? I would definitely recommend one if possible! Least that way you'd know you are eating back the correct number of cals. I think sometimes MFP can overestimate on that part. HTH. =)

    Of course as others have said you do definitely get weeks were you just don't lose! I know I do!

    Great advice thanks, I'll get one!
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