Have you ever ___________?



  • Spnneil06
    Spnneil06 Posts: 18,745 Member
    Yes used to happen to me all the time on the way home from work.

    HYE lost your panties and had no idea where they went?
  • dylan_a_fit
    dylan_a_fit Posts: 488 Member
    all the time my bf steals them

    have you ever locked your keys in your car?
  • LovingLifeInCalifornia
    LovingLifeInCalifornia Posts: 9,362 Member
    I used to all the time, but that was when I had an old mustang and was able to use a hanger to open the door easily. Haha

    HYE got lost hiking and had to walk more than 30 minutes to find your way back?
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member

    HYE had your bags searched at the airport when you were carrying something you shouldn't?
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    HYE called someone and then forgot who you called?
  • SLB125
    SLB125 Posts: 493 Member

    HYE.... Been cow tipping?
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    LOL no but am willing to give it a try

    HYE done mud run?
  • laurencurry26
    laurencurry26 Posts: 48 Member

    have you ever had sex in public?
  • coleycoley5
    coleycoley5 Posts: 265 Member
    Yes. Have you ever laughed so much that snot come out?!
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Among other fluids.

    HYE been in a canoe?
  • laurencurry26
    laurencurry26 Posts: 48 Member
    no but I want to!

    have you ever ran up the down escalator?
  • SLB125
    SLB125 Posts: 493 Member

    HYE lived in a real haunted house?
  • coleycoley5
    coleycoley5 Posts: 265 Member
    HYE stopped typing mid senta
  • rosnigetsfit
    rosnigetsfit Posts: 569 Member
    HYE been trapped in the elevator?
  • SLB125
    SLB125 Posts: 493 Member

    HYE sang a solo?
  • laurencurry26
    laurencurry26 Posts: 48 Member
    yes it was scary af.

    have you ever been on a boat?
  • BaconBae
    BaconBae Posts: 4,568 Member

    HYE talked yourself out of a ticket?
  • SLB125
    SLB125 Posts: 493 Member
    Nope, never been pulled over!

    HYE - been on a train?
  • territhefrog
    territhefrog Posts: 1,134 Member
    Only the ones at the zoo.

    HYE fallen off a trampoline?
  • ErickIbarra
    ErickIbarra Posts: 15 Member

    Have you ever jumped off a roof?