Running - 5K to 10k Training

angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
I know there is an app to do this, but I'm doing it on my own. I heard you are to add 10% a week when upping your distance. My plan right now is to add 0.5k a week. This week I'm doing 5.5k and in two weeks I will do 6k (I won't have time to run next week unless I get up really early before work), the next week 6.5k and so on. It should get me to a full 10k length by the first week of August and I am registered to run a 10k race on September 12.

Does the plan I have sound good or should I change it up some?

(Just to let you know I currently get out running 4 days a week, which can change to 5 days a week once the kids program I work in ends for the summer)


  • lynz2812
    lynz2812 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm no expert but have been running for a few months now. Your plan sounds like a good one, the way my coach works is to keep running till you can do no more, then the next time do the same route and try and push yourself a little further. By doing this it means I have no set distance, therefore don't get disappointed if I can't always manage to complete it. Remember that everyone can have a bad day, the key is to not get disheartened, get up and try again the next day or week!! Good luck!! xx
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    As your runs get longer consider rest days in between.
  • granturismo
    granturismo Posts: 232 Member
    I was doing 5k, three times per week. I kept two runs at 5-6k and increased the third run to 10k over 5 weeks. I found a new route for the third run so I wasnt tempted to stop at my 5k marker.

    As said above, remember your rest days.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    It sounds fine. Subject to how long you have been running I'd veer towards four days, rather than five.

    To put that in perspective, I did 5 days per week when I was prepping for my first 10K, and found I'd been too aggressive about my increases. Wiped myself out.

    I now train for half marathons on a four day week, and do pretty reasonably.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I've been running for a year now. My running days right now are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Simply because I have no time to run any of the other days. Fridays open up in another three weeks and I was thinking of adding that day in a running day as well.

    Lately I have been changing my route up when I go out. Yesterday I tried a new route. Though I do need to make sure I keep hill training (I haven't done to many. I ran three successful hills before my 5k race I did just over a week ago, that had a hill at the very end. It was all I could do to keep running. It was only the site of the finish line that kept me running and not slowing down to a walk!) as there is a hill in the 10k race I'm doing in September.
  • runfreer
    runfreer Posts: 23 Member
    Four days a week will get you there just fine. Definitely devote 1 run a week to hills or speed training (alternate weeks) to keep progressing.

    Take rest days, don't do too much too soon, and remember that every training run has a job. This is something a lot of people forget. Don't just go out and run the same pace every day. With 4 runs a week, run 1 day of hills/speed, 1 tempo (slightly slower than race pace), 1 easy short run and your long run should be an easy pace too.

    After this 10k, assess your progress and make changes for your next race as you get stronger and faster.
  • gdyment
    gdyment Posts: 299 Member
    Serious 5k racers will run almost as much per week as marathon runners. The key workouts are different obviously but whether it's 5k or half or an ulta, more volume will always help. At least until you're hitting 80+ miles per week. So don't think you have to change everything up - just run more, little by little every week.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    angf0679 wrote: »
    Fridays open up in another three weeks and I was thinking of adding that day in a running day as well.

    From what you've said I wouldn't think you'll get much from it.

    If you do want to add an extra day then I'd suggest using a more structured plan to make sure you're getting the most from it.