Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Ravenclaw



  • ashiesmash
    ashiesmash Posts: 32 Member
    Okie dokie, after a week of craziness and visiting my parents I didn't lose anything, so I'm still at the same. Sorry guys! I'm just happy I didn't gain 30 pounds with my mother's insane cooking!

    However I did get to do 3 days of strength training, and for 6 days got 4+ of colorful foods in! Yay for House Points!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member

    Food Challenge:
    Seems like some of us have some trouble controlling our cravings so hopefully this challenge will help. Pick one or two foods you know is unhealthy that you tend to binge on (if you have one) and when you feel a craving for that food, take a small serving, put it in a baggie or a bowl and then put the rest away, go in another room and eat it slowly. Really savor the taste and texture of each bite. Hopefully you will find it is more satisfying that way! :)

    Exercise challenge:
    Try some type of exercise you either have never done before, or at least havent done in a long time. Can be anything at all..if its been years since you rode a bike, take a bike ride, or try jumping rope, or horseback riding or a new exercise video or go for a hike in a new location...anything that is a little bit different from what you normall do. Sometimes shaking things up makes your metabolism speed up and makes it more interesting for you! Maybe you will find a type of exercise you really enjoy! :)

    Good luck everyone!!!

    i think the food challenge will have to be coffee mate for me. i know it's not good for me and is 25 calories a spoon, and i know that when i don't measure out 2 tablespoons, i probably go to about 4 or 5 lol. i REALLY need to measure every time, so maybe this challenge will be my coffee mate challenge :)

    the exercise challange should be fun. my mom's friend just gave me her ab circle pro lol. it looks.....interesting? i'll let you guys know how it goes =)
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    ok, so last night i had some calories left and decided to have some no sugar added ice cream. i limited it to 1/2 cup so as not to go over goal. i think that counts as avoiding a binge!!
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    I am 271.2 today. I met the food challenge and the exercise challenge....I bought Jillian Michael's 30 day shred

    Good luck on the Shred I could never get past day 10 I hate her mouth and the things she says to me.
  • Tiffy11011
    Tiffy11011 Posts: 81 Member
    So I decided to weight myself when I got home from work again on a whim since I'm feeling a lot less bloated due to TOM than I was all weekend and this morning and I'm back down to 201 which is better than gaining 2 lbs!

    So if it's alright and not cheating... I'd totally love to use my staying the same weight of 201 instead of gaining 2 lbs...
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    You're all doing so good this week! I really enjoy reading everyone's updates. It keeps me inspired. :smile:

    We are still missing weights for:

    Cutoff is midnight tonight Eastern time. I'll post the house chart then. GO RAVENCLAW!!!
  • liz11599
    liz11599 Posts: 220 Member
    OK, so I pulled out the soccer ball, dusted it off and played around with the dog for about 20 min. this afternoon. Haven't done that in a long while. Add a point to the house please :0)
  • minniebee
    minniebee Posts: 193 Member
    the exercise challange should be fun. my mom's friend just gave me her ab circle pro lol. it looks.....interesting? i'll let you guys know how it goes =)

    I have one of those, but I've never used it. Let me know if it works for you!

    Also, to the rest of the house, I started P90X! A friend of mine completed it last summer and literally transformed from a geeky guy to a muscle man! Although I'm not going to get jacked, am a pumped to borrow it from him and try it out. I'll let you guys know how it is going :)
  • swimmer23
    swimmer23 Posts: 70
    weighing in!!!
    I'm 126.0 but I weighed with heavy sneakers on so it might have even been a high 125 :))) we'll go officially 126.0 though and then be super excited about a big drop for next week.

    I met the food color challenge every day! and I did strength training 3 times--but here's me wondering if crutches count as strength training? It's definitely giving me nice, strong shoulders...I've been on them since last monday and I have another 7 days to go :/
  • fitterpat
    fitterpat Posts: 13 Member
    Starting Weight - 264.3lbs
    Week 1 Weight - 259.5
    Week 2 Weight - 261.5
    Week 3 Weight - 260.9 - down .6...but at least it's down!

    My wife was away all week, so I haven't been as diligent with my eating as I should be....but she's back, and we're back to eating decent food again......can't be eating hot dogs and hamburgers all week, now can I??? Well, it IS BBQ season around here....LOL.

    My wife and I have contracted one of the local butchers to provide us with enough meat for a year...delivered in 2 shipments, of approx. 1/4 ton each. We pay over 10 months, and it usually stretches out 16 months....great quality meat, we know where it's coming from and what it's been fed....and everything is portioned, vacuum packaged, and hormone-free. Now...if only I could find a service that does that for organic vegetables.....

    Onward and downwards!!!
  • minniebee
    minniebee Posts: 193 Member
    I am so excited for my first "indulgence" tonight with the challenge. Ben and Jerry's Phish Food Fro-Yo, HERE I COME! :bigsmile:
  • SaLandrum
    SaLandrum Posts: 141 Member
    My sinful indulgence was ........ a small chocolate fudge brownie.
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    Im going to have 3 animal cookies after work tonight and I am going to feel super good about it.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I had a bite-size KitKat bar and actually felt satisfied. :bigsmile:

    My exercise today was riding my bike to the store to pick up a few things for dinner - been a long time since I rode my bike shopping instead of jumping in the car!

    Today's HP trivia from the main thread:
    HP Post of the Day!

    The actress who played Moaning Myrtle is actually 37 years old and is the oldest actress to portray a Hogwarts student.

    So many fans visit King’s Cross station to take pictures of platforms 9 and 10 that the station management erected a sign that says “Platform 9 ¾” which, in the Potter books, is invisible to Muggles but acts as a gateway for witches and wizards.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Here are Ravenclaw's results for week 3:

    Coming in at #1: Lori07 lost 2.2% and earns the title of Prefect for the week!
    #2 is beanie242 with 1.61%
    #3 is lottee1000 with 1.54%

    Overall, we lost 0.54%!


    The 9 at the bottom did not count toward our numbers this week because they either didn't weigh in last week or didn't weigh in this week - and it looks like we will lose 4 of them because they haven't weighed in for 2 consecutive weeks.

    These are the House Points awarded for week 3.


    I will post this week's winning house as soon as all the other houses report in.

    Goodnight Ravenclaw!
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    congrats for everyone participating....let's gear up for a fabulous week!
  • chloetwin
    chloetwin Posts: 5
    I weigh 214 now!! Lost a pound ;)
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    ok, so yesterday was my daughter's 17th birthday. we went to red lobster for dinner. i had checked nutrition info on line and selected and logged my food before we went. i had planned to have dessert and go a couple hundred calories over goal. i ended up not having dessert and went over goal by only 70 calories-my first time over since i started 3 weeks ago. binge avoided!! house points so far this week=2. :bigsmile:
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    :cry: I get SO DAMN close!!!!! arggg!!!!!
    Well, still losing consecutively so no complaints there! I will be prefect at some point :drinker:
  • Lori07
    Lori07 Posts: 136
    Yay me I get to be Prefect woo hoo!