energy.. please Help?? :)

Any suggestions on how I can get some energy to workout right after work. Bc I NEVER want to I am always too tired. I need some friends and some serious motivation to lose this fluff that I used to not have.


  • slick_fox
    slick_fox Posts: 85 Member
    I found the easiest way is to take a walk right after arriving home. It always give me energy and once I started taking my walk I would walk further than I had planned. Good Luck!
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    No easy answer. I find I have to force myself to do something - anything and then it will usually turn out to be a full workout. Maybe tell yourself you just have to walk a mile and don't have to do anything after that? Usually once you get going, you'll keep going - it's the getting going part that is hard.

    Also, do you eat an afternoon snack? That may help keep your energy up. Maybe a handful of almonds and an apple?
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    My best advice is to just push through the "I don't want to" and go...

    Once you start working out and get in a routine, your body will WANT TO. and you will become addicted to the endorphins working out gives you that it wont be a chore anymore to go right after work.

    I remember being soooo tired after work, and not wanting to work out...

    Now I look forward to it. I am aching to get out of work so I can throw on my running shoes and hit the road. Or go to the gym and lift some serious weights.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    You just have to do it. You either want results bad enough to work for them, or you don’t.
  • purpl3sox
    purpl3sox Posts: 38
    Don't work out after work, work out before work. If you do it before then its done for the day, and you have already accomplished something by the time you get to work. Then when you get home you can eat and go to bed. If you work out after work you get to spend the whole day dreading it, finding reasons not to do it and just being overall miserable about it.

    Say you had to eat a frog every day. Would you rather just eat it first thing in the morning and get to enjoy the rest of the day or think about eating the frog all day and have it make every day miserable? Ive found that just changing things up, getting up and doing it first thing in the morning is the best choice.
  • michelle2808
    I workout after work..but to make sure I workoout even if I' tired that day, I go straight home change throw in my DVD and go! I don't give myself enough time to sit down or relax, I'll do that after :)
  • Beautiful_Fury
    Beautiful_Fury Posts: 21 Member
    The hardest part is just getting yourself to the gym or starting your walk..

    At first you may not have the energy to go and from experience I know it is so easy to talk yourself out of it.. But I guarantee you that if you just push yourself to do it even if you lack the energy too, once you start working out you will gain the energy to continue after a few minutes and if you make it a part of your daily / weekly routine.. Your body will start to crave the exercise..

    Good luck to you... :o)
  • destinationparadise
    You just have to make yourself do it. After a week your body will start to crave the workout and you will look forward to it. I am an ex couch potato and now I love to exercise. :smile:
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Like others have said you have to force yourself until it becomes a habit. For most people they feel energized after working out. That feeling will definitely have you coming back for more. I don't know what your regimen is but if you are doing cardio on your own get a ipod and load it with your favorite songs and work your way through your routine.
  • Jricky11
    Jricky11 Posts: 4
    Thank Ya'll so much! Those are all GREAT advice!! :)
  • lsjd2000
    lsjd2000 Posts: 287 Member
    For me it is just making myself do it - example to get to work i get up at 4:45am - I work 12hr shifts so work till 7pm then go to the Gym usually from 8-9pm then drive home to do it again - i joined a gym close to my job so that i can go right after work not after riding in my car for an hour to get home. So days i really don't want to but find that if i make my self go then once i get started i keep going. somtimes its just getting into the habit - i find when i work out i have more energy then when i don't work out
  • MrsCurtisinTX
    MrsCurtisinTX Posts: 88 Member
    I understand how you feel. I even tried working out early in the morning. That was for the birds...I definitely have to workout after work. I think there are several things that are very crucial. Make sure you get plenty rest(that has made a world of difference for me) and motivation helps. There have been several times I think, "ohhh I don't want to workout!" However, I feel so much better afterwards also the satisfaction that I pushed myself to do it!

    You got this! Stay Strong!
  • Jricky11
    Jricky11 Posts: 4
    lsjd2000: Thanks! Yeah my gym is about 15 min from my work. and my work is about 30-45 min away from my house depending on traffiic. I just need to tell myself I HAVE to go. I have no other choice. I always say I am gonna go home and get my roomate but when I get home she always has a reason not to go so I am just gonna have to start going without her. Thanks so much for the tip :)
  • Jricky11
    Jricky11 Posts: 4
    Maryin: THANK YOU SOO MUCH! yeah I have tried to workout in the morning to But I just can not get my happy butt out of bed.
  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    I have the same issue as you do...always an excuse after working. So, I get my butt out of bed an hour earlier in the morning. It has worked wonders - and I am NOT a morning person!