not sure if I should weigh in! please help!

mel4395 Posts: 18
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
This is probably out of the ordinary for this site, but im not sure if I should weigh in. this is mainly for the woman out there! I know my weight will be off, but im not sure how much! do I take off for "that time" of the month? Sorry if this offends anyone, but im not sure, or should I just wait the 10 days to weigh in again. Im not even sure what the average weight gain is for that time. I know its alot of water gain though.


  • IamBrande
    IamBrande Posts: 208 Member
    I weigh in regardless, and make note of (TOM - Time Of Month). Usually the first day of my TOM i will add only about 1-2 lbs.. then just drink your water, water, water to elimate the bloat... if you feel better, you can wait until day 3, and weigh should drop back down to normal!!
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    No one here is telling you that you must do anything. This program has to work for you. You tailor it to your individual needs.

    If you feel that a weigh in now would be psychologically damaging, then don't do it. Do it another time.

    That's the beauty of MFP. There is nothing set in stone. You do what is right for you.
  • fibrogirl
    fibrogirl Posts: 170 Member
    Hi mel4395, I'm in my first week on this site but have been trying to lose weight for a year now. I still weigh in at this time but it can be disheartening as I can gain up to 4 pounds. I think it's better to weigh and then as the time goes by you can see a pattern emerging. Good luck and remember that any gain is only water and it will soon come off again. :bigsmile:
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    I do weigh in during that time, though a lot of women don't. I personally weigh in every morning to keep tabs on how I'm doing. Yes my weight fluctuates up a pound or two some day back down on others. It doesn't bother me as I know I'm doing my part to eat healthfully and mindfully and to exercise. Even if I show a gain I know it's water weight my muscles are holding on to and not actual fat gain. I don't record a loss or weight gain each Monday ( or whatever day) I record a loss when I see the same number on the scale more than 2 days.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    Weighing in could tell you a few things about your body's pattern over time. Remember that the scale doesn't know anything about your body's composition. It just knows the effect of gravity on your system at this given point. But making notes in your log ... for instance a high sodium meal last night caused me to gain 4 pounds overnight... could help you identify things in the long run that could help you with your journey and help you breathe a sigh of relief when you know that every month 'around this time' you can expect to gain a couple pounds in water weight so it isn't something to beat yourself up over.

    You may find that you gain weight after an extreme workout because you muscles are retaining water for repair, etc. and exercise notes, weigh-in notes, and your food diary could be beneficial.
  • LushLoni
    LushLoni Posts: 161 Member
    I would just weigh in, take whatever the scales say with a pinch of salt, this isn't your final weigh in, don't panic! And you may even surprise yourself.
  • ProjectLBD
    ProjectLBD Posts: 1
    As a PMS "bloater" I don't weigh in for a fews days before and do not feel you are alone in avoiding the scale for a few days!!! :smile:
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 929 Member
    I usually check the scale every morning, just to make sure I'm still on track. I only record when it's a negative so that it's encouraging, which I try to do a couple times a week (even though MFP says to just do weekly). if there's a way to note TOM/AF, then do that, otherwise it's OK to skip a few days if it would make you feel bad.
  • janel814
    janel814 Posts: 88
    How often are you weighing in? In my opinion, you should only weigh yourself once a week. Make it the same day and about the same time of the day. This way you can get a more accurate weight loss or gain. I weigh in every Sat right after I wake and bathroom, I then take measurements. This is another thing you may try doing b/c the scale can lie especially if you are building muscle. The reason I say only once a week is b/c your body gains and losses pound everyday from bowel movements, sodium intake, and/or water intake.

    Good luck in finding what works for you. Try not to get discouraged, remember weight loss is a journey which is more like a marathon than a sprint. :-)
  • ncrenshaw
    ncrenshaw Posts: 6
    Not being a typical "bloater", I weigh in regardless. If you are up, you at least know why (...assuming that your diet and exercise are on track).
    Who knows, you may be pleasantly surprised and have a nice loss.
    In any event, allows drink lots of water and lighten up on the salt to counteract any tendency to retain water.--
    Whatever you decide - Good Luck !
  • retromomof2
    retromomof2 Posts: 44 Member
    I never let it stop me, I just keep it in mind and now what does not show up in this weeks weigh in, good or bad, will be there next week. I think we all need to make our own rule on this one and go with what we feel is comfortable for us.
  • mel4395
    mel4395 Posts: 18
    AH. someone who is the same as me! i start "bloating" about a week prior, so, in all about 10 days. but I appreciate everyones comments, and found them helpful. Im just to bite the bullet and get on, but im gonna wait a couple more days when its at its peak. But I usually only weigh once a week anyways, last week I weighed 2x. so we will see on Thursday!
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I weigh in regardless of that time of the month. I just don't freak out if it's higher than I'd like.
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    I usually do my official weigh in on Fridays and check that I'm on track usually Tuesday/Wednesday. Over time you do start to see the flucuations that come with too much sodium, TOM, etc. and you realize that it's normal to be up and down during the week. I agree with the other posters that only log in when they show a loss - it might take a couple of weeks but positive reinforcement is the best!:smile:
  • NuMe46
    NuMe46 Posts: 128
    Try just weighing in once a week. The fluctuations are normal even after you no longer have TOMs to worry about. Still your hormones have a lot to do with it all through life. Lots of water helps. I sometimes drink as much as 20 cups or more especially after I have eaten something very salty.
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