Goal Weight......

I have lost 18 pounds and have one more pounds to get to my goal weight of 105lbs, now that I am almost there I still don't look exactly like I want (and yes i'm toning I do Yoga an hour a day) so I'm thinking of changing my goal weight to 100 pounds. Is this common to change your goal weight lower once you get there?


  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Common, probably. Wise? You should base your goal on what is healthy, not how it makes you look. No one is ever completely satisfied with how they look.
  • d6melanie
    d6melanie Posts: 84 Member
    You may want to consider weight lifting if it's body composition issue, rather than a healthy weight issue. I know you are doing yoga but you may need the additional resistance to see the muscle shapes you want.
  • morgiee_lynne
    morgiee_lynne Posts: 141 Member
    d6melanie wrote: »
    You may want to consider weight lifting if it's body composition issue, rather than a healthy weight issue. I know you are doing yoga but you may need the additional resistance to see the muscle shapes you want.

    second this, if you want to look "toned" lift weights
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    d6melanie wrote: »
    You may want to consider weight lifting if it's body composition issue, rather than a healthy weight issue. I know you are doing yoga but you may need the additional resistance to see the muscle shapes you want.

    second this, if you want to look "toned" lift weights

  • GraceCamD
    GraceCamD Posts: 128 Member
    Well actually I can not lift weights and Yoga I was just able to start doing because I am still recovering from major back surgery which sucks because I used to do boxing and ballet and they were work outs!! I guess I just feel like now that I'm almost to 105.....why not just 5 more....I still want to be skinnier,....I actually had a guy call me fat, 5ft 3 106, and someone called me fat....
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    GraceCamD wrote: »
    Well actually I can not lift weights and Yoga I was just able to start doing because I am still recovering from major back surgery which sucks because I used to do boxing and ballet and they were work outs!! I guess I just feel like now that I'm almost to 105.....why not just 5 more....I still want to be skinnier,....I actually had a guy call me fat, 5ft 3 106, and someone called me fat....

    they were probably being sarcastic...
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    GraceCamD wrote: »
    Well actually I can not lift weights and Yoga I was just able to start doing because I am still recovering from major back surgery which sucks because I used to do boxing and ballet and they were work outs!! I guess I just feel like now that I'm almost to 105.....why not just 5 more....I still want to be skinnier,....I actually had a guy call me fat, 5ft 3 106, and someone called me fat....

    they were probably being sarcastic...

  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    what about asking your doctor what strength exercises you can you don't need weights its good to start using your own body like a gym could you do planks? walk out planks? or use a resistance band when doing yoga stretches? use a pilates ball? im sure there will be things you can do. You wouldn't be fat but may look untoned.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    It is common in people who don't exercise. What happens is you lower the body weight without lowering your body fat %. So you still "feel fat" when you get to goal weight. I had that happen before and I was not happy. So the goal weight I chose when I came to MFP was that low or lower. Then I learned that my goal weight did not have to be that low to achieve the look I want. You need to focus on body recomposition (lowering body fat %) and not necessarily losing any more weight.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    edited November 2014
    Someone called you fat at 106 lbs.? If your picture is anything to go by, you are quite thin, since that is at the very low end BMI, and 100 is underweight for your height. I agree with the other posters that you should focus on strength. Yoga can have some good results because you are using your own body weight to develop strength. I recently had a shoulder injury, and am now doing a class that just uses stretchy bands for strength training; you can adjust the tension in the band for the difficulty you want. Perhaps your PT can show you some safe exercises with bands; my son's a PTA and also does some training, and he's showed me some of the things he does.
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    I have come to the conclusion I will never be completely happy with how I look. My image of the perfect body is always just a little more of this and a little less of that... This can be a really dangerous and sad way to live... Always dissatisfied. How do we fix it? Change the focus. I am a work in progress, but I am trying to be happy with me instead of happy with my body. Find things that make you happy and be happy... To take the focus away from my weight or my "problem areas" I train for events. In order to train I have to fuel and strengthen. I can see and measure those improvements. As I do this I gain appreciation for my body and my body heals and improves. Win/win. I can still be excessive with training and disappointed by missing a goal, but these are things I can learn from. You are already quite thin even if you can't see it. Your post concerns me because it is the type of thinking that can lead to serious health and emotional issues if taken too far. Take care and good luck.
  • GraceCamD
    GraceCamD Posts: 128 Member
    edited May 2015
    Well I am happy to say that i have lost 23 lbs now and weigh 101 and now my goal weight is 95 lbs and that is only because i am short....
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    GraceCamD wrote: »
    Well I am happy to say that i have lost 23 lbs now and weigh 101 and now my goal weight is 95 lbs and that is only because i am short....

    101lbs at 5'3 (which isn't actually that short, only 1 inch below average) is already underweight. 95lbs would be 10lbs underweight and no one here is going to support you doing something so unhealthy. Can you really honestly say that you think endangering your health so much is really a good idea?
  • SusanKing1981
    SusanKing1981 Posts: 257 Member
    And you'll get to 95lbs and may still not be happy, then what?
  • Nightfall_30
    Nightfall_30 Posts: 6 Member
    GraceCamD wrote: »
    Well I am happy to say that i have lost 23 lbs now and weigh 101 and now my goal weight is 95 lbs and that is only because i am short....

    ...and, when you are at 95 lbs, you'll want to be 90 lbs. Don't give into this cycle of self doubt, you'll spiral downwards. Us women are too judgemental of our own looks, please focus on your health & see a doctor about putting on muscle and weight (what others called body recomposition).
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    I'm inevitably going to get flagged for this, but I'm just going to leave THIS here.

    I'm not saying that you have an eating disorder; I'm not a doctor. What I am saying is that you're displaying many signs of an eating disorder, including: the underweight BMI, the drive to be ever thinner, a distorted body image heavily tied to your self-esteem, and an unwillingness to maintain a normal or healthy weight.

    Either way, whether you think the people here are giving you too much flack or not, you should be examined by a doctor to ensure that moving forward you have the minimum body fat etc that women need.

    Good luck with your (hopefully healthy) journey.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I'm inevitably going to get flagged for this, but I'm just going to leave THIS here.

    I'm not saying that you have an eating disorder; I'm not a doctor. What I am saying is that you're displaying many signs of an eating disorder, including: the underweight BMI, the drive to be ever thinner, a distorted body image heavily tied to your self-esteem, and an unwillingness to maintain a normal or healthy weight.

    Either way, whether you think the people here are giving you too much flack or not, you should be examined by a doctor to ensure that moving forward you have the minimum body fat etc that women need.

    Good luck with your (hopefully healthy) journey.
    QFT!! This!!!! Op, your goal weight of 95 lbs seems awfully low at 5'3' . Please check with a doctor to make sure that your okay.
  • pollypocket1021
    pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
    Ok, so you post on another thread that you frequent ED forums and here you post that you are underweight and planning on continuing to lose weight. That goal is not healthy and you will not find support for that goal here. You will find support for healthy behaviors, but EDs? Not so much.
  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited May 2015
    GraceCamD wrote: »
    Well I am happy to say that i have lost 23 lbs now and weigh 101 and now my goal weight is 95 lbs and that is only because i am short....

    What's your height? Your current bmi/goal bmi?

    I did change my original goal weight and my maintenance range is now 15lbs below it. But, I'm still in the healthy bmi range.

    eta: saw your height posted-you're already at the low end of a healthy bmi now and if you drop down any further you're going to be in the underweight category. You should be transitioning into maintenance and working on body re-composition goals at this point, not losing more weight.