positive reinforcement

My weight loss journey is new....although Ive known for a long time that I need to do this. Im 5'1" and closing in on 300 pounds if I dont change something quickly. I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful kids that support me and want me to get healthier. My husband tries to understand and keep me going....but hes never struggled with weight the way I have. He has a fairly high metabolism so he stays naturally fairly thin. I am going to do everything in my power to keep on track with my goals. Stay under my calorie intake and take the time to exercise. I ordered T25 so we will see how that goes. I could definitely use some friends from here that understand the struggle and are working through it themselves or have been through it already. The more positive reinforcement I can get, the better off I'll be. Please feel free to add me and I promise I will return the favor, if you need some encouraging and reinforcement Id be happy to provide that for others as well. Struggling with obesity isnt just because of carelessness, its a disease and struggling with depression and anxiety on top of it has not been to my advantage, but Im working on those as well and this is the next step. My goal is to lose 100 pounds...ideally in a year, but I know its a process and that may not happen, so as long as I am still on the right track and pushing through all the struggles, Im ok with that too. I will lose 100 pounds, nomatter how long it takes.
If anyone has any suggestions of things theyve done, all comments are welcomed. If anyone wants to friend me and talk more, message back and forth or just be an occasional supporter, that is absolutely welcomed as well.
Happy Wednesday!!


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Congratulations on deciding to do this.

    My biggest suggestion is to take it one day at a time right now. You will have up days and down days and days when you think "when will I get 'there'?" Sometimes losing weight will seem super easy and sometimes it will be super hard. But just keep working at it. At the same time, don't make strict rules that keep you from enjoying life. If you go on vacation and want to let loose a bit, do it. If you feel ill and can't make a workout, it's okay. Over the long term, as long as most of your days are not "letting loose" or skipping workouts, you'll make good progress. Good luck!
  • ersoper3118
    ersoper3118 Posts: 17 Member
  • Emartz2
    Emartz2 Posts: 108 Member
    Just requested you!!!
    Love this quote: By small and simple things are great things brought to pass!
    Start small...BUT START!
  • aBlueCrayon
    aBlueCrayon Posts: 120 Member
    I'd be happy to help if you ever need someone to help lift you up on those bad days or just in general! I definitely understand some of where you're coming from and I'm cheering for your success!
  • ersoper3118
    ersoper3118 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you all! This community is really great!