


  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    I put cinnamon and unsweetened vanilla almond milk in mine. The first cup I had that way was meh, the second was okay, and now if I have coffee with cream and sugar it tastes way too sweet!

    I also buy flavored black and green tea, which I don't add milk or sweetener at all too, but it's not the same caffeine hit (or rich flavor) as coffee!
  • 7seas_sailing
    7seas_sailing Posts: 224 Member
    I found that making a cup of Greek coffee has helped me. I really enjoy the taste; it's not your typical dark roast. I add a small amount of sugar, and that's it. Otherwise, I much prefer coffee with flavored cream. You can also substitute tea for coffee with all the stuff, and that works well for me too.
  • iheartinsanity
    iheartinsanity Posts: 205 Member
    I usually drink it black but I get into spurts where I add cream to it. Even if you do "drink it all day" (my husband and I can polish off a whole pot by 9am), add just cream. I could never stand drinking sweeten coffee. IMO, it's just one of those beverages that should be enjoyed bitter. ;) It took me a few years to cut down but almond milk (the 30 calorie one) helped me cut down on calories.
  • Tunia85
    Tunia85 Posts: 212 Member
    I mix vanilla protein powder and 1/4 cup of 2 or 1% milk in my coffee and count the calories. That fulfills both my breakfast and coffee fix. When I don't want the protein in there and just want to eat a regular breakfast I do black coffee with .5 cup of 1-2% milk. (I trained myself not to like sugar although you could use Splenda etc. which has its own drawbacks).
  • sugarpeas
    sugarpeas Posts: 56 Member
    I'm trying to cut back as well! Both for money and my health. I'd start by going day by day. So if you have 3 cups. Maybe have 2 or 2.5 cups. The next day have two. Slowly slowly cut back. Then start cutting back either cream or sugar. Measure each so you know exactly how much you put in it.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I drink lots of coffee. I just put a bit of milk in it, so usually it adds up to around 100 calories per day for 4 cups.
  • nsimon24
    nsimon24 Posts: 115 Member
    I agree with the idea of switching blends or coffees - if you dislike the bitterness (usually negated by adding milk or cream), try a blond roast instead of a darker one, they tend to be more floral and less bitter. Regional blends make a big difference as well. If you like the sweetness try a flavored coffee to cut the sugar out and keep the dairy. One warning - the blond roasts and lighter roasts have a higher caffeine kick, so if you are used to drinking the Starbucks or dark roasts (or even expressos) prepare for the jitters!
  • VitaTofuVegamin
    VitaTofuVegamin Posts: 5 Member
    I'm not sure if there's any science to back this up, but I have a harder time losing weight when regularly drinking black coffee instead of herbal teas. Now that I've drastically reduced my black coffee intake, I'm losing weight again. In no way am I saying that coffee is to blame... In my case, I think it's because drinking more coffee, even black as I mentioned, leads me to personally crave less water and crave other junk.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Ween yourself to black coffee. Add a little less creamer or whatever till you get it to black, then start weening out the sweeteners...your taste buds will love you when you get to liking black coffee. It's so much better.
  • courtneystricker
    courtneystricker Posts: 26 Member
    thank you guys i will try some of the ideas and see what works best for me
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I'm not sure if there's any science to back this up, but I have a harder time losing weight when regularly drinking black coffee instead of herbal teas. Now that I've drastically reduced my black coffee intake, I'm losing weight again. In no way am I saying that coffee is to blame... In my case, I think it's because drinking more coffee, even black as I mentioned, leads me to personally crave less water and crave other junk.

    Probably not, when I feel like eating something and I know I shouldn't, I grab a cup of coffee. If nothing else, the time it takes me to drink it keep me from eating for a while.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Coffee is taking up all of your calories? Is that a huge exaggeration, because even with full fat creamer and real sugar, you'd have to be drinking a ridiculous amount of coffee for it to be taking up all of your calories.

    You can 1) try to train yourself to like it without a bunch of creamer in it, 2) reduce the amount of creamer you use, 3) switch to a sweetener instead of sugar, 4) try the reduced fat/sugar/etc creamers to save some calories, 5) keep drinking coffee the way you like but just drink less of it, or 6) cut out the coffee altogether. There aren't any other options that I can think of. The choice is yours.
  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    JenniferIsLosingIt Posts: 595 Member
    its the stuff i put in it and i hate black coffee

    I either use sugar free creamer Italian Sweet Cream is my favorite. I also use Half n Half (its super low in carbs) and When I use the half n half I add splenda. :)
  • freeoscar
    freeoscar Posts: 82 Member
    if you use milk and sugar, try skipping the sugar and heating up the milk (you can do this in the micro at work). heating the milk makes it sweeter, so you may not need the sugar (or at least less of it). plus it helps keep your coffee hot for longer :smile:
  • heathsab
    heathsab Posts: 13 Member
    I also have had this problem. Do you like it to be really sweet, or really creamy? If the calories in your coffee are coming mostly from the sugar you put in, try either cutting back or switching to equal/splenda/whatever 0 cal sweetener you like. (If you try one and hate the taste, don't give up, because I personally can't stand splenda but love equal, so it might be you'll find one you like.) You can also try getting sugar free syrup - Starbucks and Peet's, for example, both have sugar free vanilla syrup that's very sweet but doesn't have many calories.

    If your calories are coming mostly from the milk or cream you put in (and I feel you on that - I love a creamy cup of coffee) then you have a few options. First, if you're using lots of milk, you may be able to cut back the calories by switching to skim milk or 1%. Skim milk is about 80 calories per cup, while whole milk is about 150, so if you're using lots of milk, that could make a big difference. If you're not using that much milk, you may be able to do what I do, which is use a small amount of half and half (very small, like 1-2 tablespoons) in place of a large amount of milk. That way, you get the creamy-ness, but two tablespoons of half and half doesn't actually have very many calories. In the same spirit, you can try flavored coffee creamers. They're often very sweet and about 30-50 cals per tablespoon, so not that bad as long as you aren't using too much, which I've found I don't need to because they're so potently sweet.

    TL;DR it depends where the calories in your coffee are coming from now and what you like in your coffee, but play around! There are so many variations/things you can get in your coffee that you can definitely experiment and find a lower calorie version of the drink that you like.
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    has anyone tried kust switching to tea

    If you load up the tea with lots of cream and sugar it will be just as many calories as your coffee is now. That will only help if you can drink unsweetened tea.
  • Alli720234
    Alli720234 Posts: 1 Member
    I've started drinking it black, but I add some sugar free (no calorie) flavored syrup and one packet of sweetener. That way I have the flavor of creamer without the calories.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    I use Eight O'Clock K-Cups with International Delights Fat-Free Sugar-Free Caramel or Vanilla Creamer at just 30 cals per 2 tbsp. I like the idea of adding Vanilla Flavored protein powder....might try that.
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    I enjoy my coffee black.

    When I give up coffee I wean myself off by having half decaf and half regular coffee and do that for a couple of days and then I switch to green tea.

    Without coffee I find I sleep better and I am less agitated.

  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I drink a lot of coffee--I am a night shift nurse. At first when I started drinking coffee I always drank it with a little milk or creamer. One day a friend talked me into going to a coffee house where I had my first espresso. I will never forget getting served a cup of espresso in a really tiny cup like it was TNT or something. Boy, was it bitter! I added a lot of sugar and lemon just to get it palatable. And buzzed????? I didn't go to sleep until the next day. I digress.....after that I started drinking coffee with less and less cream, really started enjoying that robust, fuzzy feeling that I get from drinking it. I now drink it hot, cold, luke-warm.....I am a night shift nurse..... and I like my coffee.