Any people with SED or Food Neophobia out there?

Probably a long shot as I have never met another person with food neophobia like me but its a big reason why I am now having to loose this weight and why I struggle with it. For people who don't know what it means, food neophobia anyway I'm not that well versed on Selective Eating Disorder, is that I can only eat certain foods without essentially gagging them up. Specifically foods I haven't tried before I can't eat, I am literally afraid of new food. I've been like this my whole life. So I eat like a four year old, and an unhealthy four year old at that. Total combined I eat/drink around 25 different foods. It's classified as an eating disorder and is really hard to overcome from what I've been told most people never do.

Anyway like I said its probably a long shot but it would be interesting to talk to someone else if there is any else out there.


  • tritta01
    tritta01 Posts: 311
    Dont have that but give you prompts for making people aware of this disorder, I hope one day you are able to overcome this :)
  • lefty_fox
    I can't say I have experience with these issues, but I wanted to say good luck and hang in there. :)
  • fink21061
    fink21061 Posts: 53 Member
    You are not alone on this. Just the texture of an onion will make me vomit. Vegtables gag me when I even put them near my mouth. Thats why its so hard for me to lose weight.
  • kmarie01
    Its great to know someone else is out there! I can't eat any vegetables or fruit except for strawberries and black olives. I'm currently trying to conquer an apple right now but I have not succeeded so far haha That sounds so ridiculous to say but its the truth. I can't even begin to imagine whats it like to just be able to pick up any food and actually taste and eat it. I've never even had a hamburger/cheeseburger or a slice of pie ( I know not healthy but I feel like I'm really missing out ) I can't wait until I get to the day where I can keep down any food that is put in front of me!
  • fink21061
    fink21061 Posts: 53 Member
    My husband loves salad. Everytime he eats it I cant be in the same room as just the smell gags me. Its so gross. ANd Im really big on textures. Certian ones I cant do. Its funny that you like something odd like black olives. I love Broccolli. Thats the only vegtable besides potatoes that I can eat.
  • NurdyNurse
    NurdyNurse Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I know your post is old, but I did a quick search to see if there were any people on this site with the same eating disorder... I have it. I hate it, but I am powerless to change it. This is only my second post... if you are still at the diet thing and need support, I would be happy to be your "friend"! ~patty
  • Minnie292
    Minnie292 Posts: 1
    Wow. My son has this (he is 10 now) Everyone thinks I am just over-exageratting & he is just a "picky eater" I tell them "go ahead- try to make him eat that piece of ham" (or cheese or whatever) You WILL get thrown up on if you even get it down his throat. He eats no meat or veggies. None of the normal food a kid his age would eat i.e. pizza, hot dogs, mac & cheese. He also doesn't try new foods & most of what he doesn't like, he has never tried. I just this year took him off whole milk because he is finally in the normal weight range. He is thin. I have had him tested & he is not anemic or anything. He lives off yogurt, fruit, pb&j & whatever healthy protein I can get in him. It is good to see that this is not just me not "making" him eat what the rest of us eat. I was hoping he would grow out of it, but it has actually gotten worse & more selective as he has gotten older. And I see if you guys still have it he may never get over it. :(
  • edavies603
    edavies603 Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2015
    There are many of us, I was just looking to see if there was a forum on here, I'm part of a group on fb for our problem and I find it great to know I'm not the only one. It's so hard to lose weight with this problem. I've just realised this is a very old post :(
  • Altagracia220
    Altagracia220 Posts: 876 Member
    oh my gosh...i am the same way. My boyfriend constantly teases me for eating the same 15 foods. I didn't know there was a name for that though, and i certainly didn't think it was a type of disorder. i always thought i was just a picky eater. I too eat like a 4 year old. Let's see... i'm 23 years old and the first time i tried a banana was 3 years ago, and i damn near threw up. same with an apple. Then i tried adding peanut butter to those fruits because i heard it tastes good that way, and had the same result of gagging and throwing up in my mouth. I have never tried carrots, tomatoes(raw),never had a salad, no lettuce, celery, asparagus , eggplant, broccoli, the list goes on and on. I tried salmon and oysters for the first time a year ago, and i didn't not like it, but i also wouldn't eat it again.
  • Altagracia220
    Altagracia220 Posts: 876 Member
    edavies603 wrote: »
    There are many of us, I was just looking to see if there was a forum on here, I'm part of a group on fb for our problem and I find it great to know I'm not the only one. It's so hard to lose weight with this problem. I've just realized this is a very old post :(
    i didn't realize this was old post until i read your comment, haha! what is the group you are talking about?
  • heartsstarspll
    heartsstarspll Posts: 47 Member
    I know this is an old post, but I wanted to hop in. lol I have had Selective Eating Disorder my whole life, and always heard I was just picky. But it is way beyond that! It really makes losing weight HARD. Right now I am trying LCHF and let's just say I'm basically rotating 3 different meals at dinner time. lol And even then I'm falling a little short on the fat, because I'm used to eating lean hamburger, and I don't think I'd even like the fatty stuff. My usual pizza and chicken tenders and fries are off limits for sure. Although, I have found that I can melt mozzerella cheese and pepperoni in a bowl in the microwave and it tastes just like pizza minus the bread!
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    My son does, but it's tied into his autism.

    I have been able to encourage him over to certain foods by having them be different foods but in a similar category in some way (i.e. crunchy; orange - he has just recently tried actual oranges for the first time; etc.).

    I don't know if this helps or applies to you at all. I wish you luck, if you're still here. I see this thread is from 2011.