Help me please!

So I'm 5'2 and 115 pounds. I really want to get down to 100 and have a flat stomach and/or a bigger butt by the time I come back from Alabama in five weeks to surprise my boyfriend. Does anyone have any tips? I've been sticking to the calorie suggestion on this app for about a week and I haven't seen any progress at all.


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    You're already at a healthy weight and looking to reach underweight in five weeks, with a deficit of 3 pounds a week.

    Instead of that, look into a body recomp program with heavy lifting. You can get the body you want without the crash diet. Sure, it'll take longer, but you'll definitely feel better physically and emotionally than you would going by your plan.
  • tnewflash
    tnewflash Posts: 19 Member
    5 weeks is not enough time to lose 15 lbs healthily. There's no quick weight loss secret, however eating in a deficit and strength training and focusing on squats and deadlifts and other leg exercises will result in a bigger butt and flatter stomach. But you need more than 5 weeks IMO
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    You're at a healthy weight range. Losing weight won't just automatically make your stomach look that better, and it DEFINITELY will not make your butt bigger. I mean that one really doesn't make sense. Agree with the recomp.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    You're at a healthy weight range. Losing weight won't just automatically make your stomach look that better, and it DEFINITELY will not make your butt bigger. I mean that one really doesn't make sense. Agree with the recomp.

    yep and yep.
    I'm at my goal weight now, if I lose any more I'll start to look sick.
    My point is, even though I'm at goal weight i still have a pot belly. My only option is to start weight training to get rid of it.
    Also, you're not going to gain a butt while eating at a deficit. Once again, weights with lots of squats and lunges.
  • BrittanyBreeding
    BrittanyBreeding Posts: 2 Member
    How much weight would I need to use? And also my left wrist is injured so I can't really lift with it, would it still be beneficial to lift with my right arm or would that make me look way too toned on one side compared to the other?
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    How much weight would I need to use? And also my left wrist is injured so I can't really lift with it, would it still be beneficial to lift with my right arm or would that make me look way too toned on one side compared to the other?

    Umm...When do you think your wrist will be better? A recomp is not really a quick fix. And it's either heavy weight, or a progressive body weight program.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    There isn't a healthy way to do what you want quickly. Your goal of 15 pounds in 5 weeks is asinine ... get a better one.
  • MackNorris
    MackNorris Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Brittany,

    Don't be too discouraged by some of the comments here. I think what people are trying to say is that, yes, this is possible but you will also lose a lot of muscle at the same time. We have no idea what your body fat percentage is currently which would help. I believe you can safely lose 1 lb a week of fat for sure. Possibly more. I've trained around injuries my whole life. It sounds like you can still train your legs and glutes. I would try compound movements like the squat 2 days per week, along with leg curls and both seated and standing calf raises(alternate). We can talk more if your interested in trying any of this. You'll have to experiment and see what movements hurt your wrist. Would you say applying pressure and bending the wrist back is the problem?
  • jacklfc88
    jacklfc88 Posts: 247 Member
    ^^ correct. Focus on core and legs for now whilst you're injured. Don't worry you're not gonna get massive in the space of a few weeks! Legs are often neglected as well in the search for a "beach body" but are a vital component in any training routine. Core is the most important really as it stabilises everything so work on them two things then when your wrist is fixed crack on with upper body.
  • drewchiu1
    drewchiu1 Posts: 6 Member
    You're at a healthy weight now. Sounds like you are looking to tone and slim down versus losing weight. I wouldnt worry as much about the weight as oppose to reducing bodyfat while maintaininh your muscle. I recommend gojng for a 30-45min brisk walk every morning(not a run or jog) keep you heart rate at 60-65% of max to burn off the sugar in your system. Improve your eating to meet you daily macro needs for .5-1lb weight loss per week with healthy foods. Core workouts is key to a flatter stomach. Static elbow planks works great (try the 30 day plank challenge). With a bad wrist, a good HIIt workout can help you build strength and burn calories while maintaining muscle.
  • paris458
    paris458 Posts: 229 Member
    agreed, you need to start working out with weights. for your butt, squats and lunges you can find workout videos on youtube. since you are new you can start by using your own body weight for exercises and invest in some weight or a gym membership later
  • deviboy1592
    deviboy1592 Posts: 989 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    You're at a healthy weight range. Losing weight won't just automatically make your stomach look that better, and it DEFINITELY will not make your butt bigger. I mean that one really doesn't make sense. Agree with the recomp.

    yep and yep.
    I'm at my goal weight now, if I lose any more I'll start to look sick.
    My point is, even though I'm at goal weight i still have a pot belly. My only option is to start weight training to get rid of it.
    Also, you're not going to gain a butt while eating at a deficit. Once again, weights with lots of squats and lunges.
