Net calories



  • kaikea
    kaikea Posts: 27 Member
    I've had my best success picking a daily calorie goal and sticking to it despite my calories goals being adjusted by my connected BodyMedia device sending me extra calories (I am set at sedentary). The most accurate thing you can measure is the food going in and not the energy going out.

    I still use my activity tracker device to track my daily activity and steps and to try and increase my daily activity but I don't fluctuate my calories day to day. I don't know if my body and mind just likes a consistent calorie amount rather than feast or famine on high activity or low activity days but that's what has worked for me.

    I weigh myself almost everyday and get a weekly average to see how much weight I am losing week to week and then maybe make adjustment from there.
  • FullofTrixie
    FullofTrixie Posts: 41 Member
    You have all been so kind. I guess I will continue I as is. No one said I was harming myself so I presume that is ok. I am not hungry so I guess all is good. Again thank u
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    You have all been so kind. I guess I will continue I as is. No one said I was harming myself so I presume that is ok. I am not hungry so I guess all is good. Again thank u

    Netting 400–600 calories is not ok. You are harming yourself.
  • jcurrie17
    jcurrie17 Posts: 36 Member
    Ok now I am lost if someone that walks 38000 gets 600 extra and I think I am at 12000 and I have 600 extra how does that work? I just do not want to over or under eat. I am losing but I try not to go into the extra calories to much. Maybe I am over analyzing. Gadgets make things so difficult. I am set for negative adjustment so I guess I will just do as I am doing.

    Difference in body weight could be a big reason for this difference.
  • FullofTrixie
    FullofTrixie Posts: 41 Member
    Well if I should not be netting so low how much should I eat to lose 2lb a week
    5'7" female 170lb I sit at a desk for work but walk a minimum of 10000 steps per day?
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    To lose 2lbs a week, you would need to eat 1200 calories (never eat less than that) and go for a walk or do some other exercise five times or more a week without replacing the additional calories burned.
  • lalabrucey
    lalabrucey Posts: 244 Member
    yarwell wrote: »
    About 2000 steps on a Fitbit usually get you a zero adjustment, more and you get more calories.

    ^I am so confused about why this was flagged! How could anyone construe this as abuse?

    I am confused also... seems un-spam like to me!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Well if I should not be netting so low how much should I eat to lose 2lb a week
    5'7" female 170lb I sit at a desk for work but walk a minimum of 10000 steps per day?

    The less you have to lose, the more slowly it comes off. That's just the way the human body works. A healthy, sustainable loss is .5 lb. per week for every 25 lbs. you're overweight. The smaller deficit will also help you transition to maintenance.

    Eat back 100% of your Fitbit adjustments. That's how it works. Your default MFP calorie goal already has your deficit built in.

    Chronic undereating will not get you to goal any more quickly. In fact, it usually leads to bingeing. Trust your Fitbit!
  • FullofTrixie
    FullofTrixie Posts: 41 Member
    To lose 2lbs a week, you would need to eat 1200 calories (never eat less than that) and go for a walk or do some other exercise five times or more a week without replacing the additional calories burned.

    Ok so then I would net less then 1200 and this is basically what I do. I guess no one agrees on this
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Ok so then I would net less then 1200 and this is basically what I do. I guess no one agrees on this

    Everybody (including MFP) agrees that you must eat a minimum of 1,200 calories a day.
  • lalabrucey
    lalabrucey Posts: 244 Member
    edited May 2015
    I have often wondered about these gadgets so I found this thread interesting to read, thanks for posting.

    My own personal approach is to turn off the tech and listen to your body once you get used to eating to deficit target.

    I have tried step counters in the past when I wasn't attending a gym or doing any deliberate exercise, but once I started, I turned it off and only logged the deliberate exercise.

    Of course everyone is different however.

    If you have enough energy, get enough water and sleep, are not permanently hungry and you are in good health - then... surely no problem whatever you decide works for you?

    I am 5'3, so I only get 1200 p/day unless I exercise. Definitely in a sedentary job! I currently attend a gym 3 * per week for 60 mins each session so for this reason I don't count any day-to-day activity such as walking at lunch or around the office.

    I don't worry about NET so much, as long as food intake for the day is a minimum of 1200 (MFP gives you a big warning otherwise and won't let you close the diary for the day) then if my Net goes below when I have worked out, I'm not bothered. My skin, hair and nails are healthy, I am not hungry and still enjoy a very balanced diet.

    Generally I will eat back about half of the exercise calories but again, I just choose to listen to my body. If I am hungry I will eat a little something and reassess. If not, meh, its a bonus. I'm loosing an average of 1.7lb p/week but I do have a love of beer and occasional higher calorie meals.

    Hope this helps

    Good luck deciding what is right for you :blush:
  • SlimBride2Be
    SlimBride2Be Posts: 315 Member
    Well if I should not be netting so low how much should I eat to lose 2lb a week
    5'7" female 170lb I sit at a desk for work but walk a minimum of 10000 steps per day?

    I thought I would weigh in here. I am also 5'7" and 165lb so can be quite a good comparison. I get 1200 a day, plus I walk about 12000-15000 steps - I eat back about 400 of these. So every day I eat 1500-1600. My daily net is on average 1000. I lose well and on the weekend I usually have a day when I net a bit more (about 1600).

    Hope that helps.
  • Jennikitten
    Jennikitten Posts: 142 Member
    Well if I should not be netting so low how much should I eat to lose 2lb a week
    5'7" female 170lb I sit at a desk for work but walk a minimum of 10000 steps per day?

    My stats are a bit different than you (5ft9 and 203lbs) but I do about 10,000-15,000 steps a day I net about 1600ckal (so I eat more like 1800-2200kcal depending on exercise) a day and as long as I stick to this I will lose more than 2lbs a week (mfp would put that at 1lb a week but I don't track my cycle to work).

    You will lose weight if you eat back some of your walking calories and you will probably be more likely to stick with it
  • FullofTrixie
    FullofTrixie Posts: 41 Member
    Well if I should not be netting so low how much should I eat to lose 2lb a week
    5'7" female 170lb I sit at a desk for work but walk a minimum of 10000 steps per day?

    I thought I would weigh in here. I am also 5'7" and 165lb so can be quite a good comparison. I get 1200 a day, plus I walk about 12000-15000 steps - I eat back about 400 of these. So every day I eat 1500-1600. My daily net is on average 1000. I lose well and on the weekend I usually have a day when I net a bit more (about 1600).

    Hope that helps.

    Perfect thank you
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Well if I should not be netting so low how much should I eat to lose 2lb a week
    5'7" female 170lb I sit at a desk for work but walk a minimum of 10000 steps per day?

    I thought I would weigh in here. I am also 5'7" and 165lb so can be quite a good comparison. I get 1200 a day, plus I walk about 12000-15000 steps - I eat back about 400 of these. So every day I eat 1500-1600. My daily net is on average 1000. I lose well and on the weekend I usually have a day when I net a bit more (about 1600).

    Hope that helps.

    Really cause I am 5 ft 7, walk on average 8k pre exercise, average 12-14k a day with exercise weigh 150 and eat on average 1800 gross calories a day net 1400-1500 unless it's an off day and I am too tired to eat.

    I enabled negative adjustments for my jawbone, set my activity level to sedentary and let my Jawbone do what it's suppose to do...when I do "log" exercise it's at 1 calorie.

    If I don't let my weekends derail me like they have been I easily lose 1/2-1lb a week too...
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    I enabled negative adjustments for my jawbone, set my activity level to sedentary and let my Jawbone do what it's suppose to do...when I do "log" exercise it's at 1 calorie.

    Exercise logged in MFP overwrites your tracker burn during that time, so now UP thinks you only burned 1 calorie during your workout.

    If you want your UP or Fitbit exercise to appear in your newsfeed, post it as a status update. That way you get the best of both worlds—an accurate burn + likes.

    MFP has a Jawbone UP Bracelet group:
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I trust my fitbit

    I am also set to sedentary ...2000 or so steps (yes general moseying to the bathroom steps) lets me hit sedentary 1.2x BMR

    Once I hit 10000 I have 450 calories roughly (give or take a hundred)

    I eat every last one

    It has proved to be accurate over the last year of weight loss (52lbs) and maintenance (3 months)

    So I say yes eat them ...and judge weight loss over 8 weeks ..then adjust
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I wouldn't want to lose at 2lbs a week though because my LBM is precious to me...I'd go for 1lb
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    editorgrrl wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    I enabled negative adjustments for my jawbone, set my activity level to sedentary and let my Jawbone do what it's suppose to do...when I do "log" exercise it's at 1 calorie.

    Exercise logged in MFP overwrites your tracker burn during that time, so now UP thinks you only burned 1 calorie during your workout.

    If you want your UP or Fitbit exercise to appear in your newsfeed, post it as a status update. That way you get the best of both worlds—an accurate burn + likes.

    MFP has a Jawbone UP Bracelet group:

    not sure what you mean...if I leave my workout as lets say 200 up adjustment is not as large...if I change it to 1 calorie my up adjustment changes...

    I don't log my exercise mapmyfitness is sync'd into MFP and logs it for me...I then go and change it as i don't trust their burns...for example yesterday I did a two mile 3.5mph walk...mapmyfitness gave me a burn of 208 calories my jawbone gave me a burn of 220 (under the timed activity) so I changed the logged workout to 1 calorie and my Jawbone adjustment in total for the day was 346 calories...for 13k steps...seems to work well as far as the numbers go...