Running HURTS!!

Brandy3827 Posts: 42 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm not one to complain, but if I'm being honest I HATE to run!!

But I REALLY want to change that.

Right now, I can only do 4mph for about a minute... it's that bad, ya'll!

Forget running outside or in public... I'm far too embarrassed! I prefer the treadmill in my garage.

It hurts my knees, my feet, my head, my lungs, and even my breasts! (I have invested in great shoes and bra but I'm a size F)

I really need some encouragement... someone please tell me you started as low as I am and made it to the point that running isn't torture.


  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Try C25K
    It teaches you how to run without pushing you too hard.

    I have asthma and just this morning I was able to jog for a solid three minutes :)
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    using an elliptical tkes away all of the impact... also.... not embarrassing since you dont really bounce :)
  • YMTaylor
    YMTaylor Posts: 230 Member
    I admire your desire to change however my trainer stresses that running is not for everyone! If it hurts that much on a regular basis maybe you aren't meant to be a runner.

    On the other hand if you think you won't be causing major damage then be encouraged. I started out like you, barely running at all I actually started walking 5K's on the treadmill at the gym just to see how quickly I could. I started out being able to walk it in a little under an hour. Two weeks ago I ran the whole thing for the first time and did it in 36:22. My goal is to get it down to 30 minutes. If you keep at it (and aren't hurting yourself) you will see progress.

    Good luck! :)
  • I don't have encouragement, just wanted to say these are all the same reasons why I haven't taken up running myself. I have friends who are runners, and LOVE it, and I always think "I want to do that" cuz it looks...well, like an awesome work out, I guess. And the same friends tell me that it's so much different than walking and I should totally "give it a try." I'm grateful to hear that someone else is having the same thoughts/issues that I have and eager to hear whatever encouraging stories/posts your post generates. (All that to say-thanks for posting this and good luck!!!) :) Would love to see an update from you if you do finally master it...give hope to others like us/me.
  • nikki_zav
    nikki_zav Posts: 320 Member
    I would check out some information on running form. It really is not supposed to be that painful...I promise! I'm halfway through ChiRunning right now. There is a lot of great information about how your body can be used so you can run more efficiently and pain free. And don't be embarrassed to run outside!!! Enjoy the outdoors, nature and the sunshine. I look at running as a great way to get my dose of Vitamin D for the day.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Double bra, take 2 tylenol, google C25k, turn up the jams, tell yourself constantly (I love to run, I love to run, I am going to be a great runner)! That works for me.
  • MereRae
    MereRae Posts: 39
    YES! I was the same way a couple months ago and Saturday I completed RUNNING my first 5K!!! I was super duper proud of myself. I hate(d) running and still have issues with it most days but just start slow and small and work your way up. Each time will get a little easier. Now, I dont have any issues in the boob department really but I do have horrible joints and knees. I take a fish oil supplement and just started a glucosamine vitamin.

    Good luck- you can do it!
  • Solomonre0
    Solomonre0 Posts: 143 Member
    First off, if you don't want to run, don't do it. You can burn just as many calories while walking (it'll just take you a lot longer).

    Second, don't stress about speed. You're just starting you will get better. If you're running 4mph for one minute then that's great! Good for you! There's a lot of people in the world who can do that. So continue doing what you're doing. Maybe walk for 4 minutes then run for your 1 minute, walk another 4 run another 1. Do that for a total of 15 or 30 minutes and you have your exercise in for the day! After a week, try doing 3 minutes 30 seconds of walking and 1 minute 30 seconds of running, see if you can do it. I bet you can! Remember to do baby steps and you'll get there!!
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    i SO agree with you! i have never been a runner, but i THINK i would like to be. i'm trying the c25k now, but the jury is still out... good luck to you!
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    I feel your pain I am a DD! I just don't pay attention to it anymore and I'm starting Couch to 5k today so that I can start running more!
  • rorosaw
    rorosaw Posts: 360 Member
    I second the suggestion to try the C25K (Couch Potato to 5K). I started my weight loss and exercise on January 19. Started the C25K 9-week program that Friday at 233 pounds. I finished the program at the end of March and ran my first 5k in April. To date, I've lost 41 pounds from running and sensible food choices and monitoring my caloric intake. At the beginning it was extremely difficult for me but C2K is great because it gradually works you up in how much you run. I recommend it. Maybe looking back though I may have started trying to lose weight through exercise on the elliptical to mimimize the stress on my hips etc because of my weight. Where I am now, I'm happy I used that program. Tough but doable.

    Good luck to you! If you need support, add me as a friend. No pressure though :)
  • Nichole1981
    Nichole1981 Posts: 65 Member
    I started running a little over a year ago...its something I have never been good at and I wanted a challenge. I did the Couch to 5K is the link:

    Its a great program that has you start off really slow. I would say that running has never been torture for me but it is hard. I did my first 5K this past September and I just completed a half marathon on May 1st now I am signed up for a 10K. I would not say that I love running but it pushes me out of my comfort zone and I like that.

    I would tell you to invest in good running shoes and a good bra but it sounds like you already have. Did you get these items at an actual running store where they fit you? If not, I would recommend going to do that.

    You are going to have some pain starting out b/c your body is not used to the movement (and bouncing) of running. 4mph is not a bad pace to start out at. When I started I was at 4.5mph. I would totally do the Couch to 5K program it will give you a way to track your progress and something to shoot for. Don't overdue it. Keep at a comfortable pace. Always remember push though annoyance don’t push though pain.
  • Peanutmanda
    Peanutmanda Posts: 103
    Bump, Im with you.
  • HJayBee
    HJayBee Posts: 17 Member
    I was the EXACT same way!
    Not anymore

    I talk about it in my blog here:

    I hope it helps!
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I love the Arc machine, doesn't hurt my joints or knees :D
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    I hear you!! My pains were in a different place each time I did the C25K. Outside thighs, inside thigs, side of foot, knee, come on legs, make up your mind! :laugh: :laugh:
    I do love running outside and there is a nice 1-mile bike path behind the township offices where I live.
    It takes time for your body to get used to running. I only do a slow jog and am still on Week 1 of the C25K after two weeks. :blushing:

    ETA: I wear my regular bra and a sports bra over top and it seems to help the girls (I'm a DD).
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Everyone starts somewhere!

    I could only run one minute when I first started in December, and slowly built up to where today I ran a little over 6 miles. :smile:
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    My ladies aren't as big as yours but wearing 2 sports bras really helps me, I hate it when they bounce even a little and this really seems to help. Don't be afraid to go one size down in the sports bra to make them nice and tight to your chest.
  • mustangurl
    mustangurl Posts: 104 Member
    i'm with everyone else...just start out really slow. i am a former smoker and dislocated my knee in high school so i always had issues with that. i kinda do the c25k program, just my own way. i walk for about 5 minutes to get my legs warmed up(that is key to helping with aches and pain IMO) then i do a slow jog unitl i feel like i can't anymore so i start walking again until i catch my breath and start all over. it helps me to set little goals, i run outside in a neighborhood with a sidewalk and side streets so i will say, ok, i'm gonna jog to the next street. and i do that until i can run further and further. i have been doing it for about two weeks now and while it is getting much easier, i have to say i do still have a few aches and pains! my *kitten* and my calves hurt ;) but that is slowly going away as i keep going.
  • stephlake
    stephlake Posts: 105 Member
    I tried running independently and with C25K and it hurt my knees, among other things. So I switched to the elliptical. After 3 months on the elliptical my legs are stronger and I can run without pain. I am on only on week 2 of the C25K program but I can attest that preparing myself with the elliptical has made a world of difference.

    Pain is a way the body communicates injury BUT its also a response to being uncomfortable. Just because it sucks doesnt mean you shouldnt continue. Good Luck!
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