Looking for friends who need to lose 20-40 pounds

I am right around the 25-30 pounds to lose mark. I need friends who are aiming for the same things to help push me through!


  • 57810TKF
    57810TKF Posts: 2 Member
    I am in the same boat. Have been unsuccessful so far. I am using the my fitness pal calorie counter. Maybe having a weight lose buddy will help. So here I am. My name is Teresa.
  • ThinVee
    ThinVee Posts: 77 Member
    Same boat here, doc recommends losing 50 lbs but I'm breaking it into smaller goals of 10% at a time so I stay motivated! Working on a goal right now of 17 lbs. Feel free to add me!
  • faedreams
    faedreams Posts: 6 Member
    I want to lose 25-30 lbs too. I keep falling off track after losing about 5 lbs and gaining some back, so I couldn't definitely use encouragement. I'm Jax.
  • amylaurajoy
    amylaurajoy Posts: 1 Member
    Same boat! Feel free to add me to keep me accountable! Going to make this stick!
  • handabearry
    handabearry Posts: 15 Member
    Added - Sounds like we're in the same boat!
  • Masonsmom009
    Masonsmom009 Posts: 2 Member
    In the same spot! Had a baby almost a year ago and just can't get this weight off! 30 is my goal! Add me!
  • benzieboxx
    benzieboxx Posts: 253 Member
    I want to lose about 40lbs more! You can add me if you like :) I'm always looking for new MFP friends.
  • mxalcaraz
    mxalcaraz Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm Maria. Looking to lose and never find them back 45.8 lbs.
  • Wednesdae71
    Wednesdae71 Posts: 5 Member
    I am right around the 25-30 pounds to lose mark. I need friends who are aiming for the same things to help push me through!

    I have the same goal!
  • BlondieLivesLOUD
    BlondieLivesLOUD Posts: 44 Member
    Added everyone!
  • exoticpumpkin
    exoticpumpkin Posts: 24 Member
    Same boat! Put on about 20# during grad school and need some accountability friends to get it off and keep it off!
  • jequa86
    jequa86 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Erika. I need to lose 20-30 pounds. I lost 5 but can't go any further then that. I fall off track with my diet and exercise. Looking for some support to stay on track. This is my second day with MFP. Let's be pals!!
  • hillbilliesweetpea
    hillbilliesweetpea Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there I am in the same place. I've lost 14 lbs but have about 20-30to go. Please add me I would love to find people who have the same goals as I do
  • Aldo4701
    Aldo4701 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi - add me, more the merrier. I've lost 20 lbs over the last 3 months. I'm about half way to my goal
  • sgmfp2015
    sgmfp2015 Posts: 4 Member
    also in the same boat, need friends, too!
  • Jivestew
    Jivestew Posts: 8 Member
    I'm working on 30 lbs and need the daily accountability otherwise I tend to stray.
  • chronolulu
    chronolulu Posts: 9 Member
    In down 65 lbs since January. I think I'm shooting for another 25. Let's do this!
  • Spazrax
    Spazrax Posts: 8 Member
    I'm the same too! I've been a member of MFP for a few years but until now I haven't explored the potential of making friends to keep motivated - anyone can add me :)
  • nellebelle14
    nellebelle14 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone! I've just restarted MFP again and this time I'd like to find new friends to help with motivation and to share advice! I am 29 yrs. old, 5' 4". My goal is to lose 30 pounds within 6+ months. Feel free to add me
  • KellyLouiseGibson
    KellyLouiseGibson Posts: 175 Member

    I have another 21 pounds to burn. I am highly motivated and I KNOW I WILL DO IT!
  • pencilfull
    pencilfull Posts: 2 Member
    Please add me too. Back on MFP - aim to lose 20lbs - I am 5'4, currently 151lbs at 40 years old. Would be great to have support and chat.
  • NearlyMelaine
    NearlyMelaine Posts: 22 Member
    Hey, 18, 5'6.5, started 26/5/15
    SW: 152 lbs
    CW: 146.6 lbs
    GW: 125ish lbs

    Wanting more friends on here, seeing people's progress and having comments and support really helps me x
    Already added everyone above haha but feel free to add me everyone
  • Tezzi_B
    Tezzi_B Posts: 41 Member
    20 lbs takes me to my ultimate goal weight :smile:
  • BlondieLivesLOUD
    BlondieLivesLOUD Posts: 44 Member
    Added everyone! Let's go peeps!